冀教版英语八下《Unit 1 Spring Is Coming》(Lesson 5)ppt课件

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《冀教版英语八下《Unit 1 Spring Is Coming》(Lesson 5)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语八下《Unit 1 Spring Is Coming》(Lesson 5)ppt课件(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 shall v 将 会 We shall go there early They re waiting for us kick v 踢 When the weather is warm what do you like to do What do you usually do after school Dose Danny like soccer Why or why not J The weather is so warm today B Yes It s twenty two degrees It s rather warm isn t it I shall wear shorts to

2、morrow D What do you want to do after school J Let s go cycling D No let s not I rode bike yesterday and broke it I think I need a new one J How about basketball then D I don t like basketball The ball always hits me on the head That hurts B What about soccer That s always fun Shall we play soccer D

3、 Okay Soccer balls don t hurt my head See you after school J In soccer do you hit the ball no you kick it In Canada Danny Jenny and Brain like to have fun in spring The weather is warm They like to play outside What do they like to do Look in this unit Write down your ideas What do students like to

4、do outdoors in China in spring Is it the same or different The weather is so warm today 今天的天气这么暖和 so adv 表示程度 意为 这么 那么 如 Don t walk so fast 不要走那么快 The weather is so cold that we can t go out today 天气这 么冷 今天我们不能出去了 I m so glad that you ve come 你来了 我真是太高兴了 I ve never seen so beautiful a child 我从没见过这么漂

5、亮 的小孩 注 so 和such都有 这么 的意思 但在句中的结构形式不 同 so adj n such a an adj n 如 It is so interesting a book 它是一本这么有趣的书 It is such an interesting book 它是一本这么有趣的书 I shall wear shorts tomorrow 明天我要穿短裤了 shall 将 将要 其后加动词原形构成一般将来时 态 shall只用于第一人称 其他人称用will 动词原形 构成一般将来时 will也用于第一人称 I shall visit my friend Lin Hua next we

6、ek 我要在 下周去看望我的朋友林华 We shall go to the park with my parents 我们将 和我父母一起去公园 He will borrow some money from his teacher 他 将向老师借些钱 Let s go cycling 让我们骑 脚踏车兜风 go cycling骑脚踏车兜风 go on a ride 坐公共汽车或 长途汽车出游 How about 等于What about 名词 n 代词 pron 动名词 v ing 意为 怎么 样 这是一个省略句式 口语中常用来征求对方对 的看法 或表示建议 询问的句式 如 How What

7、about this kind of moon cakes 这种月 饼怎么样 How What about sitting here to look at the moon 坐在这赏月怎么样 I like this moon cakes with something sweet inside How What about this you 我喜欢这种里 面有甜东西的月饼 你呢 The ball always hits me on the head 那球总 是打在我的头上 hit sb on the head打某人的头 The boy often hits me on the head 那男孩常

8、 常打我的头 Don t hit him on the head 不要打他的头 注 在该句型中的the不能用his my等词代替 hit sb in the face打某人的脸 Shall we play soccer 我们踢足球好吗 Shall we 是用来征求对方意见时常用的句 型之一 意为 好吗 要不要 如 Shall we play basketball 我们打篮球好吗 Shall I open the window 我打开窗好吗 Shall we watch TV 我们看电视好吗 In Canada Danny Jenny and Brian like to have fun in spring 在加拿大 丹尼 詹 妮和布莱恩喜欢在春天玩乐 have fun玩乐 好好玩玩 What fun 多有趣 They are having fun 他们玩得很开心



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