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1、课时训练10Units 1-2(八下)限时:30分钟.语法填空1.2018莱芜改编 Stephen Hawkings story gives me much to face all kinds of difficulties.A.chance B.wealth C.courage 2.2018长沙模拟 My parents never stop going on about how I study hard.A.might B.can C.should3.2018阜康、米泉改编 He often takes time summer holiday with his grandparents.A

2、.to spend B.spend C.spent 4.2018上海改编 Old Mr.Green doesnt feel because some students visit him regularly.A.lone B.alone C.lonely 5.The notice says the sports meeting has been till next week.A.put onB.put downC.put off6.2018呼和浩特改编 The price of vegetables so quickly these days.Oh, no, but I dont think

3、so.A.afford B.rises C.raise7.How are you today?Oh, I as ill as I do now for a long time.A.didnt feelB.wasnt feelingC.havent felt8.The Greens used to live in London and now they in Beijing.A.used to liveB.are used to liveC.are used to living9.What do you think of the movie KungFuPanda?It is exciting

4、I want to see it again.A.so; thatB.such; thatC.enough; to10.2018盐城 These new types of energy cost very little and will never .A.run out of B.come out C.run out .2018长郡二模词语填空As time went by, many things were forgotten.However, I could 11 remember years back during my first day in the 5th grade.I tran

5、sferred(转学)to a local school for boys.I was a new student then.Life was really 12 for my parents because of a higher schooling fee.At school, we were 13 to wear a white shirt with the schools sign on its left pocket that could be bought in the school shops.And at the top of this pocket should be wor

6、n a name tag(标签).This tag was sold at the school 14,too.To 15 added cost, Mom decided to make the tag herself by hand.“This would do, and you can have a try,” she said.“OK, Mom.”I was not ready to wear it.I thought it was different.At school, boys looked at my tag and some 16 it,“Your helper sure di

7、d an ugly job.” And another added, “How strange it is! At least it caught our 17.” I knew it.At first, I tried to cover it and forget it.But at last I understood that it didnt matter if I was different from others who wore the machine-made tags.I realized it should not stop me from doing my best 18

8、we have differences in the culture or economic(经济)situation.What is true is that Mom 19 much time making it possible to give the best for me.I should be 20 of it.And I did.I wore this Mom-made tag for the rest of the school year.11.A.hardly B.clearly C.badly12.A.difficult B.fascinating C.helpful13.A

9、.trained B.warned C.required14.A.playground B.shops C.library15.A.cut B.increase C.divide16.A.made use of B.made friends with C.made fun of17.A.attention B.influence C.expression18.A.even though B.so that C.as if19.A.spent B.cost C.took20.A.patient B.proud C.polite.短文理解Every person has his or her un

10、ique smell. The smell can even be used to tell if you are healthy, according to HowStuffWorks. Diabetes(糖尿病), for example, can make a persons body smell like bad apples. Yellow fever smells like a butcher shop, and liver(肝) disease causes the breath to smell fishy.These smells all have to do with di

11、seased cells(细胞). A diseased cell gives out different chemicals to a healthy cell. As these chemicals change, the bodys smells change, too, especially the sweat, blood and breath.The smells of disease arent new. The real news is about using smells to find disease. For example, a woman in Scotland no

12、ticed her husbands smell was changing. It became more musky(麝香味的) as his Parkinsons disease(帕金森病) got worse. Scientists at Edinburgh University put her nose to the test. They asked her to tell whether a group of people had Parkinsons or not. She thought 12 people had the disease. 11 of them were con

13、firmed at once. Another one got the disease eight months later!If some people can do such an amazing job of smelling out disease, just think what dogs can do. A dogs sense of smell can be 10,000 to 100,000 times sharper than a humans. In fact, dogs are especially good at smelling out a certain cance

14、r. People have done several studies about it. How amazing it is!21.If a person smells fishy, he or she may suffer from .A.diabetesB.yellow feverC.liver disease22.What makes a persons body have smells?A.Diseased cells.B.Healthy cells.C.Blood pressure.23.Which of the following is NOT true according to

15、 Paragraph 3?A.The woman thought 12 persons of the group had Parkinsons disease.B.The musky smell became stronger as the womans husbands disease got worse.C.One person of the group didnt have Parkinsons disease at all.24.What does the underlined word “confirmed” mean in Chinese according to the passage?A.误诊B.证实C.筹备25.The passage mainly talks about scientists are .A.testing different smells of diseaseB.studying how smells can help to finddiseaseC.exploring


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