广东省开平一中高中英语《Unit3》A taste of English humour课件 新人教版必修4

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1、必修 4Unit 3 A taste of English humour考点要求考点要求.写出下列必考单词1.喜剧n. _2.预算,开支n. _3.遍及,到处,始终,全部prep. _4.磨破的,穿旧的adj. _5.特殊的,特别的adj. _6.平常的,普遍的adj. _7.脏或乱的状态n. _8.皮革n. _9.手势,姿态,做手势n.&vi. _10.杰出的,突出的,显著的adj. _comedybudgetthroughoutwornparticularordinarymessleathergestureoutstanding11.粥,麦片粥n. _12.巨大的,辽阔的adj. _13.

2、使滑动,使滑行v.n. _14.时刻,场合n. _porridgevastslideoccasion.写出下列单词的变化形式1.幽默,滑稽(n.)_;幽默的,滑稽的(adj.)_ ;幽默作家(n.)_2.多山的,山一般的(adj.)_;山(n.)_;登山者(n.)_3.导演,指挥(v.)_;直接的,直率的(adj.)_ ;直接地,直率地(adv.)_;导演,指挥(n.)_ ;指挥,说明,方向(n.)_4.使欢乐,款待(v.)_;欢乐,款待(n.)_ ;愉快的,有趣的(adj.)_entertaininghumourhumoroushumoristmountainousmountainmount

3、aineerdirectdirectdirectlydirectordirectionentertainentertainment5.解释(v.)_;解释,说明(n.)_6.时刻,场合(n.)_;偶然的(adj.)_7.幸运的(adj.)_;不幸地(adv.)_explainexplanationoccasionoccasionalfortunateunfortunately活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1._ ,Henry came in for a large share of his father,s _ .(fortune)2. The _of the _company is

4、a Greek who bought the machine_ from the manufacturer. (direct)3.Jimmy is a _ who never lacks _and always presents us something _,while at the same time sets us thinking of something. (humour)4.The accomplished _ has just joined a new theatre and tonight he will give a _ of “Hamlet”. (perform)5.Bob

5、and Liz _ us to dinner last night, during which time Bob told us many jokes for _, making it an _ night. (entertain)6._ he would act in a strange way on some special _,but on the whole, he was as normal as other boys. (occasional)答案:1.Fortunately fortune2.director directly3.humorist;humour;humorous4

6、.performer;performance5.entertained;entertainment;entertaining6.Occasionally;occasions .翻译下列必背短语1.碰撞;与碰撞 _2.陷入,被卷入 _3.对满足 _4.穷的,缺少的 _5.捣碎,分解,失灵 _6.在边缘 _7.挑出,辨认出 _8.切断,断绝 _9.主演,担任主角 _10.以为背景 _bump intobe caught in content withbadly offbreak downon the edge ofpick outcut offstar inbe set in 活学活

7、用根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当短语完成下列句子。1.The bus_ (knock or strike sth.) the back of the car.2.Expenditure on the project _ as follows: wages 10m,plant 4m,raw materials 5m.(be divided or divide into parts)3.We can,t go abroad this year, so we,ll have to ourselves _a holiday in Shanghai. (satisfied with sth. hap

8、py)4.At this time Madame Curie,s husband Pierre Curie joined her _(examine or go over carefully in order to find sb. or sth.) the unknown radiation.5.In his last film he _ (play an important role in) as a cowboy.6.If you don,t pay your gas bill, soon you will _. (stop the supply of sth. to sb.)答案:1.

9、bumped into 2.breaks content, with search of5.starred cut offbrighten astonish entertain overcome chew direct amuse whisper react convince 活学活用用上述动词的适当形式填空。1._ up at her boy friend,s call, the girl felt extremely happy the whole day.2.Much to our joy, the presidents of the two cou

10、ntries managed _ their differences on the issue.单元重点动词3.The market _ to the new policy by falling another 10 points.4.She leaned over and _ something to his ear.5.Hearing her story, Tom nodded but he didn,t seem _ that she was innocent.6.Doctor White devotes himself to scientific research, _ himself

11、 by playing the violin when free.答案 be convinced6.entertaining 重点句型 They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner.(P18)他们饿得不行,不得不煮了一双皮鞋做晚餐。so+adj./adv.that.如此以致活学活用模仿造句。(1)这男孩如此可爱,我们都很喜欢他。The boy is _ lovely _we al

12、l like him very much.(2)他如此成功,如此著名,全国每个人都听说过他。_ 答案:(1)so.that(2)He was so successful and famous that everybody in the country knows of him.语篇领悟根据课文A Taste of English Humor完成下列短文 Some humor can be cruel but some people seem to enjoy seeing other people,s bad luck at times. Perhaps it makes us feel mo

13、re (1) with our life because we feel there is someone else (2) off than ourselves. However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character. Charlie Chaplin, the most famous actor during the period of silent films, was such an actor. He was able to make terr

14、ible situations funny and at the same time show the humanity and kindness that can be found in the most difficult circumstances. (3) The Gold Rush for example. The film is set (4) Californiain the middle of the nineteenth century. Chaplin and his friend wash sand from the river in a pan of water and

15、 expect to find gold but they have not been (5) (fortune) enough to find any. (6) ,they (7) (catch) in a snowstorm in a small wooden house, (8) they have nothing to eat. They are so hungry (9) they have to boil a pair of leather shoes and eat it. Chaplin seems to eat every mouthful with great enjoym

16、ent and makes it seem as if it (10) (be) one of the best meals he has ever had!答案:1.content2.worse3.Take4.in5.fortunate 6.Instead7.are caught8.where9.that10.were.考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 这个故事是以1929年大萧条为背景的。当时,美国的经济全面瘫痪,格林夫妇和许许多多的人一样都失业了,他们因此比以前更潦倒。似乎每个人都在找工作。格林先生好不容易得到一个面试机会。在去面试的途中他虽然遭遇了大雨,他还是设法及时赶到了面

17、试场地。当公司经理看到浑身湿透的格林先生时,当即给他一个工作。格林先生是如此高兴,以致没有认出经理就是他的老同学。_答案: The story is set in the Great Depression in 1929.The economy in the United States broke down completely at that time and the Greens, like many other Americans, were out of work. Therefore they were even worse off than ever. It seemed that

18、 everybody was searching for jobs. With great difficulty , Mr.Green seized a chance for an interview. Although he was caught in the heavy rain on his way to the interview, he did manage to get to the spot on time. The manager offered him a job immediately when she saw Mr.Green was all wet. Mr.Green

19、was so glad that he didn,t recognize the manager, who was his former classmate.自主学习自主学习1.A taste of English humour体会英语的幽默taste n.味觉;味道;喜爱;爱好;体验;经历词语归纳tasteless adj.没味道的;无鉴赏力的tasty adj.好吃的;可口的注意下列句中taste的意思,并注意其词性。(1)My sense of taste isn,t very good; I have a cold.(n.味觉;味道)(2)Once you,ve had a taste

20、 of life in our country you won,t want to return home.(n.体验;经历)(3)He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life. (vt.品尝;尝)(4)The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious. (vi.尝起来;有某种味道)特别提醒:下列连系动词没有被动语态。 taste (吃起来,尝起来), look(看起来), seem(看起来), sound(听起来), feel(摸起来), smell(闻起来)等。即学即练完

21、成下列句子。(1)The silk _(手感柔软)and so it sells well.(2)The flowers in the garden _(芳香扑鼻) and the visitors couldn,t tear themselves away from them.(3)What you said _.(听起来有道理)答案:(1)feels soft (2)smelt so sweet(3)sounds reasonable2.He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel m

22、ore content with their lives.(P18)在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。词语归纳content adj.满足的;情愿的content n.内容;含量;目录content vt.使满足;使满意be content with对满足/满意be content to do 满意做某事即学即练根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 Though he(1)_ (对他现在的薪水不满意),he is(2)_(安于现状).As a matter of fact, a beer every meal(3) _ (足以使他满意了).答案: (1)i

23、sn,t content with his present salary (2)content to remain where he is now (3)is enough to content him3Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Chaplin spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.(P18)不幸的是他的父亲去世了,整个家庭状况更糟了。所以查理在童年时期就要照顾生病的母亲和弟弟。词语归纳ba

24、dly off 贫穷的;缺钱的;缺乏的well off 富裕的,处于佳境的即学即练根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。Is he _(富有)?No, on the contrary, he is _ .(比我更穷)答案:well off;even worse off than I特别提醒:badly off 的比较级和最高级是worse off和worst off。well off的比较级和最高级是better off和best off。 4.You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could

25、 speak and dance as soon as he could walk.(P18)你可能会感到惊奇,查理刚能讲话时大人就教他如何唱歌,他刚能走路时大人就教他如何跳舞。词语归纳astonish vt.使惊讶astonishment n.惊讶,惊奇astonishing adj.使人惊讶的astonished adj.感到惊讶的,吃惊be astonished at sth.对吃惊astonish sb. with sth.使某人惊讶in astonishment 惊奇地即学即练选用上述词语完成句子。 To my(1)_,they seemed(2)_ at the news, and

26、 looked at me(3)_.答案:答案:(1)astonishment (2)(to be) astonished (3)in astonishment 5.This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties.(P18)这个角色是个社会生活中的失败者,但他的乐观精神和战胜困难的决心使他受到人们的喜爱。failure 失败a failure 失败的人/事即学即练完成下列句子。(1)他的失败主要是懒惰所致。_ res

27、ulted largely from his laziness.(2)做事不先考虑总会导致失败。Acting before thinking always _.(3)作为作家,他是一个失败者。_ as a writer.答案:(1)His failure (2)results in failure (3)He was a failure 6.knock into 撞上;撞见knock down/over 击倒或撞倒knock off 停止干某事knock sth. off 使贬值 即学即练完成下列句子。(1)Who do you think I _(撞上) in the post office

28、 this morning?(2)She _ by a bus and was sent to the hospital immediately.答案:(1)knocked into (2)was knocked down (3)knock off (4)knocked off(3)Let,s _ for lunch first. You see, we can not finish the work till midnight.(4)They _ 60 percent because of a scratch on the vase.7Charlie first picks out the

29、laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.(P18)查理首先挑出鞋带来吃,像吃意大利面条一样。as if(=as though)意思为“似乎,好像”,用在look,seem,appear,smell,taste,sound等连系动词之后,引导表语从句;也可以用在行为动词之后,引导方式状语从句。无论是哪种从句,当其所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用陈述语气;当其所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观的想象或夸大性的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气。对于现在情形的虚拟,从句的谓语用过去式(be用were);对于过去情形的虚拟,从句的谓语用过去完成时。即学即

30、练根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)He looked as if _ .(已经知道一些情况)(2)It seems as if _ .(那个男孩好像迷路了)(3)He talked as if he _ (他作出了很大贡献),but in fact, Tom did most of the job.答案:(1)he had known something about it(2)the boy has lost his way(3)had made great contributions写作步步高写作步步高如何写好复合句如何写好复合句(6) 要写好复合句最后需注意的问题:千万不要将汉语一一对

31、译成英语,一定要注意所写复合句符合英语句子结构的特点及复合句中句子成分的完整。如“到车站时,他发现火车已经走了”,如果一一对译,则容易误译为:When arrived at the station, he found the train had already left.其实前面已经讲过,从句与简单句一样,需讲究句子结构的完整性,只不过从句前有一个引导从句的连词而已。在when arrived at the station中,很明显,缺少主语,需在when后加上he。活学活用一、请补全下列复合句中被遗漏的成分。1.He said at the meeting astonished us all

32、._ 2.Tom won the first prize made his parents very happy._ 3.Go and get your coat. It,s where you left._ 4.Anyone is late for class should say sorry to the teacher._ 5.You can have no idea he said what._ 6.Please tell me when discuss the important problem._ 7.Keep it in mind you have to be home by t

33、en o,clock._ 8.After the war, a new school was put up where had been a temple._ 二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1.她在她丢失计算器的地方找到了它。_ 2.听到这个消息的时候,他们禁不住大声欢呼起来。_ 3.无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意。_ 4.当午餐的铃声敲响的时候,学生们一个接一个走出教室。_ 5.经理不在时,他负责这个商店。_6.他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so)_ 7.如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。 _ 8.除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 _ 9

34、.他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)_ 答案:一、1.he前加what,what做said的宾语,what he said at the meeting 是主语从句。2.Tom前加that,That Tom won the first prize是主语从句,that不能省略。3.left后加it,where you left it是表语从句,it在从句中做宾语。4.Anyone后加who,who is late for class是定语从句。5.将what移到he前,what做said的宾语。6.when后加we shall, when we shall discuss the impor

35、tant problem是宾语从句。7.mind后加that,that引导宾语从句。8.where后加there,where there had been a temple是状语从句。二、1.She found her calculator where she lost it.2.They couldn,t help cheering up when they heard the news3.Whatever/No matter what you may say, I won,t change my mind.4.When the bell rang for lunch, the studen

36、ts came out of classroom one after another.5.He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.6.He had been training for a long time, so he deserved to win the race.7.You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult (with) your teacher.8.Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.9.He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.



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