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1、酒店常用英语词汇 语句介绍 一 酒店服务 时尚英语 Reserving a Room 预订酒店房间 电话 H Hotel G Guest H George s Hotel 这儿是乔治酒店 G I d like to reserve a room 我想预订一间房间 H When for Sir 先生 什么时候要用 G This weekend 这周末 H Thank you Just a moment please 谢谢 请等一会儿 H Front desk sir 总台接待员 先生 这儿是总台 G I want a single room with bath next Saturday 我下星

2、期六要一间有浴室的单人房 H Hold on please 请等一下 A few seconds later 几秒钟以后 H We ll have it ready for you sir 先生 我们会为您准备好房间 G Fine 好 H May I have your name and phone number sir 先生 请问贵姓和电话号码 G Yes my name is XinHua Zhou and the number is 我名叫周新华 电话号码是 Inquiring about the Hotel Charges 询问酒店费用 电话 H Operator George s H

3、otel Can be of any assistance 接线生 乔治酒店 请问有什么贵干 G Yes I d like to find out about the room charges 我想了解住房费用 H Just a moment sir I ll put you onto reservations 先生 请等一会儿 我替您接订房部 H Reservation Clerk Reservations Can I help you 订房部员工 订房部 请问有什么事可以效劳 G Yes could you tell me the rates for your rooms 您可以告诉我 你

4、们房间的收费率吗 H Yes It s 350 to 550 dollars for a single 550 to 750 for a dou 3 19 ble for a twin 可以 单人房收费350 550元 双人房收费550 750元 G I see I am visiting your city in April How soon should I make a reservation 我明白了 我打算在 4 月份往贵市 我应提早多少时候订房 呢 H Well the sooner the better If you ve made your schedule why don t

5、 you book the room now 那么 越早越好 如果您已拟定您的旅游计划 您何不现在 订房 Making a Hotel Reservation 订房 电话 G Hello 喂 H Operator Green s Hotel Can I help you sir 接线生 费尔蒙酒店 先生 请问有何贵干 G Yes I d like to make a reservation 我想订房 作者 冷啸寒回复日期 2005 6 8 10 40 00 H Thank you I ll connect you with our reservation clerk 谢谢 我替您接我们订房部职

6、员 G Thank you 谢谢您 H Reservation Clerk Hello reservation office Can I help you 订房部员工 订房部 请问有什么可以效劳 G Yes I d like to reserve a double room with bath for November twenty first and twenty sixth 我想预订一间有浴室的双人房 供 11 月 21 日和 26 日住宿 H Just a moment sir I ll check and see yes that can be arranged Your name p

7、lease 先生 请等一下 我要查查看 是的 可以安排那样的房 间 请问贵姓 G Yes my name is Wang Lin 我名叫王林 H Thank you very much Mr Wang 谢谢您 王先生 Confirming a Hotel Reservation证实已订房间 电话 H Operator Greatwall Hotel 接线生 长城酒店 G Reservations please 5 19 请接订房部 H Thank you Just a minute sir 谢谢 先生 请等一下 H Reservation Clerk Reservations Can I he

8、lp you 订房部员工 这里是订房部 请问有什么事可以效劳 G Yes I d like to confirm my reservation This is Wang Lin from Hong Kong I ve reserved a double room for January second 我想确定我的订房结果 我是从香港来的王林 我已经预订 一间供 1 月 2 日入住的双人房 H Yes Mr Wang We have your reservation from Hong Kong We ll be expecting you on January second Thank you

9、 何先生 我们已接到您从香港打来的订房电话 我们期待您 1 月 2 日光临 多谢惠顾 Changing A Hotel Reservation 改变订房日期 电话 H GreatWall Hotel Can I help you 长城酒店 我能帮您吗 G Yes I d like to cancel my reservation and make a new reservation My name is Wang Lin and I have made a reservation for January tenth but is it possible to change it to the

10、twelfth With the heavy snow up here my car has broken down 我想取消我原来的预订 并作新的预订 我名叫王林 我订 了 1 月 10 日的房间 但有没有可能把日期改到12 号 由于这里 下雪 我的汽车损坏了 H Yes just a minute while I check our record Mr Wang Yes it is possible to change it to the twelfth Thank you Mr Wang 好 请等一等 我查一查我们的记录 王先生 行啊 可以 把订房改到 12日 王先生 谢谢您 G Tha

11、nk you 谢谢 Ordering Breakfast through Room Service at the Hotel 在酒店客房服务部预订早餐电话 H Room Service Hello Room Service 客房服务部 喂 客房服务部 G Hello May I order my breakfast for tomorrow morning 喂 我可以预订明天早上的早餐吗 H Yes Sir What time would you like to have it sir 可以的 先生 请问您想什么时候吃早餐 G Can you make it at 8 00 你们能在八点钟准备

12、好吗 H All right sir What would you like to have 可以 先生 您想要些什么 G Well pineapple juice bacon and eggs toast and a pot of 7 19 coffee 我要菠萝汁 火腿和蛋 烤面包和一壶咖啡 H All right Anything else 好的 还要别的东西吗 G That s all My room number is 604 不要了 我房间的号码是604号 H Thank you sir 谢谢您 先生 作者 冷啸寒回复日期 2005 6 8 10 42 00 Ordering Lu

13、nch 订午餐 H Hello Room Service 喂 住房服务部 G Hello I d like to order my lunch 喂 我想订午餐 H All right sir 好的 先生 G I ll have a tomato and lettuce salad a tomato omelet 我要一份番茄和生菜沙律 一份番茄心蛋卷 H Our omelet is served with green vegetables 我们的蛋卷是配有青菜的 G I d like a salad too 我也喜欢沙律 H Yes sir What kind of dressing 行 先生

14、 您要哪一种调味品 G Oil and vinegar please 请给我油和醋 H Do you want any rolls 您要面包吗 G Yes and a pot of coffee please 要 再给我一壶咖啡 H All right six Anything else 好的 先生 还要别的东西吗 G No that s all 不要 就这些了 H May I have your room number please 请问您的房间号码 G 504 504 504 504室 H Thank you sir 谢谢您 先生 9 19 G Thank you 谢谢 Attendanc

15、e Service 接待与服务 W Waiter G Guest W Did you ring sir 是您按铃吗 先生 G I wish to turn on the light where is the switch 我想要开亮那一支电灯 请问开关在哪儿 W There is it beside the wardrobe 那里就是了 在衣橱的旁边 G By the way you might have my things sent up here 顺便说一句 请您把我的东西搬到这儿来 W Certainly sir 好的 先生 W What would you like for start

16、ers sir 首先上什么菜 先生 W How would you like your steak done sir 牛排怎么做好 先生 G Medium for everyone except me I d like mine underdone 其他几位的都煮半生熟就行了 只有我的例外 我喜欢煮得 生一点的 W Yes sir How about a little soup before the steak 在吃牛排之前 要来点什么汤吗 G Let us have some vegetable soup and some nice crisp toast please 给我们弄些菜汤吧 再拿些松脆的烘面包来 W And to follow 接下去要些什么呢 G Let me see Oh some oysters please 让我想想 哦 请来些生蚝 W With pleasure sir Would you like a drink before your meal 很好 先生 饭前要喝些什么酒 G Bring us a bottle of gin 给我们来一瓶杜松子酒吧 W



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