(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅱ

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《(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅱ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅱ(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Section Reading and Thinking 课时作业 一 完形填空 A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest like the forests we now find in Malaysia and Thailand As more and more 1 came to live in Hong Kong these trees were cut down and burnt Now there is no forest left 2 there are still some areas cover

2、ed with trees We call these 3 Elephants tigers monkeys and many other animals used to live in the 4 forests of Hong Kong and there were even crocodiles in the 5 and along the coast When people came to live in Hong Kong the animals began to 6 out Early farmers grew rice and kept pigs and chickens in

3、the valleys They 7 the trees and burnt them They needed fires to keep themselves 8 in the winter to cook their food and to keep away from dangerous animals Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough 9 for them So did most of the wolves and tigers Monkeys squirrels and many other anim

4、als soon died out in the same 10 You might think that there are 11 any animals in Hong Kong except in the 12 You might think there can t be any wild animals in such a 13 place with so many cars and buildings But there is 14 a good deal of countryside in Hong Kong and New Territories and there are st

5、ill many different kinds of animals living there One of the most interesting 15 in Hong Kong is the barking deer 赤鹿 They are beautiful little creatures with a rich brown coat and a white patch under the tail They look like deer but they are much 16 They are less than two feet high The male barking d

6、eer has two small horns but the female has none They make a 17 rather like a dog barking Barking deer live in thick shrub 灌木 country and are very good at 18 They eat grass and shrubs mainly in the very early morning and late afternoon and evening This is when you are most likely to see one but you w

7、ill need to be very quiet and to have very 19 eyes In Hong Kong the barking deer has only one 20 man Although it is illegal people hunt and trap these harmless little animals As a result there are now not many left There are a few on Hong Kong Island but none in the New Territories 篇章导读 本文是一篇记叙文 作者描

8、述了香港生态环境的变迁 人类的活 动造成各种野生动物的消失和灭绝 虽然还有少量的野生动物 但人们几乎见不 到它们 1 A people B children C ladies D women 答案 A 由空格后的 live 可确定此处指 很多人来此居住 2 A as B since C though D because 答案 C 根据空格前后的语意 现在没有森林 和 还有一些地区由树木 覆盖 可以看出前后语意为转折关系 故选 though 3 A desert B shades C fields D woods 答案 D 由空格前的 there is no forest left 以及 the

9、re are still some areas covered with trees 可知这样的地方应称之为 树林 4 A thin B thick C short D dying 答案 B 由语境可以看出 此处是描述香港在人类到来之前森林繁茂的景 象 thick forest 茂密的森林 5 A rivers B hills C sky D mountains 答案 A 由前文的 crocodiles 以及空格后的 along the coast 可知 鳄鱼应 该生活在河里 6 A die B look C come D get 答案 A 由于人类的出现 香港从前的样子被破坏了 动物也开始灭

10、绝 die out 灭绝 消失 7 A put up B looked after C cared for D cut down 答案 D 由前后文可以看出 人们来到香港后 这里的自然环境开始遭到 破坏 树木被砍伐 put up 建造 树立 张贴 look after 照看 care for 喜欢 照顾 cut down 砍倒 8 A cold B cool C warm D hot 答案 C 根据空格前的 needed fires to keep themselves 可以看出 人们砍伐 树木是为了在冬天能够生火取暖 9 A air B food C water D clothes 答案 B

11、 由前后文可以看出 大象很快消失 因为它们没有足够的食物可 以吃 10 A way B road C street D rail 答案 A in the same way 以同样的方式 11 A never B always C no D no longer 答案 D 由该段后半部分 But there is and there are still many different kinds of animals living there 可以看出前后文为转折关系 由此可知此处句意为 你可能认为香港不会再有动物了 12 A zoos B shops C kitchens D parks 答案 A

12、 动物园里自然还是有动物的 13 A free B busy C big D large 答案 B 由空格后的 with so many cars and buildings 并结合实际情况可以 看出 香港是一个繁忙的城市 14 A no more B nearly C still D hardly 答案 C 由对该句内容的理解可知 虽然香港原来的自然环境遭到了一定 程度的破坏 但香港仍然有许多郊区 仍旧有很多种动物生活在那里 15 A animals B plants C fishes D birds 答案 A barking deer 是一种动物 故该空应选择 animals 16 A g

13、reat B larger C smaller D heavier 答案 C 由空格后的 They are less than two feet high 可以看出 赤鹿个头 并不大 17 A noise B voice C song D living 答案 A 由空格后的 rather like a dog barking 更像是犬吠 可以看出此处在 描写赤鹿的叫声 noise 可指声音 而 voice 强调 人的嗓音 18 A barking B eating C planting D hiding 答案 D 由后文的 you will need to be very quiet and

14、to have very 19 eyes 可知 赤鹿非常善于躲避其他生物 隐藏自己 19 A common B sharp C clear D big 答案 B 由于赤鹿非常警觉 所以 要看到它们就必须有敏锐的眼睛 20 A neighbor B brother C enemy D friend 答案 C 由后文的 people hunt and trap these harmless little animals 可以看出 人类是赤鹿的天敌 阅读理解 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals RSPCA is lau

15、nching a new campaign called Hay Fever which aims to teach rabbit owners how to W1P1 correctly feed their rabbits Many rabbit owners wrongly take Bugs Bunny s advice and feed their rabbits improper diet according to the British animal charity Rabbits do not naturally eat W2 root vegetables such as c

16、arrots nor do they naturally eat lettuce 莴苣 the charity said The charity said that people were using these foodstuffs as major parts of a rabbit s diet when in fact they can cause health problems Just 8 of owners knew how to correctly feed their rabbits according to the statistics This might explain why 11 of rabbits are suffering from tooth decay and a P2 further 11 from digestive problems according to the research at the University of W3 Bristol commissioned 委托 by the RSPCA We want all pet rab


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