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1、水杯模具设计专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化学 生:陈洪振 指 导 教 师:高征兵完 成 日 期:2012年5月22日扬州大学广陵学院摘 要近年来,我国的模具发展迅速,尤其是塑料模具提出了越来越高的要求,最近几年,塑料模具在整个模具行业所占的比例上升到30%左右,相信在未来的时间里,中国塑料模具工业还将保持年均增长速度达到10%以上较高速度的发展,国内塑料模具市场以注塑模具需求量最大。将来注射模具发展的方向向更精密、更高效、复合和多功能、更大型、更精密、更复杂、更绿色及更经济的方向发展,模具产品的技术含量将不断提高,模具制造周期将不断缩短。注射成型是塑料成型的一种重要的方法,它主要适用于热塑料的


3、tract. In recent years, Chinas rapid development of the mold, especially the plastic mold of the increasingly high demand, in recent years, the plastic mold in the mold industry the proportion of up to 30% jobs, I believe in the coming years, China plastic mold industry will maintain an average annu

4、al growth rate of more than 10% high speed development, the domestic market to plastic mold injection mold greatest demand. The future development direction of injection mold to more sophisticated, more efficient, complex and multi-purpose, larger, more sophisticated, more complex, more green and mo

5、re economic development, mold the technical content of the product will continue to improve, the manufacturing cycle of the die will shorten ceaselessly.Plastic molding injection molding is an important method, which is mainly applied to the thermal plastic molding, molding can be a simple or comple

6、x precision plastic parts. This topic is the cup as a design model, the injection mold related knowledge as the basis, elaborates the design process of plastic injection mold. Introduction to the structure of plastic parts plastic parts shape, material selection, and the structure process of plastic

7、 products, injection molding machine equipment composition classification and specifications.This paper introduces in detail the cup injection mold design, from product structure manufacturability analysis, the specific structure of the mold, mold cavity parting surface, cavity number, as well as to

8、 molds gating system design, analysis and calculation of molding parts, mold guide mechanism design, the introduction of institutions, the use of EMX (mold design expert ) for mold design, finally the3D modeling using Pro / Engineer DWG file is transferred out of a map.Key words: Injection molding;

9、injection machine; Pro/Engineer; EMX (formwork design expert)目 录摘要Abstract 第一章 绪论 1.1模具及模具工业的发展与现状11.2塑料成型模具及分类11.3注射模具的发展趋势1第二章 塑料成型工艺2.1塑料制品的结构和工艺性能设计2 2.1.1塑件结构形状22.1.2塑件材料选择22.1.3塑料制件的结构工艺性22.2塑料注塑成型32.2.1注塑成型工艺过程42.2.2塑料成型工艺参数52.2.3注塑成型特点82.3注塑成型设备82.3.1注塑机机构组成82.3.2注塑机的工作过程92.3.3注塑机的分类102.3.4注

10、塑机的基本参数112.3.5注塑机的型号规格13第三章 水杯注射模设计3.1注射模具分类及典型结构14 3.1.1注射模分类143.1.2注射模典型结构143.2水杯模具的结构设计163.2.1分型面位置的确定163.2.2型腔数量的确定173.2.3浇注系统设计173.2.4成型零件设计193.2.5合模导向机构设计213.2.6推出机构设计223.2.7模具温度调节系统设计233.2.8标准模架的选用243.3注射模具与注射机的关系243.3.1选择注塑机253.3.2最大注射量的校核263.3.3注射压力的校核263.3.4锁模力的校核273.3.5模具高度与注射机闭合后高度关系的校核2

11、73.3.6开模行程的校核273.3.7推出装置的校核273.3.8喷嘴的校核28第四章 水杯模具三维设计4.1 Pro/Engineer功能描述计294.2水杯三维造型及其模具设计294.2.1水杯三维294.2.2水杯模具设计294.3模架设计314.3.1定义模具模架314.3.2设计浇注系统324.3.3设计脱模机构334.3.4设计限位机构344.3.5设计顶出机构344.3.6设计冷却系统354.2.5动画模拟开模36第五章 小结与展望5.1小结375.2展望37参考文献 38致谢39附 录40第一章 绪论1.1模具及模具工业的发展与现状在模具工业的总产值中,冲压模具约占50%,塑料模具约占33%



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