人教版高中英语必修二学案:Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 3 Language points in Warming up and Reading (II)

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1、Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protectionPeriod 3 Language points in Warming up and Reading (II) 编者:李兴兵 修编:毛彦芳导学目标1. 熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语: certain, contain, affect,appreciate, pay attention to, succeed2. 通过对这些词汇的理解,并运用这些词汇造句。自主合作学习1. certain adj.确定的;某一;一定品味典例:They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of

2、 animals if they paid the farmers. (P26)如果游客付给农民钱的话,他们允许游客猎取一定数量的动物。There is a certain Mr. Smith on the phone for you. 有位史密斯先生打电话找你。I was certain that he had seen me. 我肯定他已经看见我了。归纳拓展: be certain of/about.对有把握,确信 be certain to do sth.确定做某事make certain of/about/that.确定某事 It is certain that.一定能 for cer

3、tainfor sure确定无疑地, certainly adv.当然,确定 certainty n确定,必然的事With careful preparation,he is quite certain of success;that is,he is certain to succeed.由于精心准备,他确信会成功;也就是说,他一定会成功。They started out early to make certain of getting there on time.为了确保准时到达那里他们早早地动身了。【提示】(1)在结构“be certain to do sth.与make/be cert

4、ain of/about/that.”中certain可与sure互换。(2)It is certain that.句型中不能与sure互换。(3)certain表示“某些”,但不明确指出,后接复数名词。a certain等于some,接可数名词单数,表示“某一”。小试牛刀: 判断正误(T/F) We are certain to win the game. () It is sure that the American speed skater Ohno will appear at 2014 Winter Games. () There is certain Mr. Smith waiti

5、ng for you in the office. ()2. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.(P26)它含有一种强效的药物可以预防蚊子。(1) contain vt.包含;包括;容纳;控制;抑制品味典例:The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装10杯水。The pill contains vitamins. 这药片中含有维生素。She was unable to contain her excitement. 她无法抑制内心的激动。易错辨析: contain/incl

6、udecontain可指所包含或容纳的全部内容或某物的成分。主语与宾语不是同一类的东西。include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,常使用“including被包括部分”或“被包括部分included”的结构。Try not to eat food which contains a lot of fat.尽量不要吃含很多脂肪的食物。There are 60 students in our class,including 20 girl students.There are 60 students in our class,20 girl students included. 我们班有60名

7、学生,其中有20名女学生。小试牛刀: 用contain/include的适当形式填空 She couldnt _ herself. The book _50 stories,_ 15 short stories.(2) affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭品味典例:The children were deeply affected by his life story. 孩子们被他的人生故事深深感动了。She is affected with cancer. 她患有癌症。All the people in the room were affected to tears. 屋里的人都感动得流下了眼

8、泪。易错辨析: affect/effect/influenceaffect只能用作及物动词,其含义是“使发生变化”,因此“影响”这一词义还可以引申为“感动,感染”。effect用作名词,着重指影响的“结果”或“作用”。常用于词组have an effect on中,意思相当于affect。effect也可以用作及物动词,但意思完全不同,意为“使发生,产生结果”。influence既可用作名词,也可用作动词,通常指通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响。常用的短语搭配:have an influence on sb./sth.意为“对某人/某事物有影响”。小试牛刀:

9、 选词填空:effect;affect;influence Its all too easy to be _ by our parents. The rain has had an _ on the crops. Her parents no longer have any real _ on her.3. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.(P26)你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生

10、活的。(1) pay attention to注意 attract/draw/catch ones attention引起某人的注意fix ones attention/eyes on/upon.把某人的注意力/眼光集中到上品味典例:Attention should be paid to your pronunciation. 你应该注意发音。She tried to attract the waiters attention. 她设法吸引服务员的注意。The child fixed his attention on the toys. 那个孩子的注意力集中在玩具上。May I have yo

11、ur attention,please?Attention,please!请注意!小试牛刀 完成句子 The boy kept trying to _(引起他妈妈的注意)but in vain. Look at me carefully and _(集中你的注意力于)my movement.(2) appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到品味典例:Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer. 她的才干尚未得到雇主的充分赏识。I appreciated his help when we moved. 我很感激他在我们搬家时

12、给予的帮助。He said he would appreciate it if you could give him a hand.他说要是你能帮他的忙,他会非常感激。归纳拓展:appreciate + n./ pron./ (ones)doing.重视/感激(某人)做某事would appreciate it if.要是将不胜感激 appreciation n欣赏;鉴别;感激【提示】appreciate后面若跟宾从句时,从句之前加it,一样的动词还有hate/love/like/dislike等。小试牛刀: 语法填空 Id appreciate _ if you would like to

13、teach me how to use the computer. None of us appreciate _ (make) fun of in our daily life.4. succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任;继之后;接着发生品味典例:What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?(P27)如果要使野生生物保护得以成功,必须做些什么?Did he succeed in passing the exam? 他考试及格了吗?He met with success in his business. 他在事业上获得了

14、成功。归纳拓展:succeed in (doing) sth.成功完成某事 succeed to sth.继承success n成功 successful adj.成功的 successfully adv.圆满地;顺利地;成功地小试牛刀: 用succeed的适当形式或短语填空After _ his fathers company as president of it _,he _ making the company more _ in its field,which helped to make him a big _ in turn.达标检测根据要求及题意完成下列句子1. Our six-city tour _(包括) a visit to London.2. The container _(装有)many kinds of fruits, apples_(包括在内).3. Once he has made up his mind, nothing can _(影响)his dec


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