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1、1 必修五Modules 1 3 综合技能测试 本卷分第 卷 选择题 和第 卷 非选择题 两部分 满分130 分 考试时间120 分钟 第 卷 选择题共 95 分 第一部分 基础知识运用 共两节 满分45 分 第一节 单项填空 共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 从 A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 2013 衡水质量检测 Traffic restrictions 限制 had come into effect in Guangzhou to improve the air quality and traffic situation A in order th

2、at B in an attempt C at an attempt D in a hurry 答案 B in an attempt to do sth 意为 为了做某事 是固定短语 相当于 in order to do sth 2 2013 云南一检 The policeman s traffic directions made all the drivers quite A confused confused B confusing confusing C confusing confused D confused confusing 答案 C confusing常用来修饰物 意为 令人迷

3、惑不解的 confused 常用来修饰 人 意为 人 感到迷惑不解的 3 2013 温 州 二 模 Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job but you will learn a lot from it A Comparing B Compared C Having compared D Compare 答案 A compare with 意为 把 与 进行比较 根据句子结构可知此处 应用动词的 ing形式作主语 而且表示一般情况 所以答案为A项 4 2013 甘肃兰州一中高三期中 Thank you for t

4、he great difficulty you have had me with my designing work A helping B to help C with helping D to have helped 答案 A 分析句子结构可知 该题考查have difficulty in doing sth 结构 the great difficulty后面为省略了that 的定语从句 因此应选动名词形式作宾语 5 2013 福州五校模考 Social networking is an important factor business success A devoting to B a

5、ppealing to C attaching to D leading to 2 答案 D devote to 意为 致力于 献身于 appeal to 意为 呼吁 恳求 attach to 意为 属于 依附 lead to 意为 导致 带来 根据句意判断应选D项 表示 社 交网络是带来业务成功的重要因素 6 2013 南昌二模 A terrible earthquake happened there the people are still suffering A from their effects B of which effects C of its effects D from w

6、hose effects 答案 D suffer from意为 受 之苦 所以此处应选D 项构成非限制性定语从 句 表示 人们仍然还在遭受着的地震遗留影响的痛苦 7 Unemployment in some western countries is on the increase A growing number of young people are finding themselves out of work A in case B in short C in particular D in total 答案 C in case意为 以防 万一 in short意为 简言之 in part

7、icular 意为 尤其是 特别是 in total意为 总共 根据句意判断应选C 项 表示 尤其 是大量的年轻人 8 2013 绵阳二诊 The position however you are applying is not quite a well paid one A that B for which C which D to which 答案 B apply for意为 申请 请求 所以position后面的非限制性定语从句应 由 for which引导 表示 你正在申请的这个职位 9 2013 长沙模拟 I ve had no exercise for ages I m reall

8、y A in good condition B in the condition C out of condition D out of the condition 答案 C 句意 我好长时间没有锻炼身体了 现在健康状况欠佳 out of condition 健 康状况不好 10 2013 福州质检 Alice demanded the problem worthy to be paid attention at the meeting A to be discussed B to discussing C to being discussed D should be discussed 答案

9、 A 根据句子结构判断 worthy to be paid attention to作 the problem的定 语 demand后面的宾语从句常用虚拟语气 谓语用 should do的形式 所以答案为A项 11 2013 郑州二检 From the look on her face I know it must be due 3 to the film A terrified terrifying B terrified terrified C terrifying terrified D terrifying terrifying 答案 A terrified意为 非常害怕的 极度恐慌的

10、 表示人的心理感受 常用来 修饰人或表情 terrifying意为 令人惊恐的 强调外界事物带给人的主观感受 常用 来修饰物 根据题意应选A项 12 2013 潍坊模考 Though of the danger he still went skating on the thin ice A warning B to warn C warn D warned 答案 D warn sb of sth 意为 提醒某人注意某事 根据逻辑关系可知 此处主 语 he 与 warn 是被动关系 所以应选过去分词形式 13 2013 江西七校联考 The incident a chain of events

11、which resulted in the outbreak of World War A set out B set up C set down D set off 答案 D 句意 这一事件引起了连锁事件 从而导致了第一次世界大战的爆发 set off 引发 激发 set out 陈述或宣布某事 set up 创立 set down 写下 制 定 14 2013 泸州模考 There are several reasons the phenomenon reflected in society A account for B accounted for C accounting for D

12、to account for 答案 C account for意为 解释 说明 的原因 reason 与 account for为主 动关系 所以此处应用现在分词形式作定语 15 2013 合肥一模 Do you think John is coming to attend the lecture Sure I have him to A advised B suggested C persuaded D supposed 答案 C suggest sb to do sth 是错误结构 如用suppose 则应为 suppose sb to be advise sb to do sth 意为

13、建议 劝说某人做某事 但不一定成功 persuade sb to do sth 意为 说服某人去做某事 结果成功了 根据 Sure 可知应选C项 第二节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分30 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从16 35 各题所给的四个选项 A B C D 选出 4 最佳选项 2013 江西七校联考 Differences between American and British English do not matter when the speaker or writer is 16 with the two features and can easily

14、 find in his or her own variety similarities with the other variety of English But confusion 17 or incomprehension will arise in many daily life situations when the 18 or reader is not familiar with the other variety of English Good 19 come from your PC personal computer in this computer age where y

15、our spellchecker 20 on American English identifies colour centre dialogue civilise towards defence enclose travelled from your text as 21 spelt You need to be familiar with the two 22 to know that your spellchecker 23 American spellings which are color center dialog civilize toward defense inclose t

16、ra veled If your text is in British English you will simply click 24 and move on Knowledge of the two varieties is 25 important in the classroom for the students and teachers where a n 26 often has to be made about what form is correct If the teachers and students know that fiber and fibre transportation and transport fall and 27 five years back and five years ago Monday 28 Friday and Monday to Friday a half meter and half a metre are 29 of American and British English and agree that the two var


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