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1、2013年广东省公共科目考试大学英语培训复习题Vocabulary and Structure ()1.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way, I cant _his actions at all.A.count onB.contribute withD.account for2.The young men of the present day are_my comprehension.A.outB.beyondC.withinD.under3.Take a(n) _supply of food,for we shall be

2、gone all day.A.ampleB.manyC.variableD.extreme4.In his cheerful and easy-going nature, Jim_ his father rather than his mother.A.takes upB.takes overC.takes inD.takes after5.A basic two-hour first aid course would _you to deal with any of these happenings.A.assignB.supplyC.applyD.equip6.There has been

3、 a recent _in that country towards part-time employment.A.featureB.trendC.actionD.character7.Dr.Smith was once on the _of the hospital near our college.A.staffB.employeesC.employersD.employment8.My_reaction was to take a couple of rapid steps backwards.A.possessiveB.instinctiveC.efficientD.effective

4、9.Because he was very poor,he couldnt _to rent this flat.A.spendB.affordC.feelD.think10.They dont want to _their house,in which their family have lived for withB.dispose ofC.cope withD.treat with11.The risks of the investment were close to _.A.noB.notC.zeroD.nothing12.“Can we take

5、 our cameras into the milsellm?” “No, it is_.”A.out of the questionB.out of no question13._ my hand ,please!A.Let offB.Let downC.Let outD.Let go of14.Have you any _in this medicine?A.trustB.beliefC.faithD.conviction15.He asked me to lend him a hand, but I was not in a _to

6、help him at that time.A.postB.situation C.positionD.place16.Whom would you rather have _with you, Henry or Helen or me? goB.gone C.goingD.go17.Wealthy _he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things.A.asB.if C.thoughD.however18.American music _its own style by mixing black African m

7、usic and white European music.A.grewB.held C.madeD.evolved19.How many hours will you _the community service a week?A.spend forB.adjust to C.apply toD.devote to20.He finished his homework _.A.on his his own his his own21.Can you tell me _a fast-food restaurant nearby ?A.whether i

8、s thereB.what there isC.that is whereD.if there is22.Ill let you know as soon as he _.A.arrivesB.will arriveC.arrived D.has arrived23.Ezebel ,the Portuguese teacher,gets along very well, spite of she dosent speak ChineseB.despite she doesnt speak ChineseC.although she does not speak ChineseD.

9、for she does not speak Chinese24.The boat,_with passengers, left the port early that morning be loadedC.was loadedD.loaded25._we have finished the homework, we shall start doing some handwriting.A.AlthoughB.UntilC.Now thatD.Unless26.They completed the work quite early,_.A.but didnt do

10、 it very wellB.neither did they do it very wellC.not do it very well ,eitherD.nor they did it very well27.Theres _at the door .Can you go and see who he is?A.anyone B.someoneC.some bodyD.anybody28.Youd better not _this when you _with her .A.menioned.are talkingB.mention.will talkC.mention.are talkin

11、 mention.talk29._the material could stand the test is still a question.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhetherD.Because30.Im not sure which attend have lecture have lecture inD.having lecture in31.The poor old man_graves since he was twenty.A.had dug B.has been

12、 digging32.Uncle Sam_us all about his experiences during World War II.A.used to tellB.used to tellingC.was used to tellD.uses to telling33.The sun is so far away_it is impossible for us to measure it in miles.A.asB.and soC.that that34._he was poor, he didnt give up hope for life.A. SinceB.If C.

13、Ever since D.Even if35.Dry ice is quite different from ordinary ice, _is simply frozen water.A.itB.whichC.that D.this36.Id rather _at school this summer vacation .A.not stayB.not to stayC.not stayingD.dont stay37.lets begin our discussion , _?A.dont weB.shall weC.will you D.dont you38.can you tell m

14、e _you like better, this one or that one?A.whatB.whomC.whoD.which39.Dry ice is _cold that, if you touch it with your bare fingers,it _you.A.very.burnsB.such.will used to be a peach tree there, _?A.didnt thereB.used there C.did there D.wasnt there41.It was the longest film I have ever seen ,it_three hours.A.lastedB.stayedC.finishedD.completed42.We were so late we_had time to catch the train.


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