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1、作文整体要求作文由机器做统一扫描,老师们直接通过电脑屏幕的扫描结果阅卷,凭整体印象给分,所以要给老师对作文卷面留下好印象,适应好机器评卷的现状,须做到以下几点:1 字体必须清晰准确,卷面干净整洁2 不能用浅蓝色的笔写,最好用黑色签字笔写,笔尖不能用太细的,否则扫描效果不清晰,影响评分;3 字要写得大气些,字号不能写得太小4 卷面整体布局要合理,最好用三段式,每个单词之间的间距要合理,不可太疏或者太密(最好提前就把每行该写多少词提前算清楚,小作文纸大约 15 行,大作文大约 22 行,PS最好自己再查查)5 考场上一定要冷静,看清答题卡的位置,只在答题区答题,不要写错位置。小作文(应用文)要求:

2、100 字考试内容:书信类考场建议时间:1015 分钟满分 10 分,平均分 5.1 分目标得分:78 分大作文以图画题为主要求:160200 字满分:20 分考场建议时间:30 分平均分:9.3目标得分:1315 分第 1 节 主题句一、主题句三要素:1Topic 2Controlling idea 3Why must I read it as a reader?举例:Good study habit are useful to college students.该句中,Good study habit 是句子的 topic,useful 是句子的 controlling idea.2、中间

3、段落(1)哲理型大作文Having scrutinized the details of the picture ,we can discuss the implication subtly conveyed from it. Now,people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that上述套用句型中有些词语可做如下替换:growing 可换成 increasing 或 significant;realize 可换成 understand,recognize,accept 或 be aware.(2)现象型大作文What account

4、s for the phenomenon?Recently,the issue(problem/question) of /thathas been in the limelight(聚光灯).3、第三段(1)评论From my own perspectiveAs far as I am concerned Personally , I strongly hold that such a virtue (phenomenon) should be advocated(prevented) openly and enthusiastically.Two effective measures sh

5、ould be taken to cope with the phenomenon.第 2 节 句子写作一、写作要求和词汇运用(一)切题 9 分上下的标准就是是否切题,跑题了必在 9 分以下(二)条理 需要闪光词:句间连接词,提升文章档次(三)语言 (四)字数1 表示递进的关键词In addition,additionally,moreover,furthermore,Whats more,besides2 表示例举(接头暗号句)(1)No better illustration of this idea/phenomenon can be thought than the example t

6、o be mentioned.(2)The following illustration can serve as a strong evidence of this idea/phenomenon.(3)Our human history has been filled with a variety of such examples,with the following one being the foremost.3 表示次序关系的词First,second,finallyIn the first place,In the second place ,finallyTo start(to

7、begin with),moreover,finallyFor one thing,for another ,still another(老师最喜欢的表达,能用就用这个)4 表示过渡关系Regarding,concerning,considering,with reference to,as to,as for5 表示总结关系的词To conclude,in conclusion,to summarize,to sum up,in summary,in brief,in short,in a word,all in all6 表示因果关系的词(1)表原因(低级的表达:Because,since

8、,as,for )建议用:due to,owing to,thanks to,on account of(2)表结果(低级的表达,避用 So,thus,hence,therefore) ,建议用:accordingly(例句:He was ill yesterday,and accordingly,he didnt go to school.) consequently,as a result,as a consequence.7 表示转折关系的词But,however,on the contrary,on the other hand,nonetheless,nevertheless8 表示

9、对照关系的词In contrast,instead,whereas,while(而、只要)You will pass the exam,while you work hard this year.(区分:As long as 只要As far as 就而言)9 表示解释关系的词As a matter of fact,frankly speaking,in this case,in other words,likewise,similarly10.表示强调关系的词Of course,indeed,above all,in fact二、句子写作 汉英句子的不同:汉语句子竹节式,重意英语句子枝干式,

10、重形(1)五个基本句型(1)主+系+表She is beautiful. That car is mine. 系动词 be (类似能做系动词的词有 20 个左右) ,意思类似 becomeMy brother has become an engineer.All the tourists seemed pleased.(2)主+谓Everybody laughs.The guests have arrived.The children are sleeping.(3)主+谓+宾He opened the door.I want a return ticket.The train is buil

11、ding up speed.(4)主语+谓语+ 间接宾语+直接宾语I gave the old man some money.I gave some money to old man.He bought me a new dictionary.He bought a new dictionary for me.(5)主语+谓语+宾语+ 宾补We found him safe and sound.We caught them stealing apples.We advised him to accept the offer.We elected him the new monitor.(2)句

12、子扩展法句子扩展的三途径:修饰、从属、并列1、增加修饰成分(1)形容词和副词举例:老张讲写作课。 Old Zhang gives a writing lecture.白白胖胖的老张激情四射地讲一节无聊透顶的写作课。The plump Old Zhang enthusiastically gives a disappointing writing lecture.(2)同位语作插入语位置相同的语言叫作“同位语”举例:一个白白胖胖的老张一个四十多岁的老男人,激情四射地讲一节无聊透顶的写作课比阅读还要无聊的课。The plump Old Zhang,an old guy in his forties

13、,enthusiastically gives a disappointing writing lecture,more boring than the reading lecture.(3)介词结构作修饰在一个艳阳高照的夏日傍晚,一个穿着一件白色的衬衫的白白胖胖的老张,一个四十多岁的老男人,激情四射地讲一节无聊透顶的写作课比阅读还要无聊的课。In a sun-shining summer afternoon, the plump old Zhang,with a white shirt,an old guy in his forties,enthusiastically gives a di

14、sappointing writing lecture,more boring than the reading lecture.2 从属从句包括:名词性从句、形容词从句、副词性从句其中,名词性从句包括:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句形容词性从句包括:关系代词、关系副词副词性从句:时间、条件、原因、地点、目的、让步名词性从句主、宾、表、同三大考点(难点):What 的用法:What he said is right.(1)What 充当主语或宾语(2)“的” 字结构That 的用法:That he is a good student is known to all.(1)不充当任何成

15、分(2)没有任何意义其他 Wh-When,where,why,who,whom,whose,which,whether举例:When we will have a meeting is not clear.(1)充当成分(2)表示自身的意义总结口诀:“的”字结构用 what,不缺意义用 that,自身意义用其他定语从句中关系代词包括:先行词表示人的 who,whom,whose,that;先行词是物的which,that,whose; 定语从句中关系副词包括: when,where,why关系代词先行词是人This is the man who teaches us English.(1)作主

16、语、宾语(2)代替先行词This is the man whom I hate.(1)作宾语(2)代替先行词关系代词先行词是物This is the book which I bought today.(1)作主语或宾语(2)代替先行词关系副词This is the day when I met her.(1)作时间状语(2)代先行词This is the school where I studied(1)作地点状语(2)代先行词This is the reason why I am late,(1)作原因状语(2)代先行词用 wh-消灭“他”想到他她用 who,代替物体用 which,表示“谁的”用 whose3、并列句并列句连接词:and,but,so,then,eitheror,neithernor例句:The former focuses on the dar



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