人教版高中英语必修5 Unit1 第5课时 Great Scientists 单元练习(教师版)

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1、高中新课标配套测评卷 新课标卷英语必修5卷(一)Unit 1Great scientists学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen leaving school,I was pleased that my exam results meantthatIcouldstudy engineering at university.But I also wanted to travel before starting my course.A

2、 friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society,an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college)It has three foreign journeys a year,taking 1620yearolds on science and nature trips.I love being outdoors,and a mountaineering trip to

3、 Alaska was on offer.So I signed up (报名) immediately.There was one problem,though.I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip.It was a big task,but I managed to make it.I washed cars,worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books,clothes and CDs.Then,just before starting out,I start

4、ed worrying.Can I do this?Am I fit enough?What if I see a bear?Seventy of us traveled to Alaska.The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food.Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain.On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant s

5、pecies.Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high.It was tiring but exciting.Looking back,a gap year was so right for me.I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are.We had to help each other and it made me less selfish.My gap year has also made me more able to concen

6、trate (专心)Now,whenever Im worried about anything,I think I did AlaskaI can do this!21We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author_.Ahadnt taken foreign trips beforeBmade the trip together with his friendsCwas not satisfied with his exam resultsDwas going to study engineering at a college22What was

7、the problem for the author?AHis body was not strong.BHe couldnt afford the trip.CHe had no outdoor experience.DHe had little time to prepare for the trip.23How did the author feel afterwards about his trip to Alaska?AIt was too expensive.BIt was very dangerous.CIt built his courage. DIt was difficul

8、t and boring. 24.What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo explain how to prepare for trips.BTo advise on how to spend a gap year.CTo describe his experience in his gap year.DTo encourage students to do parttime work.BThere have certainly been records that have been hugely popular an

9、d some of those have had a message.Can there be many songs that really did change the world?Did they really change the hearts and minds of ordinary people?Thereisone,Goettingen,which did,but its hardly known now.Even though France and Germany are neighbors,there wasbadfeeling between them 50 years a

10、go as a result of World War .Into this area of hatred and anger stepped a singer with a gentle voice.Barbara was her stage name.She took it from her Russian grandmother.She was born in Paris in 1930.She was Jewish and so a target (目标) for the Nazis.But,twenty years after the end of the Second World

11、War,she travelled to the German city Goettingen.She fell in love with the city and its people and recorded the song Goettingen,first in French and then in German.It moved her German audience at the theatre.The song became a hit.A street was named after her.The city gave itsMedal of Honor to her.The

12、songs popularity made animportant contribution to repairing FranceGermanyrelations.One of the people in the audience was a student by thename of Gerhard Schroeder.He later became Chancellor ofGermany.He said:“I was a college student when she cameto sing.It went to our hearts,the start of a wonderful

13、friendship between our countries.” Listening to the song today,its easy to understand itsattraction then.It is still a beautiful song of love,although itis a bit sad in parts.Barbara had much to be sad about.Shewas extremely frightened by the war.In Germany,she was loved for the love she had givento

14、 the people.In France,she was a star.Streets were namedafter her there,too.A stamp had her face on it.When shedied in 1997,250 thousand people went to the funeral (葬礼)Lionel Jospin,who served as Prime Minister of Francefrom 1997 to 2002,once said:“Barbara was a woman whoknew suffering and understood

15、 the suffering of others.”25The author raises questions in the first paragraph to_.Aintroduce the topicBexpect an answerCcriticize some songs Dsupport his argument26It can be learned from the text that_.ABarbara died in her eightiesBa French city was named after BarbaraCBarbara once appeared on Germany stampsDLionel Jospin believed Barbara was a caring lady27What would be the best title for the text?ABarbara,a great singerBA song that made historyCGermanFrench friendship DAn unknown beautiful song28The text is


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