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1、高科技 High technology 重要性 状语从句 1 尽管有的时候会和父母争论 但我仍然感谢他们 although 2 如果你不知道这个单词的意思 去查字典 if 3 从新疆来的学生喜欢待在我们学校 因为这里的每个人对他们都很友好 because 4 虽然 Louis 这次只获得了银奖 但是他仍然对未来更加自信 though 5 金星 Venus 旋转 rotate 得非常慢 结果金星上的一天实际上比一年更长 so that 答案 1 Although I sometimes argue with my parents I am still thankful to them 2 If

2、you don t know the meaning of the word look it up in the dictionary 3 The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone here is friendly to them 4 Though Louis got only silver medal this time he was still more confident about the future 5 Venus rotates very slowly so that a day

3、 on Venus actually lasts longer than a year Write composition in at least 60 words according to the situation given 根据所给情景写一篇短文 字数不少于 60 个词 Situation Suppose your class are having a discussion about what kind of pen friend you would like to have Please write about your opinion s and give reasons 假设你

4、们班正在进行一场讨论 主题是关于希望拥有怎样的笔友 请谈谈你的想法和理由 注意 文中不得出现任何姓名 校名及其他相关信息 否则不予评分 2015 普陀二模 审 Read 根据作文题目中所给提示 可将文章的标题定为 Pen friend 再根据提示细节 假设你们班正在进行一场讨 论 题是关于希望拥有怎样的笔友 请谈谈你的想法和理由 即可将书写方向定为 1 我想要拥有 品质 性格的笔友 2 理由是 同样 按照传统作义的三大段 附加结尾 3 友谊 朋友的重要性 我希望 写 Write 根据之前所讲写作步骤 作文题目一写作框果一添加素材一初稿 Step 1 作文题目 初稿 写作框架 开篇 中间 结尾

5、素材 三 可进行如下书写步骤的拆解 1 What kind of pen friend do you want to have 2 Why do you want to have this kind of pen friend 3 Conclusion 开篇 I want to have a pen friend with 中间 The reasons are 结 尾 Friends are very important to us I hope Friendship is 接下来 我们需要思考 涉及到朋友类话题时可以运用哪些词汇句式 才会使文章的内容变得丰富 词汇大搜罗 名词 1 attit

6、ude 95 2 case 239 3 character 255 4 face 532 5 friend 620 6 life 868 7 pen 1101 8 person 1109 9 secret 1331 10 sun 1478 11 world 1704 动词 1 believe 146 2 call 220 3 can 224 4 choose 257 municate 309 6 get 650 7 grow 673 8 have 695 9 keep 819 10 make 912 11 need 999 12 should 1365 13 stand 1438 14 wri

7、te 1710 形容词 1 happy 688 2 honest 729 3 important 763 4 necessary 998 5 right 1277 6 sad 1300 副词 1 also 2 always 51 3 sometimes 1415 4 together 1552 四 连接词及短语大搜罗 表时间 When as while 表转折 But yet while however 表层次 firstly Secondly thirdly 表因果 So thus therefore as a result 运用以上单词 连接词以及句式 就可以在已写出的文章框架 开篇 中间

8、 结尾 的中心句基础上 添加必 要的写作素材 从而形成文章的初稿 如下 初稿 Pen friend We all believe that friend is very important to us When we are happy they are happy however when we are sad they are also sad They always stand by us In most cases we get along with friends by communicating with each other face to face But sometimes

9、we also make friends by writing to them so we called them pen friends H appears what kind of character should a pen friend have Firstly to he honest is necessary Secondly positive attitude to life is also needed Thirdly a good pen friend should be a person who can keep secrets for us The sun is nece

10、ssary to the world and the friend is also important to a person Choose the right person to be your pen friend and grow up together 美 Beautify 根据之前所讲写作步骤 初稿 包装句子 则可发现 文章在句式方面出现了如下问题 初稿 Pen friend We all believe that friend is very important to us When we are happy they are happy however when we are s

11、ad they are also sad They always stand by us In most cases we get along with friends by communicating with each other face to face But sometimes we also make friends by writing to them so we called them pen friends However a question appears what kind of character should a pen friend have Firstly to

12、 be honest is necessary Secondly positive attitude to life is also needed Thirdly a good pen friend should be a person who can keep secrets for us The sun is necessary to the world and the friend is also important to a person Choose the right person to be your pen friend a together 六 1 单纯使用宾语从句 2 单纯

13、使用时间状语从句 词汇过下简单 3 百大基型 4 五大基本型 2 5 五大基本句型 3 6 单纯使用特殊疑问句 7 单纯使用定语从句 8 五大基本句型4 句意表达不清晰 根据以上问题 可将初修改成如下版本 根据以上问题 可将初稿修改成如下版本 准终稿 Pen friend 1 It goes without saying that friends 2 carry much weight in our life They are3 the ones that can 4 share joys and sorrows with us 5 which means 6 no matter what h

14、appens they will always be there In most cases we get along with friends by communicating with each other face to face But sometimes we also make friends by writing to people 5 whom we call pen friends However 6 here comes a question 7 that is what kind of characteristics do you think a pen friend s

15、hould possess Firstly honest personality is a must Secondly positive attitude to life is also needed Thirdly 8 a good pen friend should never be a person who can t keep secrets for us 9 As the saving goes A person without a friend is like the world without the sun Choose the right person to be your

16、pen friend and grow up together 以上修改过程 主要用到了以下单词及句型 七 超纲词汇大搜罗 1 sorrows n悲病 悔恨 2 characteristic n 性格 特色 特征 3 Possess v 有 学握 4 personality n 人品 人格 高分句式大搜罗 固定句式 It goes without saying that 译为 毋由置疑 考点链接 原句 There are about 2 700 different languages in the world English is one of the most important and is used as an international language of communication 新世纪教材八年级第二学期Unit1 Lesson1 替换为 It goes without saying that English is one of the most important languages in the world and used a language of commun


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