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1、NounClause名词性从句 名词性从句 Nounclause 种类 考点归纳 拓展 巩固练习 请判断出下列的句子属于哪种从句 WhatIwanttodoistakingabath Thenewsthattheywonthegamespreadthewholeschool Idon tthinkheisanhonestboyThefactisthathestolethecar Doyouknowthefactthathestolethecar Doyouknowthemanwhoisstandingoverthere Itissaidthattheywonthegame 主语从句 同位语从句

2、 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 定语从句 主语从句 主语从句 1 Thathewillcomeiscertain 2 Whethersheiscomingornotdoesn tmattertoomuch 3 Whenshewillcomebackisnotknownyet 主语从句较长时 多放在句子后部 用it作形式主语 其主要的句型有 1 It be 形容词 that从句 Itisnecessary important obviousthat 2 It be ed分词 that从句 Itisbelievedthat 人们相信 Itisknowntousallthat 众所周知 3 It

3、be 名词 that从句 Itisapitythat 遗憾的是 Itisasurprisethat 令人惊奇的是 Itisafactthat 事实是 4 It 不及物动词 that从句 Itappearsthat 似乎 Ithappensthat 碰巧 Itoccurredtomethat 我突然想起 主语从句中的 主谓一致 1 主语从句通常被看作一个整体 主句的谓语动词用单数形式 Thattheywillcome certain 2 What引导主语从句时 主句谓语动词的单复数由表语的单复数决定 Whathewants thesebooks Whathewants somewater 注意

4、is are is 宾语从句就是在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句 通常放在主句谓语动词 及物动词 介词之后或形容词之后 这类形容词常见的有sure certain glad pleased happy afraid surprised satisfied等 1 Shedidnotknowwhattheyweretalkingabout 2 Shealwaysthinksofhowshecanworkwell 3 Iamafraid that I vemadeamistake 宾语从句 作动词的宾语 作介词的宾语 作形容词的宾语 宾语从句中的 时态呼应 与 否定转移 若主句谓语动词为think co

5、nsider suppose believe expect guess imagine等 其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义 一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上 从句谓语用肯定式 例如 Hetoldmethathe hisjob 已经完成了工作 时态呼应 否定转移 Ithinkhewon tcomehere Idon tthinkhewillcomehere hadfinished 注意 Mymumtoldusthattheeartharoundthesun moves 宾语从句中用it作形式宾语 1 WethoughtitstrangethatXiaoWangdidnotcomeyesterday 注

6、意 如果宾语从句后边还有宾语补足语 则用it作形式宾语而将宾语从句后置 如 2 Hehasmadeitclearthatanyonewhobreaksthelawistobepunished Exercises it 作形式主语或形式宾语 1 Ihate whenpeopletalkwiththeirmouthsfull A itB thatC theseD them2 Ifeel strangethatheshouldbesocareless A B itC thatD how3 Itworriedherabit herhairwasturninggrey A whileB thatC if

7、D for4 isafactthatEnglishisaninternationallanguage A ThereB ThisC ThatD It A B B D 在复合句中作主句的表语 出现在连系动词be appear seem look等之后 引导词有连词that that不可省 whether 代词有who what which 副词when where how why等 表语从句 1 问题是我们和他已失去联系 2 这就是他想要的 3 天看起来要下雨了 Theproblemis Thisis Itlooks thatwehavelosttouchwithhim whathewants

8、asifitisgoingtorain 引导表语从句的引导词还可以because as asif asthough 在句中起同位语的作用 一般放在名词fact news idea promise thought suggestion order truth information等之后 用以说明或解释前面的名词 引导词有连词that 不能省 少数情况下也可用连接副词等 如 1 Thenewsthegameisthatwemonexciting 2 Thefactthatsheworkshardiswellknowntousall3 Ihavenoideawhenshewillcomeback

9、同位语从句 1 Theywanttoknow dotohelpus A whatcantheyB whattheycanC howtheycanD howcanthey 2 SomeoneisringingMary Goandsee A whoisheB whoheisC whoisitD whoitis 3 Canyoumakesure thegoldring A whereAlicehadputB wherehadAliceputC whereAlicehasputD wherehasAliceput B C I 语序问题 考点归纳 D 归纳 在名词性从句中必须采用陈述语序 II 用if或

10、whether填空 1 Idon tknow I llbefreetomorrow 2 Idon tknow ornotI llbefreetomorrow 3 Thequestionis thisbookisworthwriting 4 Itdependson wewillhaveenoughmoney 5 theycandoitmatterslittletous 6 youarenotfreetomorrow I llgowithoutyou whether if whether whether whether Whether If a 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 介词后面的宾语从句只

11、能用 不能用if b 后面紧跟ornot时 用 归纳 whether whether III that与whether if的选择 1 knowledgecomesfrompracticeisknowntoall WhatB WhereC IfD That 2 Itmakesnodifference oursportsmeetwillbeheldthisweekornextweek A thatB eitherC whetherD when 3 Idoubt hewillcomesoon 4 Idonotdoubt hewillcomesoon 5 Doyoudoubt hewillcomes

12、oon D C whether if that that 表示是否时用 表示肯定时用 归纳 whether if that 连接代词whoever whatever whichever可引导名词性从句 相当于anyonewho anythingthat等 翻译为 无论 他们也可以引导让步状语从句 相当于nomatterwho what which 1 breaksthelawshouldbepunished V what whowhich及加ever的区别 Whoever Anyonewhobreaksthelawshouldbepunished 2 Nomatterwhobreaksthel

13、aw heshouldbepunished 试区分以下句子 Doyouknowthefactthathestolethecar Doyouknowthefactthattheyweretalkingabout 注意 1 that作为关系代词可以引导定语从句 充当句子成分 在从句中作宾语时可以省略 引导同位语从句时 没有实际意义 不充当句子成分 一般不能省略 同从 定从 拓展 回顾 做题时应注意的知识点为 1 怎样判断名词性从句的类型 2 连词that和what的用法与选择 3 whether和if的区别 4 同位语从句和名词性从句的区别 5 名词性从句必须采用陈述语气 6 it可以充当形式主语

14、和形式宾语 7 词尾加 ever的连词和不加 ever的连词的语义和用法的区别 1 Thequestionis thefilmisworthseeing A ifB whatC whetherD how2 Theyreceivedorders theworkbedoneatonce A whichB whenC D that3 Thereason Ihavetogois mymotherisillinbed A why whyB why becauseC why thatD that because C C D Consolidation 4 Ican tunderstandis shewan

15、tstochangehermind A What whyB Which howC That whyD What because5 hisdreamofgoingtocollegewillcometrueisuncertain A ThatB WhetherC IfD Evenif6 Itisknowntous wherethereispollution thereisharm A whichB whereC whatD that D A B 7 Ihavetheinformation A ofwhathe llcomesoonB thathe llcomesoonC ofthathe llco

16、mesoonD hiscomingsoon8 Isawyourneighborbreakyourwindowwithabasketball itmademenearlymad A ThathebrokeB WhathebrokeC HebrokeD Hisbreak B A 9 Itremainsaquestion wecangetsomuchmoneyinsuchashorttime A howB thatC whenD what10 CanIhelpyou Yes doyouknow A whencomesthebusB whenwillcomethebusC whendoesthebuscomeD whenthebuscomes A D 11 Hemadeapromise anyonesethimfreehewouldmakehimveryrich A thatB ifC whatD thatif12 Theylosttheirwayintheforestand mademattersworsewas nightbegantofall A what thatB it thatC


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