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1、Lesson23 24 givesomebodysomething给某人某物 givesomethingtosomebody which哪一个 此处 one 是代词 代替前文中提到的盒子 即此处one box 下文中的 one 与此相同 Thisbox No notthatbox 1 Sandy Givemethatboxplease Sue 2 Sue Whichbox Sandy Thisone 3 Sandy No notthatone Thebigblueone 4 Sue What sinit Sandy Sandy Openitandsee 5 Sue Oh 6 Sandy It

2、saJack in the box Lesson24 Givemethatcup Whichcup Thebigwhiteone Givemethatumbrella Whichumbrella Thebigblackone Givemethathat Whichhat Thesmallgreyone Givemethatcat Whichcat Thebigyellowone Giveme please 请给我 Whichone 哪一个 The 形状 颜色 one 比如 Thebigblueone Summary Exercise 一 补全单词并翻译成汉语 1 th ck2 th n3 b

3、x4 umbr ll 5 c t6 d g二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Give I thatboxplease Sue 2 Comeon me side 3 Whatnationalityis him 4 Lookat he 5 Open you desk 三 选择 1 Give thatboxplease Sue A IB meC my2 Whichbox thebigoneorthesmallone A oneB aC the3 It sa 玩偶盒 A JackintheboxB JackC Jack in the box4 What init A isB areC not5 She s American A 不填B aC the Classisover Seeyounextweek


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