牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 6 Culture time,Checkout time&Ticking time优秀教案

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1、年 级六学 科英语课 题Unit6 An interesting country总课时4第 4课时主备人来源:学_科_网参备人来源:Zxxk.Com教学内容Culture time & Checkout Time 、Ticking time教学目标1. 能正确完成checkout time 练习,能正确理解和运用一般将来时。2. 通过查找资料,了解一些国家的名胜景点和风俗文化。3能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。教学重点能正确运用will句型讨论将会发生的事情。教学难点能正确运用will句型讨论将会发生的事情。预习作业找出自己感兴趣的一些国家的著名景点,并完成介绍。

2、学 习 活 动 设 计个人再探索Step 1.吸引注意,积累语言-Weekend is coming. What will you do this weekend?-I will .Step 2.导出目标,生成结构- How does Mike/ Wang Bing/ Liu Tao /Yang Ling know about Australia?-Who can say something about Australia?Step 3.回忆相关知识,初步运用结构组织学习Culture time1、-Do you know something about the other foreign c

3、ountries?2 组织学生读Culture time,使其了解其他有关国家的名胜Step 4.呈现材料,活用结构1 组织完成Read and write2 Check the answers.3 Read this part.Step 5.引发期待行为,强化结构组织学习Think and say1 教师示范和板书,引导学生交流-Boys and girls, Ill do many things tomorrow. First, Ill . . Then, Ill. .Please talk about it in two. What will you do tomorrow?2 Writ

4、e a passage. 来源:学科网ZXXKStep 6.提供反馈评价,巩固结构组织完成Ticking time1、学生四人小组开展评论1 Can you say anything about Australia? Please say something .2 can you use”will” to talk about the future? Please say something” What will you do tomorrow?3 Do you know the sound of “air” ? Please say some words.Step7.Homework来源:学+科+网1、写my plan for this weekend板书设计审核意见教学反思第 2 页


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