2019-2020学年外研版英语选修六培优教程练习:Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section Ⅱ

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《2019-2020学年外研版英语选修六培优教程练习:Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section Ⅱ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年外研版英语选修六培优教程练习:Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section Ⅱ(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Grammar 动词的 ing 形式作状语 课前自主预习 例句 体验 1 Having worked for two days Steve managed to finish his report on schedule 工作了 2 天之后 Steve 设法按时完成了报告 2 When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile she stood rooted to the ground wondering whether to stay or leave 当那位职员看到了一张善良 满是皱纹又带着歉意的微

2、笑的脸时 她呆呆地 站在那里 考虑着是走还是留 3 There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland staring at the night sky 没有比仰面躺在草地中央凝视着夜空更惬意的事情了 4 Not knowing which university to attend the girl asked her teacher for advice 由于不知道上哪所大学 那个女孩向她的老师征求意见 5 Finding the course very difficult she

3、 decided to move to a lower level 她发现这门课程非常难 决定转学一门较低水平的 课程 6 Hearing the good news the children went wild with joy 听到这个消息 孩子们欣喜若狂 7 His father died leaving him a lot of money 他的父亲去世了 给他留下了一大笔钱 8 Though working hard he couldn t earn enough money to pay off his debt 尽管努力工作 他也不能挣到足够的钱还清债务 9 Not knowin

4、g what had happened she was puzzled 不知道发生了什么事 她迷惑了 10 Having finished the letter he folded it and put it into the envelope 写完信后 他把信折起来装进了信封 课堂合作探究 语法 讲座 一 基本原则 1 动词的 ing 形式作状语时 ing 形式和句中主语应有逻辑上的主谓关系 即动词的 ing 形式的逻辑主语应与句子的主语保持一致 2 在意义上可表示原因 时间 方式 伴随 结果 条件等 这时它相当 于一个状语从句 3 它的位置比较灵活 可以置于句首 句中或句末 有时用逗号分开

5、 有 时也不用 一般来说 用作原因 条件时 常位于句首 用作方式 结果 伴随 状语时 常位于句末 4 当动词的 ing 形式的主语与句子主语不一致时 我们可以用 ing 形式的独 立主格结构 独立主格结构可以在句中作时间状语 条件状语 原因状语 伴随 状语等 二 基本用法 1 作原因状语 Being so angry he couldn t go to sleep 因为太生气了 他无法入睡 2 作时间状语 Putting on his clothes Bill went out in a hurry 穿上衣服后 比尔匆匆出去了 3 作方式 伴随状语 She came into the hous

6、e carrying a lot of books 她捧着许多书走进了那座房子 All the students sat in the classroom waiting for their new English teacher 所有的学生坐在教室里 等着他们的新英语老师 4 作结果状语 He dropped the glass onto the ground breaking it into pieces 他把玻璃杯掉在地上摔成了碎片 5 作条件状语 Turning to the right you will find the path leading to the park 向右拐 你会

7、发现通往公园的小径 三 含有动词 ing 形式的简单句和由从属连词引导的状语从句之间的转化 Turning around When she turned around she saw an ambulance driving up 她转过身 看见一辆救护车开了过来 Seeing nobody at home Because she saw nobody at home she decided to leave them a note 看到没人在家 她决定给他们留一张便条 Keeping trying If you keep trying you ll succeed sooner or lat

8、er 一直努力 你总有一天会成功的 注意 作结果 方式 伴随状语的分词短语 能改成并列谓语 The old man died leaving nothing but debts The old man died and left nothing but debts 老人去世了 除了债务什么也没有留下 表结果 She sat at the desk reading a newspaper She sat at the desk and read a newspaper 她坐在桌旁看报纸 表伴随 They came into the classroom singing and laughing T

9、hey came into the classroom and sang and laughed 他们唱着笑着来到了教室 表方式 四 动词的 ing 的否定形式 一般式 完成式 1 动词的 ing 的否定形式是在其前面加 not Not knowing what to do she turned to him for help 由于不知道该做些什么 她向他求助 2 动词的 ing 的一般式表示与句子的谓语动词同时发生 而完成式则表示先 于句子的谓语动词发生 He hurried home looking back as he went 他匆忙回家 边走边往后看 Having lived the

10、re for years I know it very well 由于在那儿住了多年 我对它很熟悉 课堂 总结演练 单句语法填空 1 walk along the valley we came across a large cave 答案 Walking 2 I ran out of the house shout 答案 shouting 3 not recognize the voice he refused to give the person his address 答案 Not recognizing 4 The children went out of the school talk

11、 and laugh 答案 talking laughing 5 The fish can eat a man in a few minutes leave only the bones 答案 leaving 句型转换 1 As soon as Jane arrived at this laboratory she got down to work at this laboratory Jane got down to work 答案 On arriving On her arrival 2 While he was walking along the river he sang a song

12、 in English along the river he sang a song in English 答案 While walking 3 After he finished reading the letter he went on to write a reply reading the letter he went on to write a reply reading the letter he went on to write a reply 答案 After finishing Having finished 4 That car was caught in a traffi

13、c jam thus it caused the delay That car was caught in a traffic jam the delay 答案 thus causing 5 Because he didn t know what to do he decided to ask the teacher for advice what to do he decided to ask the teacher for advice 答案 Not knowing 6 Though he knew the truth he remained silent to stay out of t

14、rouble the truth he remained silent to stay out of trouble 答案 Though knowing 7 Being poor he was quite generous to his needy friends he was quite generous to his needy friends 答案 Although he was poor 8 The three young girls stood under the tree and they laughed and talked merrily The three young gir

15、ls stood under the tree and merrily 答案 laughing talking 演练通关提升 夯实 基础知识 单句语法填空 1 eat at the cafeteria before Tina didn t want to eat there again 答案 Having eaten 2 The star walked out of the stage wave her hands elegantly to her crazy fans 答案 waving 3 Not receive a reply he decided to write again 答案 h

16、aving received 4 The secretary worked late into the night prepare a long speech for the president 答案 preparing 5 My good friend Rose went to the party with her husband expect a happy evening of wine food and song 答案 expecting 6 When I was little my mother used to sit by my bed tell me stories till I fell asleep 答案 telling 7 separate for many years the two old sisters still recognized each other at once 答案 Having been separated 8 taste good the food was sold out soon 答案 Tasting 9 Tom got to the h


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