人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 4《Pygmalion》(words test)课件

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1、Words Test 单词拼写 1 The 改编 of the play for radio was easily done 2 Two men formed a 阴谋 to rob the bank 3 He did not 犹豫 to ask her to sit beside him 4 使人心烦 financial problems depressed him 5 This book was the 结局 of a tremendous amount of scientific work 6 He saw the grey summit of the mountain against

2、a b background of blue sky adaptation plot hesitate Troublesome outcome rilliant 7 Later he was for a short time a to France 8 The part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder is called the u arm 9 If she marries a foreigner will her s as a British citizen be affected 10 I really like the a much b

3、etter than modern art pper tatus ntique mbassador show in the other day in disguise make one s acquaintance take away pass off as in amazement once more in need of fade out in terms of generally speaking 1 He stared at me for my sudden appearance 2 I went to visit a museum in our city 3 The idea see

4、med to and the club was never formed 4 Your visit will the sting of her sorrow 5 money he s quite rich but not in terms of happiness in amazement the other day fade out take away In terms of 1 He glass a gemstone and sold it to a buyer 2 The congenial host and hostess their guests the party room 3 T

5、hey made every effort to save the crops water on this dry land 4 youths of eighteen are too young for such work 5 I m very pleased to your passed off as showed in in need of generally speaking make acquaintance 1 He sent her a blessing in fact he hated her a lot I failed in the experiment I decided

6、to do it and I believe I will make it in disguise once more 句型转换 1 He is a boy who often makes trouble He is often a boy 2 He is friendly to his classmates He treats his classmates in 3 They are alike He mistakes Tom for Mike They look exactly like each other He Tom Mike 4 Once made the plan must be

7、 carried out at once As long as made the plan must be carried out immediately troublesome a friendly way for takes It has been 5 They sat face to face and they were lost in conversation They sat face to face conversation 6 What happened to you a few days ago What became of you 7 The sound of the foo

8、tsteps faded away The sound of the footsteps 8 The concert was successful The concert well 9 The headache passed off The headache deep in the other day died away faded out passed off disappeared gradually 10 In the light of what you said I shall act in a different way what you said I shall act in a

9、different way what you said I shall take action differently what you had told me I shall act in a different way According to With regard to In terms of 11 He led me around the school and visited it for three hours He me the school for three hours 12 She praised proudly her necklace in public She her

10、 necklace before public showed around showed off the Professor Higgins H an expert in phonetics convinced that the quality of a person s English decides his her position in society 希金斯教授是一位语音学专家 他认为一 个人的英语水平决定了他 她 的社会地 位 1 convince vt 说服 使相信 convince sb to do sth convince sb of that 坚信 确信 be convinc

11、ed of that We convinced him to go by train rather than plane I tried to convince my wife that we can t afford a new car 我试图说服我妻子我们买不起新车 翻译 我确信他有罪 u convinced adj 坚信的 意志坚定的 u convincing adj 令人心服的 I am convinced of his guilt I am convinced that he was guilty Colonel Pickering P an officer in the army

12、and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task 皮克林上校 简称P 陆军军官 后 来成为希金斯的朋友 希金斯给 他安排了一项任务 2 officer与official officer 主要用于指军官 也可指公司或政府 机构中的高级职员 official 指政府内的文职官员 用作形容词时 指 官方的 正式的 The live at headquarters and the soldiers live in the camps 军官住在总部 士兵住在军营 The president and his ministers are government

13、 总统和部长为政府高级官员 officers officials 3 set 其他短语 set off set out set about set up set free set on fire set sb a good example 出发 动身 出发 着手 开始 着手 建立 成立 释放 纵火 引起点火或燃烧 为某人树立好榜样 It s ten years since the scientist on his life work of discovering the valuable chemical 2004 江苏 A made for B set out C took off D tu

14、rned up I ain t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman 我跟那位先生说话 又没做什么坏事呀 4 ain t 是不规范的语言 相当于am not is not has not have not 5 形容词修饰不定代词时 必须置于不定代 词之后 There s wrong something with my watch Please come earlier Something important will be announced 给你 他把写满字的纸递过来 Here you are hands over the pape

15、r covered with writing 6 过去分词短语作后置定语 which that is covered with writing 修饰 由他举行的音乐会很成功 The concert by him was a great success 他们当中的一些人生长在农村 从未见过火车 Some of them in villages had never seen a train 昨天开的那次会议证明很成功 The meeting yesterday proved to be a success given born and brought up held 1 Some of the s

16、uspects refused to answer and kept their mouths shut A questioning B being questioned B C questioned D to be questioned C 2 The amount of money for the seriously sick child was soon collected D A to need B needed E C needing D which needed 7 hand over 移交 让与 交给某人照料 The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship The thief was handed over to the policeman hand down hand on hands up hand out It is certain that he will his business to his son when he gets old A take over B think over


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