上海重点中学初二下8B-2015学年-静安区-期末测试真题 答案 - 副本

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上海重点中学初二下8B-2015学年-静安区-期末测试真题 答案 - 副本_第1页
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1、2015学年第二学期期末教学质量调研 答案八年级英语所属区:静安区 学校:区统考 Part I Listening (略)Part II Vocabulary and GrammarII. 26-30 CABDA 31-35 CDADD 36-40 DACCB 41-45 CBABAIII. 46-51 GEFCABIV. 52. me 53. monthly 54. produce 55. politely 56. enable 57. explanationV. 58. Ought.to 59. Whose.lead 60. if.could61. A lot of foreign stu

2、dents come to Beijing to further their studies.Part III Reading and WritingVI. A. 62-67 CCCABDB. 68-72 BAACBC. 73. boring 74. save 75. because 76. exit 77. neverD. 78. Because their parents possibly treat them in different ways.79. No, they dont.80. Yes, they do.81. The second-born.82. I think it is great and fun/ pleasant and wonderful. We can share our food and never feel lonely. We can go to school together.


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