人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 4《Sharing》(Period 4 using language)ppt课件

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《人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 4《Sharing》(Period 4 using language)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 4《Sharing》(Period 4 using language)ppt课件(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 SharingUnit4 Sharing The World s Most Useful The World s Most Useful Gift CatalogueGift Catalogue 1 培养学生阅读能力和技巧 skimming scanning summarizing等 并能快速的锁定所需的信息范围 2 培养学生的All for one one for all的情感价值观 懂得分享 和关爱 本节课是unit4 Sharing 的第二篇小课文 设计的意图主要是通过任务型阅 读 培养学生的阅读能力 即泛读和精读的能力 并能根据不同的题型选用 不同的阅读方法 首先 用一些贫

2、困地区的学生及其上学环境的图片导入 引发并激起学生 的兴趣 从而自然的过度到让学生try to send a gift or something to the children in the poor areas or countries的问题 开启本文的话题 The world s most useful gift catalogue 其次 设置了skimming scanning careful reading conclusion 等环节 从不同角度 用不同题型的题目训练学生的阅读能力和技巧 总之 任务型阅读法教学帮学生更深层次的理解了课文 最后 listening to the son

3、g we are the world 升华了本文的情感 即sharing Have you ever tried to send a gift or something to the children in the poor areas or countries How can we help people in poor areas Give them money Send medical equipment Go there to help them 1 What does the page show you A gift catalogue 2 Where is the list of

4、gifts On the bottom left side of the page 3 What do the photos show you Picture one Our buying sewing machine is helpful to the family Picture two The children need our help what is this internet page made up of a brief i a gift an attractive ntroduction cataloguecard Skimming a brief introduction 1

5、 Why are the gifts on the page unusual 2 What will you get when you purchase an item scanning 1 Why are the gifts on the page unusual Because the gifts are the most useful and are a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need them 2 What will you get when you purchase an item

6、You will get an attractive card for you to send to your special person an attractive card 1 In what situations can you use the cards 2 How much difference will your gift mean 1 In what situations can you use the cards 2 How much difference will your gift mean You can use the card for any special occ

7、asion weddings births birthdays Christmas or anniversaries It means the difference between sickness and health between families going hungry and families providing for themselves a gift catalogue 1 In what kind of order are the gifts listed How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts 2 What do these

8、 gifts mean 1 In what kind of order are the gifts listed How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts 2 What do these gifts mean The gifts are listed in the order of the price from the cheapest to the dearest The cheapest gift costs 5AUD and the dearest costs 1 350 AUD Self help Disease prevention an

9、d life Health Education Progress Choose the best one to complete each sentences 1 This Internet page is mainly about A how to send an attractive card to your special person B what to buy for poor countries education C encouraging people to buy gifts for some people of the world poorest D providing h

10、elp only for women C Careful reading 3 What gift will you choose for a village where people lack water The letters stand for the gifts in the catalogue A F B L C U D K C 2 When you want to purchase a trunk library you must spend A 20 B 200 C 25 D 180 B On the Internet page when you click on each gif

11、t you get a description of that gift In pairs write the correct gift A to U from the Internet page next to each description below 1 This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income giving her and her family a better future N A sewing machine 2 This gift gives a man or a woman the

12、 opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing and life skills Adults develop the confidence to participate in the social economic and political lives of their communities 3 This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings as well as training in tree care for the local villag

13、ers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert G Basic adult education A 20 tree seedlings 4 This gift buys a goat A goat gives milk and is a valuable income Goats increase in number quickly and add much to a family s food and financial security They are easy and fun for chi

14、ldren to care for 5 This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages J A goat for a poor family f School books 6 This gift gives a child a good start in life Community schools provide good quality education for children w

15、ho would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school I One year of primary schooling Just some contribution to the people in need can mean the difference between s and h adness appiness conclusion All for one one for all A song We Are the World 爱心无国界 Introduction to the song 爱心无国界由美国艺人莱纳李奇和迈可尔 杰克逊合写 号召 全世界人民团结一致援助非洲灾民 帮助他们摆脱饥饿与疾病 在1985年2月28日 45位当红歌星云集洛杉矶的录音室 灌 录了We are the world这首义卖曲 单曲完成后推出问世 受 到的欢迎难以想象 短短数周便卖出八百万张单曲 并将所得 援助非洲灾民 Enjoy a song We Are the World


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