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1、Unit 3 Online tours第三课时Reading(2)基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.Dr Wang came to work in our hospital several(几个) months ago.2.When my mother buys apples,she always picks(挑选) the red ones because they are more delicious.3.It must be hard(艰难的) for the mother to bring up three children on her own.4.We are goin

2、g to take a boat to that island(岛屿) and have a picnic there.5.Travelling to Europe(欧洲) is very expensive,but many rich people choose to go there for a trip.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Youll feelrelaxed(relax) after you take a hot bath.2.The mother found that her son had amusical(music) talent.3.I want to go to

3、 Australia forfurther(far) study.4.Can you tell me some places of interest inAsia(Asian).5.The World Mall is another great placeto visit(visit).按要求完成句子,每空一词1.The website is called “Learning English”.(对画线部分提问)Whatisthe website called?2.There are some hills and lakes in the park.(改为否定句)Therearentanyhi

4、llsorlakes in the park.3.I have been to New York twice.(改为一般疑问句)Haveyoubeen to New York twice?4.Its been famous for its beauty for years.(改为反义疑问句)Its been famous for its beauty for years,hasntit?5.Disneyland is a world-famous theme park.(改为同义句)As a theme park,Disneyland isfamousallovertheworld.根据汉语意

5、思完成句子,每空一词1.八个小时环游世界有可能吗?Is it possible to travel around the worldineighthours?2.在这座小岛的最南端有一个博物馆。There is a museumatthesouthernendofthis island.3.再往前走,你就能看到闻名于世的贸易中心。Furtheron,you can see theworld-famoustrade centre.4.百老汇自20世纪初期以来一直很有名。Broadway has been famoussincetheearlytwentieth/20thcentury.5.每年都

6、有数千人聚集到这里看演出。Thousandsofpeoplegather here to watch the show every year.综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.Itsto work out the problem.Im sure I can do it.A.difficultB.simple C.hardD.useful(D)2.You can use QQ or WeChat to talk with your friends and see them on the screen.Really?!A.Good luckB.CongratulationsC.Enjoy yours

7、elfD.Wonderful(C)3.If you want to open a file,pleasethe icon.A.put onB.hit on C.click onD.touch on(A)4.This kind of tulip(郁金香) the Netherlands ten years ago.A.came fromB.came upC.came outD.came down(D)5.My favourite TVis TellItLikeItIs.I like it too.It often gives me a lot of useful information.A.in

8、structionB.guidebook C.entertainmentD.programme(B)6.When I looked into the room,I found Simon himselfin bed.A.lieB.lyingC.liedD.to lie(A)7.Lady Gaga is famousa singer.A.asB.withC.forD.of(B)8.Some tea was leftthe cup.A.at the bottom toB.at the bottom ofC.at the top toD.at the top of.完形填空Computers are

9、 now as commonly used in business as the telephone.Therefore,its important that people know how to1them efficiently(有效地).Now,you and your whole team are2to do this on your computer in the simplest waytaking our online courses.And then you can learn and practise3yourself.The person4appears on the scr

10、een acts as your teacher,guiding you through the tasks5explaining everything.Then more difficult exercises allow you to practise the things you have6and test your understanding.7courses are excellent valueonly 69.99 pounds.You8save yourself money if you buy the complete collection of seven courses.T

11、his is now available at the retail(零售)9of 410 pounds.You can make a10saving of 10% by ordering the complete collection within the next thirty days.(A)1.A.useB.takeC.borrowD.buy(A)2.A.ableB.sadC.hardD.tired(C)3.A.toB.inC.byD.on(B)4.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whom(C)5.A.orB.butC.andD.for(B)6.A.touchedB.learn

12、tC.feltD.moved(A)7.A.TheseB.EachC.EveryD.Either(D)8.A.mustB.oughtC.needD.can(D)9.A.moneyB.worthC.shopD.price(B)10.A.farB.furtherC.closeD.closer.阅读理解Taobao,Chinas largest online shopping site(网站),has become an important part of Chinese peoples life.Many people spend lots of money on Taobao.A growing

13、number of Chinese Internet users have found the joys of online shopping.Most online shoppers are students or young people.More women shop online than men.Clothing and home-use products are the most popular online.It was reported that trillions(万亿) of yuan was spent on online shopping last year,most

14、through Taobao.Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese.People can find almost everything they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.You may question the security of online shopping,but people think its very safe and convenient(便利的).Unless you receive the products fr

15、om the sellers and are satisfied with them,the shop owners will not get the money.You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.(B)1.What do Chinese Internet users spend lots of money on?A.Clothes and books.B.An online shopping site.C.Travelling.D.A shopping mall.(A)2.Most online shoppers are.A.young peopleB.old peopleC.babiesD.women


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