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1、1Morethanoneanswerisright 2Thenumberofthestudentsis50 3Thewinterholidayiscoming whichmakesmeexcited recitethethreesentencesthatwehavelearnt 主谓一致subject verbagreement 主谓一致的定义英语句子中主语的人称和数与谓语动词的数必须保持一致 叫做主谓一致 也是英语语法必须遵循的基本原则 即主语是复数 谓语也用复数形式 如are were have等 主语是单数 谓语要用单数形式 如 is was has works等 本节课重点探讨主谓一致

2、的解题方法一 英语中的一些结构中要求谓语动词用单数的情况 5种 1表示时间 重量 长度 价格等的复数名词作主语时 看作一个整体 谓语动词用单数 例如 Fiftyyearsisnotalongtime 1 Tenthousanddollars quitealargesum A areB isC hasD have 2 Sixtimesseven forty two A areB isC haveD was 2 非谓语动词 或从句作主语 谓语动词用单数形式 例如 1 Togetupearly goodforyourhealth A isB areC wasD were 2 Whenandwhere

3、tobuildthenewfactory yet A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hasnotdecidedD havenotdecided 当when和where加不定式指的是同一件事时 谓语动词用单数 3 Playingfootballnotonly usgrowuptallandstrongbutalso usasenseoffairplayandteamspirit A make giveB makes givesC makes giveD make gives 3并列主语指同一人同一物 谓语动词用单数 即一个冠词用单数 两个冠词用复数 Thesecret

4、aryofthePartybranchanddirectorofthatfactoryoftenworkswiththeworkers 对比下面两个句子的不同之处1 Thesecretaryandthemanager agreedtoattendthemeeting A hasB haveC areD is 2 Thesecretaryandmanager verybusynow A isB areC hasbeenD were 4由manya或morethanone 单数名词作主语时 其谓语用单数形式 ManyaforeignerhasbeentotheGreatWall Morethano

5、nestudenthasvisitedtheexhibition Morethanoneperson withthedisease AhasbeeninfectedBhavebeeninfectedChasbeeninfectingDhavebeeninfecting 2 Manyastudent thatmistakebefore A hadmadeB hasbeenmadeC havemadeD hasmade 5 anumberof 名词复数 作主语 谓语用复数 thenumberof 名词复数 作主语 谓语用单数 Anumberofpupilslikereadingpicture bo

6、oks Thenumberofthestudentsinourclassis55 2 Thenumberofthestudents 50areB isC wereD be 1 Anumberofstudents fromthesouth A areB isC haveD has 二就前原则1 Aalongwith togetherwith with aswellas ratherthan but except includingB 采用就前原则 谓语动词取决于A 1NobodybutJane thesecret AknowBknowsChaveknownDisknown2I rathertha

7、nyou responsiblefortheaccident AamBareChasDhave 3 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered 4 Allbutone herejustnow isB wasC hasbeenD were 5Tomaswellastwoofhisclassmates invitedtotheparty AwasBwereChavebeenDhadbeen 6Nooneexceptmyparents anythinga

8、boutit AknowBknowsCisknowingDhaveknown 用括号里的词的正确形式填空Thehouse includingthegardenandthegarage be soldoutyesterday Severalpassengers togetherwiththedriver be hurtlastnight 1就近原则notonlyAbutalsoB neitherAnorB eitherAorBnotAbutB AorB谓语动词采用就近原则 即谓语动词取决于BNotonlyyourfather sfriendsbutalsoyourfatherlikessmoki

9、ng 1 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother A isB areC amD be 2 Oneorperhapsmorepages missing isB areC hasbeenD havebeen 3 he Ifinishedtheexperiment Haveneither norHasneither norC Haveneither orD Haveeither or 5 eitherheorIfitforthejob Neitherhenoryou AAmareBIsareCAreareD

10、Isis 扩展延伸Here be apen afewenvelopesandsomepaperforyou 改错 Hereissometipsabouthowtocleanthefloor 填空Here someadviceabouthowtodoyourhomework 四 在倒装句中以及在Therebe 结构中 如主语是并列的 谓语动词往往和其后面的第一个主语取得数上的一致 Whereisyourmotherandyoungersister Thereisapen twopencilsandfivebooksonthedesk 1 Onthewall famouspaintings A h

11、aveB areC isD has 2 There alotofmilkinthebottle A areB isC wereD has 五 the 形容词或分词作主语时 如指一类人 其谓语用复数 如指抽象的事物 其谓语用单数 如 Thericharenotalwayshappy Thenewissuretoreplacetheold Theold welllookedafterbythegovernmentinChina AisBareChasbeenDwas 六有分数和百分数修饰作主语时 谓语用单数或复数取决于of后的名词 Three fourthsofthesurfaceoftheear

12、thissea 40percentofthestudentsinourclassaregirls 70percentofthesurface cover withwater 70percentofthefarmers improve theirlivingconditions 1 Onethirdofthepopulationhere workers A isB haveC beD are 2 About20percentofthework doneyesterday A areB isC wereD was 七 在定语从句中主语是关系代词who that which 谓语动词的数应与先行词的

13、数一致 I whoamyourteacher willteachyoueverythingIknow ItisnotIwho wrong isB areC amD hasbeen He who yourgoodfriend willshareyourjoysandsorrows wasB areC isD am 课堂达标Pleasemakethebestchoice 1 Overthree quarterofthecity destroyedintheIraqWar A isB areC wereD was2 Whentheinjured tothehospital theycameto A

14、wasrushed lifeB wererushed lifeC rushed livesD wererushed lives 3 Betweenthetworowsoftrees theteachingbuilding A haveB hasC standsD are4Everyboyandeverygirlaswellassometeacherswho tovisitthemuseum askedtobeattheschoolgatebefore6 30inthemorning A are areB is isC are isD is are 5 It sIwho theChristmas

15、gifttoyou A hassentB havesentC isgoingtofetchD aregoingtofetch6 visitorstoHongKongwereaskedbynewspaperreporterswhattheirimpressionsofthepeoplewere A ThenumberofB AnumbersofC NumbersofD Anynumbersof 7Twentydollars be enoughtobuythisbag 8Threefourthsofthebridge destroy 9There be threebooksonthedesk 历年

16、高考题选粹 1 Onthewall twolargeportraits A hangsB hangC hangedD hanging2 There alotofmilkinthebottle A areB isC wereD has3 NobodybutJane thesecret A knowB knowsC haveknownD isknown 4 Allbutone herejustnow A isB wasC hasbeenD were5 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered6 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexamafteranother A isB areC amD be 7 Thenumberofpeopleinvited fifty butanumberofthem absentfordifferentreasons A were wasB was wasC



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