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1、高等学校教材师范院校英语专业用书Book 3全部翻译答案Book 3Unit 11、 汉译英1、 日语语法使他伤透了脑筋。The Japanese grammar is a bother to him. 2、 老师发现她有音乐天赋。The teacher discovered her to be gifted in music.3、 这台精密仪器是我们厂生产的。This sophisticated instrument was made in our country.4、 我们深切地关注这些问题。They are very seriously concerned about the probl

2、ems.5、 物价水准是公众所关心的问题。The price level is always a matter of public concern.6、 我不能为这点小事去麻烦他。I cant bother him with my trivial problems.7、 他经商三年,现在已经变得非常老练了。Three years business life has made him a very sophisticated man.8、 这些收藏家给我们看了一些他的最新发现。The collector showed us some of his lastest discoveries.2、 段

3、落翻译李小冬在大学里是一位腼腆的男孩,每次回答老师的问题时,总是怯场得连说话的声音老师都听不见。同学们都为他担心。但是,五年教学工作的锻炼已让他彻底变了样。他已经成为一位非常有经验的教学工作者。在前不久的一次招聘中学校长的面试中,他向完全有专家教授组成的面试委员会详细地讲述了自己如何办好学校的设想,受到委员会的赞赏,结果面试非常成功。Li Xiao-dong used to be a very shy boy in the university.Asked to answer the the teachers questions,he would be so frightened that h

4、is voice was almost inaudible to the teachers.His classmates all worried about him.However,five years teaching work has changed him completely.He has now become an experienced educator.Not long ago at an application interview for the position of a middle school principal,he explained in detail how t

5、o run a school well to the interview committee,which was exclusively made up of experts and professors.His ideas were greatly appreciated by the committee and the interview turned out to be very successful.Unit 21、 汉译英1、 我猜想他是在恭维女房东。I guess he was just flattering his landlady.2、 汤姆有访华的殷切愿望。Tom had a

6、 passionate desire to visit China.3、 他从山顶上俯瞰了城市的全貌。He surveyed the whole city from the top of the mountain.4、 他自以为能讲一口地道的英语。He flattered himself that he spoke perfect English.5、 她为我们作了很精彩的艺术表演。She staged a very artistic performance in our honor.6、 我没有意识到这些画的艺术价值极高。I was not conscious of the high art

7、istic value of these paintings.7、 史密斯先生对音乐有一种特殊的激情。Mr.Smith had an extraordinary passion for music.8、 这位警察写了一份有关该地区犯罪情况的调查报告。The sergeant made a survey of crimes in this area.2、 段落翻译张良是一位技术娴熟的青年画家,他对艺术有一种特殊的情感。他运用色彩、把握基调的技术很高,以致于他的人物油画让人感到声息可闻;他的花草作品似乎散发着阵阵幽香。有机会欣赏到他作品的人都会为他这样的高超技术赞叹不已。不过,张良本人从不满足自己

8、的成绩。Zhang Liang is a skilled young painter with special affections for art.His skills in the use of colors and hues are so great that the people he paints look like those of flesh and blood man with life and breath and the flowers and grass in his paintings seem to be sending forth fragrance.Those w

9、ho have an opportunity to appreciate his paintings cannot help admiring his artistic achievements.However, Zhang Liang himself is never satisfied with what he has achieved. Unit 31、 汉译英1、 我倾向于他的观点。I inclined to share his opinion.2、 她感到集邮其乐无穷。She derived great pleasure from stamp collection.3、 大辞典往往提

10、供词条的词源。A big dictionary often gives the derivation of words.4、 他为开会迟到找了个借口。He invented an excuse for being late for the meeting.5、 他总是夸耀他在学校的学业。He is always boastful about his achievements in school.6、 他吹嘘说自己从来没有输过棋。He boasted that he had never lost a game in playing chess.7、 这消息倒让我不想马上就出发了。The news

11、 did not incline me to set off at once.8、 在发明火药之前,人们常用弓箭打仗。Before the invention of gunpowder,bows and arrows were often used in battles.2、 段落翻译人们对工作各有各的想法。有些人不求实际地追求不合适自己的工作,其结果可能成为人生的悲剧。另外一些人则认为知识只能在少年时期学就,就业后再学新行业就太晚了。其实,如果你尝试不同的工作,你会真正了解每项工作的利弊,最终找到一项既使你感兴趣又能为社会服务的好工作。Different people hold differ

12、ent views of their jobs.Some people are tempted to shoot too high.They would try very hard to find themselves entirely unsuitable jobs which might turn out to be disasters in their life.Some other people tend to believe that people learn only in their teens and imagines themselves too old to take up

13、 any new calling after they get their first jobs.As a matter of fact,if you try different kinds of jobs,you will be able to know both advantages and disadvantages of each job.At length you are most likely to find a job that will not only give you much fun but also serve the public. Unit 41、 汉译英1、 她并

14、没有理解他话中的微妙含义。She did not comprehend the subtlety of his remarks.2、 四年级小学生是理解不了这首诗的。The poem is beyond the comprehension of fourth-grade pupils.3、 这次旱灾没把他们的庄稼干死真是奇迹。Its really a miracle that their crops have survived the drought.4、 这位老人是唐山大地震的幸存者之一。This old man was one of the survivors from the great

15、 earthquake in Tangshan.5、 那两个孩子正在全神贯注地读雷锋的故事。The two children were absorbed in reading the stories about Lei Feng.6、 工人们已决定同资方就工资问题举行谈判。The workers have decided to negotiate with the management about their wage claims .7、 我们想心平气和、通情达理地通过直接谈判解决争端。We want to settle the dispute calmly and sensibly by

16、direct negotiation.8、 在任何黑色物体都能吸收照射到它上面的大部分光线。Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall on it.2、 段落翻译小时候,我相信要听大人的话,做个好孩子。后来,我慢慢地意识到,有时他们说的和做的不是一回事。很久以后,我才看到他们在许多事情上的虚伪表现。最使我讨厌的是他们总是担心我不如他们那样小心,不能像他们那样正确地判断情况。其实,小孩子听从教诲,更受榜样的引导,信任和鼓励对他们来说比不断的叮嘱和严厉的惩罚更有效。I was positive as a young boy that I should listen to


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