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2、 4.保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 第卷一、听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)二、阅读理解:共两节20小题,每小题2分,共计40分)第一节:阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)。AMy first impression of Miss Vicki was a highly authoritative (权威的) person towering over me. She spoke in a loud voice and the earth shook whenever she marched. That was in the fir

3、st year of high school. She was a knowledgeable literature teacher then. However, during my first year in school, she struck terror into my heart (使我胆战心惊). And everyone elses of course. Just the mention of her name made the most unruly classes silent.Nevertheless, the two years of junior high passed

4、 by rather quickly. Soon, I went to senior high class. I had worked hard and gotten the subject combination that I wished for. Together with a group of old friends, I soon settled down in class comfortably.To everyones surprise, she was fortunate enough to be my teacher that year. I was shocked when

5、 I heard the news. This time round, however, I decided not to hide in terror whenever she was near. I decided to face the fact that we were going to meet each other for the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard tolick her boots, I tried my best to be my natural self in front of her.Still, I coul

6、d not shake off the ice-cold impression that she put in my heart. True, her jokes sometimes sent me into fits of laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she told them. My lovely class, however, was always ready to laugh at the right time of her amusing stories. After all

7、, we would not want to run the risk of provoking (激怒) her.Unluckily, life was not to remain boring. One day we received news that Miss Vicki was to leaveSingaporefor thePhilippineswhere she would take part in a voluntary teaching program for the poor. We did not know what to say actually. All of us

8、cried at the airport.21. During the first year in school, the author thought Miss Vicki was _.A. proud but patientB. beautiful but strictC. scholarly but seriousD. humorous but single-minded22. What does the underlined phrase “lick her boots” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Win her favor. B. Embarrass her.C.

9、 Argue with her. D. Follow her closely.23. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A. Miss Vicki was a good joke teller.B. Miss Vickis jokes were always boring.C. Students liked Miss Vickis class very much.D. Students pretended to laugh to please Miss Vicki.24. What can we infer about Miss Vicki from the

10、 last paragraph?A. She was dismissed from the school.B. She was not accepted by the students.C. She was unwilling to leave her students.D. She had a strong sense of social responsibility.BFrom the modern London Eyeto the historicTowerofLondon, below areLondons most visited tourist attractions. Many

11、ofLondons top attractions are free, making them affordable places to learn about some culture. Whether you prefer history or modern art, youll find it at one of these must-visit spots.BritishMuseumThe world-famousBritishMuseumexhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times, from around th

12、e world. The most interesting and exciting parts include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures (雕塑) and the mummies in the Ancient Egypt collection. Some exhibitions require tickets.National GalleryThe greatest and most beautiful building ofTrafalgar Square,Londons National Galleryis a vast sp

13、ace filled with Western European paintings from the 13th to the 19th centuries. In this impressive art gallery you can find works by masters such as Van Gogh, da Vinci, Botticelli, Constable, Renoir, Titian and Stubbs. Some exhibitions require tickets.Tate ModernSitting on the banks of the Thames is

14、the Tate Modern, Britains national museum of modern and contemporary (当代的) art. Its unique shape is due to it being a power station before. The gallerys restaurants offer wonderful views across the city. Some exhibitions require tickets.Coca-ColaLondonEyeThe Coca-Cola London Eyeis a major feature of

15、Londons skyline. It has some ofLondons best views from its 32 capsules, each weighing 10 tonnes and holding up to 25 people. Climb aboard for a breathtaking experience, with an unforgettable view of more than 55 ofLondons most famous landmarks all in just 30 minutes!Madame TussaudsAt Madame Tussauds, youll come face-to-face with some of the worlds most famous faces. From Shakespeare to Lady Gaga youll meet influential figures from show business, sport, politics and even royalty. Strike a pose with Usain Bolt, get close to One Direction or receive a once-in-a-lifetime audience with


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