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1、通州区 2019 年高三年级模拟考试 英语试卷 本试卷共 10 页 共 120 分 考试时长 100 分钟 考生务必将答案答在答题纸上 在试卷上作答无效 考试结束后 将答题卡交回 第一部分 知识运用 共两节 45 分 第一节 语法填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 5 分 共 15 分 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容填空 在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1 个适当的单 词 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 A I have been to many places as a news reporter In India I visited a city where there were ma

2、ny 1 home children Some were as young as four years old They lived in the streets 2 survived by begging or stealing But then a wonderful lady 3 call Rosa opened a home for them Within one year she was looking after two hundred children She clothed them fed them and taught them She gave them hope 答案

3、1 homeless 2 and 3 called 解析 这是一篇记叙文 文章主要讲了在印度 一位名叫Rosa的女士为无家可归的孩子们开办了一 个避难所 1 题详解 考查形容词 根据They lived in the streets 2 survived by begging or stealing 可知这里意思是在印度 我访问了一个城市 那里有许多无家可归的孩子 该空表示 无家 可归的 修饰名词children 用形容词 所以填homeless 2 题详解 考查连词 句意 他们住在街上 并且靠乞讨或偷窃为生 文中内容是并列关系 所以填 and 3 题详解 考查非谓语动词 句意 但后来 一位名

4、叫Rosa的女士为他们开办了一个避难所 a wonderful lady 和 call之间是被动关系 用过去分词作定语 所以填called B Online shopping 4 welcome by most people due to various reasons For the consumers it can save some time for the people 5 don t have much spare time Just clicking the mouse they can get what they want 6 staying at home For the se

5、llers it can cut some costs for those without enough circulating funds Compared with the traditional trade mode they don t have to spend money in 7 rent a house 答案 4 is welcomed 5 who that 6 while when 7 renting 解析 这是一篇议论文 文章介绍了网上购物 无论对于消费者还是商家 都有诸多好处 4 题详解 考查时态和语态 句意 由于各种各样的原因 网上购物受到大多数人的欢迎 描述主语现 在

6、的状态 用一般现在时 网上购物 和 欢迎 之间是被动关系 用被动语态 所以填 is welcomed 5 题详解 考查定语从句 2 don t have much spare time 是 一个定语从句 先行词是the people 关系词在从句中作主语 指人 所以填who that 6 题详解 考查连词 句意 只要点击鼠标 他们就可以在家里得到他们想要的东西 文中表示 当 时 stay 是延续性动词 所以填while when 7 题详解 考查固定句型 句意 与传统的贸易模式相比 他们不需要花钱租房子 spend money in doing sth 该句型是固定句型 所以填renting

7、C Peter worked 8 a night watchman in a small factory One morning his boss came in with a suitcase He said to Peter I m going to New York tomorrow See you Peter said Oh you mustn t go The factory owner asked him why Peter answered that he 9 have a nightmare the night before In the dream he had seen t

8、he next day s plane to New York crash over the Atlantic Ocean Peter s boss 10 immediate cancelled his ticket and stayed in the office The plane crashed the boss thanked Peter and gave him a big present Then he fired him 答案 8 as 9 had had 10 immediately 解析 这是一篇故事类阅读 文章主要讲了彼得在一家小工厂当守夜人 一天早上 他的老板提着 一个手

9、提箱进来了 他对彼得说明天要去纽约 彼得告诉他不能去 厂主问他原因 彼得回 答说 昨天晚上 他梦到第二天飞往纽约的飞机在大西洋上空坠毁了 彼得的老板立即取消 了他的机票 留在了办公室 飞机失事了 老板谢过彼得 给了他一件大礼物 然后他解雇 了他 8 题详解 考查固定短语 句意 Peter 在一家小工厂当守夜人 work as 担任 以 身份而工作 改短 于是固定短语 所以填as 9 题详解 考查时态 句意 Peter 回答说他昨天晚上做了一个恶梦 that he 2 have a nightmare the night before 是一个宾语从句 主句Peter answered用的是一般过

10、去时 从句要使用 相应的过去的时态 表示发生在 过去的过去 用过去完成时 所以填had had 10 题详解 考查副词 句意 Peter 的老板立即取消了他的机票 留在了办公室 该空修饰动词cancelled 用副词 所以填immediately 第二节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 5 分 共 30 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选出最佳选 项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 Sara don t forget your promise to me that you will mow 割草 Mrs Martin s yard this weekend s

11、aid Dad Don t let me down Sara was the oldest child in the family and one of her chores was to mow their yard Mrs Martin their 11 neighbor was unable to take care of her yard in her 70s so Sara s dad had 12 Sara for this job 13 Mrs Martin s yard was not big Sara knew the job woul d go quickly Howeve

12、r she still disliked her dad s 14 Why didn t you ask me first Sara had 15 Did you ask me first when you volunteered me to be in the school festival last fall asked Sara s father Well no I didn t ask you first 16 you would have done those things anyway You re always 17 to help I 18 when I can Dad ans

13、wered Sara we have known Mrs Martin for a very long time She has often 19 our family Now we can do something for her 20 the feeling you get from helping someone makes you 21 who is really helping whom I don t know Dad said Sara The only feeling I get from mowing our yard is 22 Just you wait and see

14、said Dad After breakfast Sara made her way to Mrs Martin s yard She was good at her job and soon had Mrs Martins yard looking 23 Mrs Martin came outside with a big glass of orange juice and 24 it to her Sara stopped her work and 25 enjoyed the drink while Mrs Martin talked to her about all of the fl

15、owers in her yard Seeing the 26 in Mrs Martin s eyes Sara began to understand how much the yard 27 to Mrs Martin After finishing her drink Sara returned to work with a new 28 A warm feeling began to 29 through her body Her dad was 30 It was hard to tell who was helping whom 11 A strange B new C aged

16、 D faithful 12 A guided B volunteered C ordered D forced 13 A Once B Since C Unless D Although 14 A promise B argument C permission D introduction 15 A replied B suggested C complained D announced 16 A but B so C or D for 17 A proud B willing C afraid D fortunate 18 A choose B succeed C hesitate D try 19 A respected B changed C protected D helped 20 A Besides B Instead C Therefore D Otherwise 21 A imagine B explore C worry D wonder 22 A scared B moved C tired D relaxed 23 A tidy B alive C empty



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