人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 2 the Olympic games period 5 练习(教师版)

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1、单元检测卷:Unit 2阅读理解A来源:Z&xx&k.ComSport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for youngathletes(运动员). Stress can be physical, emotio

2、nal, or psychological,and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable. The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experi

3、ences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how tocooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters cangreatly affect their children. Youngs

4、ters may take their parents and coaches criticisms to heartand find aflaw(缺陷) in themselves. Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not becomework for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process oflearning the sport and oth

5、er life lessons. In todays youth sport setting, young athletes may beworrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game,many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters performances. Positive reinforcement should be provided re

6、gardless of the outcome. Research indicates thatpositive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.1. An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is _.A. to make sports less

7、competitiveB. to make sports more challengingC. to reduce their mental stressD. to increase their sense of success2. According to the passage sport is positive for young people because _.A.it can help them learn more about societyB.it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselvesC.it enable

8、s them to find flaws in themselvesD.it can provide them with valuable experiences3. According to the passage parents and coaches should _.A.help children to win every gameB.pay more attention to letting children enjoy sportsC.enable children to understand the positive aspect of sportsD.train childre

9、n to cope with stress4. The authors purpose in writing the passage is _.A.to persuade young children not to worry about criticismB.to stress the importance of positive support to childrenC.to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragementD.to teach young athletes how to avoid burnoutBAs

10、 traditional Chineseart, paper cutting has a long history. The first and earliest paper cutting was foundin China 1,500 years ago. But this traditional art is at risk of disappearing now. Luckily, Voyo Woo, a Chinese immigrant(移民)in America, is trying to bring this art back to life. One Saturday in

11、2014, Ms Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington. She got much fun and peace doing it. She hoped more people would enjoy it. Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14-year-old girl in her hometown in China. She said all the students at school had to learn pape

12、r cutting. But she had a deep love for it. So her teacher spent more time teaching her after class. Later, she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition. Ms Woo went to America after she finished collage in 2008. Soon after that, she took part in an activity to promote(宣传)Chine

13、se paper cutting. And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities.“It is important to promote this art to Americans or anyone who is interested in it.Maybe it will make this art more popular.”Woo said. From the art of paper cutting, people can know about Chinese cultural values

14、, history and stories of peoples life. Ms Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it. Chinese art is not only for Chinese, but also for people all over the world.5. What did Ms Woo do in 2014? A. She won the secondprize in a national painting and art compet

15、ition. B. She was invited to many activities to show paper cutting. C. She held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington. D. She took part in an activity to promote Chinese paper cutting.6. Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting . A. when she was fourteen B. after she got to America C. when she was in college D. after she finished college7. In the passage, the writer thinks the art of paper cutting is now. A. very popular in America B. very popular in China C. for people who know about it D. in danger of disappearingCSports are all about change. A te


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