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1、(满分:100分 时间:45分钟)一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句中所缺的单词。(每小题1分,共10分)1. Tina is always n when she has a test , so she usually gets bad grades .2. The boy is so s that he can carry the heavy box .3. My bike is broken . Mark o to lend his to me .4. His father became b in the accident . He couldnt see anything .5. Ple

2、ase be quiet ! The boy is s now .6. The children all jumped with _ (高兴)when they heard the good news .7. Im the most hard-working in our class , but my parents always _ (督促)me to study harder .8. They decided _ (筹集)the money by having a concert .9. I like my neighbors , so our _ (关系)are getting bett

3、er and better .10. The _ (主人)of the house is a woman from the US .二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)1. To _ (1)surprise , the little girl can sing so many songs .2. We were _ (excite)about the idea of having the party .3. Are there any bad _ (feel)between the two boys ?4. Would you mind _ (open)the door

4、? Its too hot in the room .5. Do you know the _ (important)of this question ?6. I will never forget your _ (kind)to me .7. Jack will make a plan as soon as he _ (finish)his work .8. Peter was tired and he _ (lie)down on the bed .9. We dont need any help . We can finish the work by _ (we).10. To help

5、 you do the job well , well give you some quick _ (train).三、单项选择。(每小题3分,共30分)( ) 1. Could you please _ the lights ? Its too dark .A. not turn offB. not to turn offC. dont turn offD. to not turn off( ) 2. _ ! Its not the end of the world . Lets try again .A. Put upB. Get upC. Cheer upD. Pick up( ) 3.

6、 I like playing computer games . But you _ spend too much time on them .A. shouldntB. wontC. needntD. cant( ) 4. Could I _ your book , Jack . Sorry , I _ it to Amy .A. lent ; borrowB. lend ; borrowedC. borrow ; lentD. lent ; borrowed( ) 5. Shall we go now ? No , lets wait _ the rain stops .A. untilB

7、. whenC. ifD. as( ) 6. You look so tired . Why dont you _ a rest ? Sounds good !A. stop havingB. to stop havingC. stop to haveD. to stop to have( ) 7. Hey , Kate , you werent at home at eight oclock last night . Oh , I _ in the library when you called me .A. was readingB. will readC. readD. is readi

8、ng( ) 8. This supermarket _ people _ fresh vegetables and fruit .A. provides ; forB. offers ; toC. provides ; withD. offers ; with( ) 9. Though I like _ in the new city , I dont feel _ because I have many old classmates here .A. alone ; aloneB. lonelyC. alone ; lonelyD. lonely ; lonely( ) 10. _ ? I

9、have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything .A. How are youB. What can I do for youC. Can I help youD. Whats the matter with you四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(每小题3分,共15分)1. 这个苹果对我来说太大了。让我切一部分给你。 The apple is too big for me . Let me _ _ a part for you .2. 李小姐买入了一辆新汽车,花光了她所有的钱。 Miss Li bought a new car and

10、_ _ _ all her money .3. 老师把新书分发给所有的学生。 The teacher _ _ new books to all the students .4. 我的手表坏了。我会叫王叔叔修理它。 My watch doesnt work . Ill ask Uncle Wang to _ _ _ .5. 请记住在仔细考虑之后做决定。 Please remember to _ _ _ after thinking carefully .五、句型转换。(每小题3分,共15分)1. Why dont you ask your parents for help ?(同义转换) _ _

11、 ask your parents for help ?2. Anna was so careless that she didnt find the mistakes in her homework .(改为简单句) Anna was _ careless _ _ the mistakes in her homework .3. Lucy stayed up late so that she could finish the work on time .(改为简单句) Lucy stayed up late _ _ _ finish the work on time .4. Should I

12、 lie down and rest .(作肯定回答) Yes , _ _ .5. Could you please tell me how to improve my spoken English ?(作肯定回答) Certainly , I _ .六、补全对话(有两项多余)(每小题2分,共10分)A: Hi , Molly . Wheres your brother Larry ? I thought he would join us .B: Hi , Kathy . Im sorry . 1. _ He is working late tonight .A: Oh , Larrys wo

13、rking late again .B: Yeah , he is .A: I see I really dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night . 2. _B: Oh , I disagree with you . Teenage boys never get tired .A: Well , maybe . 3. _B: Thats true . He needs time to do homework .A: And you know , Molly he really should cut his

14、hair .B: Oh , I dont know . 4. _A: Yes , I do . It doesnt look clean . And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring .B: Hmm I disagree . I kind of like it . It looks cool .A: You know another thing that worries me . 5. _B: Yeah , I know . I think he shouldnt work on weekends .A. Do you think its too long ?B. Larry cant join us after all .C. I think teenagers should go out


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