人教版高中英语选修六Unit 4《Global warming》(第3课时)ppt课件

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1、 词汇 1 The 平均的 age of the boys here is ten 2 She has a 倾向 to make over her ideas to match his 3 Has anybody ever seen any beings from 外部的 space 4 The result is the 存在 of a gap between expectations and realities 5 Systems which may find 普遍的 use in the future are also discussed 答案 1 average 2 tendency

2、3 outer 4 existence 5 widespread 短语 1 重视 强调 2 有做某事的倾向 3 产生 成立 4 平均 5 大体上 基本上 答案 1 put place emphasis on 2 have a tendency to do sth e into existence 4 on the an average 5 on the whole average 1 adj 1 平均的 The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen 这个班级中男生的平均年龄为十五岁 2 典型的 正常的 40 hours is a fa

3、irly average working week for most people 对大多数人来说 一周工作40小时是相当正常的 3 普通的 平常的 一般的 It was an average piece of work 那是一件普通的产产品 2 n C it was Her breathing became deeper more 答案 ordinary 译文 这部小说描写那里的普通人的生 活方式 natural 译文 高兴时笑是正常的 normal 译文 一星期的欢庆之后 生活又恢复常 态 average 译文 饭菜没什么特别 挺平常的 regular 译文 她的呼吸越来越深 越来越均匀

4、on the whole 总总的说说来 大体上 基本上 On the whole children begin walking when they are about one year old 一般来说说 小孩1岁岁左右开始走路 On the whole our stay there was quite enjoyable 总总的说说来 我们们待在那里是很开心的 知识拓展 1 as a whole 1 作为一个整体 Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole 这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖 2 总体上 There are

5、some areas of poverty but the country as a whole is fairly prosperous 这个国家有些地区比较贫困 但总的来说是相当富裕 的 2 in general 通常 大体上 In general Alexander was a peaceful loving man 总总的来说说 亚历亚历 山大是个平和的 有爱爱心的人 总总的说说来 从总总体上看 In general your suggestion is good 你的建议总议总 的来说说是好的 知识运用 1 A healthy economy is in the best inter

6、ests of society A as a result B after all C in reality D as a whole 答案 D 本题题意 健康发展的经济总的来说对社 会最有利 as a whole表示 总体上 2 we re happy living here but it is a long way away from my parent home A On the whole B As a whole C In general D In brief 答案 A 本题题题题 意 总总的说说来 我们们住在这这儿很愉 快 但就是离我父母家太远远了 on the whole表示 总

7、总的说说 来 大体上 基本上 in brief 简简而言之 简单简单 地说说 it的用法 2 1 强调句型 1 强调句型可以强调除谓语动词以外的任何句子成份 一般说来 如果被强调部分是人时 用连词that或who 如果被强调部分是物 只能用连词that 强调句型应避免 使用when where which 等连词 It was playing computer games that cost the boy a lot of time he ought to have spent on his lessons 玩电脑电脑 游戏戏用掉了这这个孩子本来应该应该 花在功课课上的 许许多时间时间 It

8、 is during his spare time that Tom has been studying the situation for several months 几个月以来 汤汤姆一直利用自己的空闲时间闲时间 研究局势势 2 that who后的动词动词 的人称和数的变变化要与前面的名 词词或代词词一致 It was I who that was to blame 该该受责备责备 的人是我 It was only I who am willing to go to the film 愿意去看电电影的人只有我 3 强调调句型的疑问问形式 Was it in 1939 that the

9、Second World War broke out 第二次世界大战战是在1939年爆发发的吗吗 Is it Mr Li who guided the company through the difficulties 是王先生带领带领 公司渡过难过难 关的吗吗 4 强调调句型的特殊疑问问句形式 Where is it that you are going for your holidays 你打算到哪儿去度假 How was it that you climb to the top of that building 你是如何爬上楼顶顶的 5 强调调句型中的特殊形式 It is not unti

10、l that It is because that It was not until he entered the classroom that he realized that he had forgotten to do the homework 直到走进进教室 他才意识识到忘了做作业业 It was because her mother was ill that she didn t go to work 是因为为她妈妈妈妈 病了她才没有去上班 6 在强调调句型中 作主语语的关系代词词who that可以省 略 It is he that who worked out the maths

11、 problem 是他算出了这这道数学题题 It is I that who am teaching them the English song 是我在教唱这这首英语语歌曲 2 it指时间时可以用于以下句型 1 It be 时间段 since It is five years since he left here 他离开这儿已有五年了 2 It be 时间段 before It wasn t long before I had my first bite 没一会儿我就第一次等到了鱼来咬饵 3 It is time for sth for sb to do sth that It s time

12、for bed 该睡觉了 语法专练 从A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项 1 2009江西 27 It was he came bank from Africa that year he met the girl he would like to marry A when then B not until C not until that D only when 答案 C 本题题意 直到那一年他从非洲回来 他 才遇到了一位他想与之结婚的女孩 本题考查强调句型的 用法 强调句型强调了not until句式 2 2009浙江 4 I ve read another book

13、this week Well maybe is not how much you read but what you read that counts A this B that C there D it 答案 D 本题题题题 意 本周我又读读了一本书书 你 读读了多少并不重要 重要的是你读读了些什么 本题题考查查 强调调句型的用法 强调调句型强调调了not but 句式 3 2008全国2 20 It was in New Zealand Elizabeth first met Mr Smith A that B how C which D when 答案 A 本题题题题 意 正是在新西兰兰

14、 伊丽丽莎白第一 次与史密斯先生相遇 本题题考查查强调调句型的用法 强调调了 地点状语语in New Zealand 4 2008天津 8 It was along the Mississippi River Mark Twain spent much of his childhood A how B which C that D where 答案 C 本题题题题 意 马马克 吐温的童年时时光大多数是 在密西西比河沿岸度过过的 本题题考查查强调调句型的用法 强 调调了地点状语语along the Mississippi River 5 2008重庆庆 22 It was not until m

15、idnight they reached the camp site A that B when C while D as 答案 A 本题题题题 意 直到午夜他们们才到达营营地 本 题题考查查强调调句型强调调not until句式 It is was not until that 注意下列句式转换转换 They didn t reach the camp site until midnight Not until midnight did they reach the camp site 6 2007山东东 30 Where did you get to know her It was on

16、the farm we worked A that B there C which D where 答案 D 本题题题题 意 你在哪里认识认识 了她 在我 们们工作的农场农场 本句考查查强调调句型 但题题干中所给给的句 子是一个不完整的句子 其补补充形式为为 It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know her 所填的where 用来引导导定语语从句 修饰饰先行词词farm 同属于被强调调部 分 7 2007江西 34 I don t mind her criticizing me but is how she does it that I object to A it B that C this D which 答案 A 本题题题题 意 我并不介意她的批评评 但是我 反对对她的批评评方式 本题题考查查强调调句型的用法 强调调句 型强调调了短语动词语动词 obeject to的宾语宾语 how she does it 8 2007浙江 10 It we had stayed together for a couple of



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