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1、1 陕西省西安市第七十中学2013 2014 学年八年级英语 12 月月考试题 无答案 人教新目标版 全卷满分100 分 考试时间70 分钟 一 单项选择 10 分 1 What is John going to be when he up A grow B is going to grow C grows D to grow 2 She is young go to school A so that B too to C too that D enough to 3 Is there at the meeting A anything important B everything impor

2、tant C important anything D something important 4 Their house is than A more bigger ours B much big ours C a lot bigger our D a little bigger ours 5 does he the sitcoms He likes it A What like B How think C What think of D How like about 6 Do you think an English film tomorrow evening A is there B t

3、here is going to be C there is going to have D will there be 7 He can do he wants to do when he finishes his homework A that B this C what D it 8 When is she piano lessons A goes to take B going taking C go to take D going to take 9 I can only speak Chinese now and I want to learn foreign language A

4、 another B the other C other D the others 10 Jim believes there will be trees and pollution in 20 years A more fewer B more less C fewer less D less less 二 完形填空 10 分 I think the world will be an easy place to live in We 11 have machines and robots and they will 12 us do all the 13 jobs and we don t

5、have to do things 14 washing dishes and 15 the bed Maybe we won t have any dishes at all We will just throw the dishes away after each meal I 16 that doctors will be able to 17 us alive for a long time I hope that 18 I am 70 years old there will be 19 to keep me alive for 20 70 years old So I will l

6、ive to be 140 years old 11 A will B could C would D won t 12 A let B help C make D hear 2 13 A good B easy C same D boring 14 A like B as C about D for 15 A putting B moving C make D making 16 A see B find C hope D ask 17 A think B keep C learn D believe 18 A as B if C when D after 19 A something B

7、anything C everything D someone 20 A other B the other C more D another 三 阅读理解 25 分 A Dear Anna Thanks for your letter You asked me about my plans for the future Let me tell you about it First I will finish high school Then I will go to college and study to be a doctor I won t get married r ight awa

8、y because it takes a long time to become a doctor I want to help sick people I m going to learn a lot about illness Maybe I will find a treatment for cancer 癌症 I ll be famous and I will become very rich After I become a successful doctor I ll get married I want to marry an interesting person For exa

9、mple my wife might be an artist We will have a wonderful life together I think we will have one or two children Doctors get paid quite a lot So I think we will have a nice house We will travel a lot I want to visit Australia Europe and Africa Are these plans or dreams Do they sound crazy to you Writ

10、e soon and tell me about your plans Your friend Jerr y B Which color do you think will be popular in the future Some think blue will be popular because blue means peace and kindness Everybody in the world hates war Blue will make people remember to keep the world peaceful Other people think green is

11、 the color of nature Now the evironment problem is very serious People in the world are thinking more about the evironment 3 When people wear green clothes they will keep the environment in their hearts and try to make the environment better Yellow will be another popular color Why will it be popula

12、r People are very busy these days because they have a lot to do Yellow is a soft color and it can make people relaxed Most people think black will be the most popular color It always looks cool and men often show off their social positions 社会地位 by using this color 26 People think blue means A war B

13、nature C peace and kindness D good luck 27 Why do people like yellow A Because it means wealth B Because it looks cool C Because it is the color of the sun D Because it makes people feel relaxed 28 The underlined words show off in the last paragraph mean A 代表 B 展示 C 炫耀 D 说明 29 What does the passage

14、mainly talk about A Colors and good luck B Colors and the environment C Popular colors in the future D How to keep the world peaceful C Cross the Roads Every day some people are killed while they are crossing the roads Most of these people are old people and children Old people are often killed beca

15、use they can t see or hear very well Children are killed because they are not careful They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads A car or a bus can t stop quickly If a car is going very fast it will travel many meters before it stops Some people don t always understand this They thin

16、k a car can stop in a few meters It s difficult to know how fast a car is moving The only way to cross the roads safely is to look both ways right and left Then if the roads are empty you can cross them 30 What kind of people are often killed when crossing the road A Young people B Older people C Little children D The old and the young 31 Old people are often killed in traffic accidents because A they are able to see B they are able to hear C they can see and hear very well D they can t see and


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