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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福阅读背景:Bird on a Wire摘要: 托福资料下载的小编为大家整理了一些有关托福阅读考试的机经背景,可以帮助大家更好的来备考托福阅读,多涉猎各类托福阅读文章类型!让我们一起来学习托福阅读背景吧 !托福 阅读背景:Bird on a WireHave you ever wondered why birds arent (1)electrocuted(使触电致死) by the currents(电流) that flow through high-voltage power lines(高压电线)? Find out on this Moment of Sc

2、ience.Its not unusual to see lines of birds (2)perched(栖息) on power lines. But did you ever wonder why birds arent electrocuted by the enormous currents that flow through these high-voltage wires?You might think its because the wires are (3)insulated(绝缘的), but theyre actually not insulated at all th

3、ats why downed(击落的) power lines are so dangerous. No, the only reason why birds on power lines usually arent electrocuted is because the wire is the only thing theyre touching!Like all energy, electricity seeks (4)equilibrium(均衡,平衡), or balance. That means electricity will flow from high-energy area

4、s to areas of less energy, always using the path of least resistance(阻力最小的方向). So if the bird has one foot on our original wire, and the other foot on, for example, the ground or on a different wire with less voltage, the bird would be electrocuted. Because the electricity would pass through the bir

5、d on its way from the high-voltage line to the lower-voltage line or the ground.But as long as both of the birds feet are on the same wire (or wires of the same voltage), the bird is safe. The current doesnt have anywhere else to go, so the electricity wont pass through the birdit stays on the path

6、of least resistance, the wire.This would work for humans, tooif you were to hang suspended from one of these wires, you wouldnt be electrocuted, as long as you didnt get too close to anything else, like a lighter or a telephone pole(电话线杆) or the ground. But dont try this experiment at home! If you w

7、ant proof, just look up at the birds on the wires!Notes:(1)electrocute ilektrkju:t vt. (美) 以电椅处死;使触电致死1.Dont touch that wire, youll electrocute yourself.别碰那根电线,你会被电死的。2.The electrocute and disintegrate videos show it pretty well.瓦解之光和电刑的动画很好的显示了这一点。(2)perch p:t n. 高位;栖木;杆 vt. 栖息;就位;位于;使坐落于 vi. 栖息;就位

8、;位于1.A lady was walking to work when she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store.有一位女士在步行去上班途中,看见一只鹦鹉栖息在一间宠物店前面。2.To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperbergs undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch.为了演示,佩珀堡的一个大学生助手贾斯廷,指导格里芬和亚历克斯跳到高处工作架上去.以上就是小编为大家整理的“ 托福阅读 背景:Bird on a Wire”部分内容,更多资料请点击托福资料下载频道! 相关推荐:托福口语task1-2机经预测三(大陆)托福口语和写作机经预测四托福口语task1-6机经的整理相关字搜索: 托福阅读背景


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