外研版英语八年级上册Module Unit 1《She wanted to see some Beijing Opera》ppt教学课件

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外研版英语八年级上册Module Unit 1《She wanted to see some Beijing Opera》ppt教学课件_第1页
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《外研版英语八年级上册Module Unit 1《She wanted to see some Beijing Opera》ppt教学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八年级上册Module Unit 1《She wanted to see some Beijing Opera》ppt教学课件(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研初中二年级上册 Module 10 Lao She Teahouse Unit 1 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera New words teahouse main interest offer agree agree with almost impossible whisper special 茶馆 主要的 兴趣 爱好 提议 给予 同意 同意某人的 建议等 几乎 不可能的 低语 耳语 特别的 特殊的 Work in pairs Look at the pictures and the title of this unit Where do you

2、think Lingling and Sally went and why Beijing Opera play teahouse Lingling and Sally went to Lao She s Teahouse last night Because Sally s main interest is music she wanted to see some Beijing Opera Listen and number the sentences as you hear them a All right you can come with us b Would you like us

3、 to take you to Lao She s Teahouse c I d like to go to the teahouse again one day d Can we come and see the teahouse e Let s stay longer OK f We re only going to stay for some tea 1 6 5 4 3 2 Listen and check the true sentences 1 Sally wanted to see some Beijing Opera so her parents took her there 2

4、 Lingling likes Beijing Opera too 3 Sally understood Beijing Opera very well 4 Teahouse is Lao She s play F F F T 1 Did they plan to stay for two hours 2 What is Lao She most famous for 3 Did Sally find the opera easy to understand 4 What s Sally s interest Listen again and answer the questions No t

5、hey only planned to have some tea He s especially famous for his play Teahouse No she found it impossible to understand Her main interest is music Listen and choose the right answer 1 Where did they go last night A a park B a zoo C Lao She Teahouse 2 What did Sally want to see A A film B Beijing Ope

6、ra C a book 3 How long did they stay there A two hours B half an hour C an hour 4 What is Lao She famous for A his book B his film C his play C B A C Answer the questions 1 What does Sally like to do She likes to listen to music 2 Why did Sally want to go to Lao She s Teahouse Because she wanted to

7、see some Beijing Opera 3 Why does Lingling want to go to the teahouse Because she wanted to see the teahouse 4 How much did Sally understand She understand not very much 5 Why do you think they decided to stay for two hours Because they thought it was interesting 6 What does Sally want to do next ti

8、me She wants to understand more 7 Have Betty and Tony ever heard of Lao She No they ve never heard of him Match the sentences in Activity 2 with these sentences agree decide hope offer plan want 1 She offered to take us there 2 They planned to stay for some tea 3 They decided to stay longer 4 We wan

9、ted to see the teahouse 5 I hope to go there again one day 6 My parents agreed to take us a f e d c b Answer the questions Use the words in the box especially impossible main only 1 Did they plan to stay for two hours No they only planned to have some tea 2 What is Lao She s most famous for He s esp

10、ecially famous for his play Teahouse 3 Did Sally find the opera easy to understand No she found it impossible to understand 4 What s Sally interest Her main interest is music Please find out these sentences in the dialogue 1 我爸爸妈妈提出带我们去那里 2 我父母亲同意带我们去 3 我尽力去听懂它 So my parents offered to take us there

11、 My parents agreed to take us I tried to understand it 4 我们只是计划喝点茶 但最后决 定呆上两个小时 5 我希望下次能多听懂一些 We only planned to have some tea but we decided to stay for two hours I hope to understand more next time Think of an event in your life Use the words in Activity 5 to describe it I want to My parents offer

12、ed to They agreed to I hoped to 1 How was it It s great 怎么样 太棒了 How is the book It s very interesting 这本书是怎样的 很有趣 How is it going Tom I am studying Japanese 汤姆 你最近忙些什么 我正在学日 语 Language points 2 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera 她想去看一些京剧 want to do sth 想 要 去做某事 我想去北京旅游 I want to travel in Beijing

13、3 My parents offered to take us there 我的父母提出带我们去那里 茶馆 offer to do sth 提出要做某事 我们的英语老师提出每周给我们读 一个小故事 Our English teacher offered to read a short story every week for us 小红提议去照顾老奶奶 Xiaohong offered to take care of the grandma 4 My parents agreed to take us 我的父母同意带我们去 茶馆 agree sb to do sth 同意 某人 做某事 我父母

14、同意让我去英国读书 My parents agreed me to study in England 我们的校长同意修建一座图书馆了 Our head teacher agreed to build a library 5 We only planned to have some tea 我们只是计划去喝茶 plan to do sth 计划去做某事 Mr White 计划去奥地利学音乐 Mr White planned to study music in Austria 6 We decided to stay for two hours 我们决定呆上两个小时 decide to do st

15、h 决定去做某事 I decided to live in Australia 我决定在澳大利亚定居 7 I hope to understand more next time 我希望下次再去时多听懂一些 hope to do sth 希望去做某事 I hope to raise some money for the Hope Project 我希望为希望工作筹集资金 8 He s especially famous for his play be famous for 因 而著名于世 Beijing is famous for the Forbidden City 北京因故宫而著称于世 es

16、pecially a 特别地 格外 b 尤其 b Noise is unpleasant especially when you re trying to sleep 噪音令人讨厌 尤其是在你想睡觉 的时候 a Do you like chocolates Not especially 你喜欢巧克力吗 不特别喜欢 would like sb to do offer to do sth try to do sth agree to do sth plan to do sth hope to do sth want to do sth decide to do sth 想要 提议 尝试 同意 计划 希望 想做 计划 Work in pairs Listen and repeat the sentences 1 Is there anything special you want to do or see in Beijing Well I d like to listen to some music 2 Would you like us to take you to Lao She s


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