人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Using Language)期末复习课件

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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes Using Language 中小学课件站 Check homework 中小学课件站 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 中小学课件站 Translate the following into Chinese 1 She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before 2 When the second quake was felt people ran out of their houses right away 3 After that terrible disaster 6

2、0 of homeless children were sent to live in other safe cities 中小学课件站 4 They used candles all the time instead of electricity 5 A little girl was dug out in the ruins to the north of the factory 6 We were very proud of the soldiers who rescued the boys from the rushing water 7 We need to honor those

3、who organized the rescue work 中小学课件站 Listening Speaking 中小学课件站 1 Inside the earth there are a number of plates 2 These plates move all the time 3 If they stop moving there is an earthquake 4 If they jump there is an earthquake Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true or false F F F T 中小学课件站

4、 T T T F 5 China is in an earthquake area 6 The Pacific plate is pushing on China from the east 7 The Himalayan mountains were caused by the movement of plates 8 Human beings have the power to stop earthquakes 中小学课件站 My Earthquake Plan 1st thing I must do 2nd thing I must do 3rd thing I must do I mu

5、st drop onto the floor and cover my head and neck with my arms Make sure I hide under something like a table to protect myself from things falling on top of me I must hold onto the furniture so it doesn t move away from me during the earthquake 中小学课件站 1 Make sure that you only take essential things

6、with you 2 They must last you five days 3 Possible items for the personal earthquake bag Speaking 中小学课件站 medicine pictures of family computermap phoneblanketradioscissors knifeshoespen paperfruit clothestorchlightbook umbrella personal washing things food and sweets important papers bowls and chopst

7、icks identity cardmoneycandles bottles of water 中小学课件站 My personal earthquake bag will contain The bag will contain a bottle of water torch personal washing things food and sweets mobile phone money blanket 中小学课件站 Possible sample We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive we wil

8、l take a torchlight a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world if we are 中小学课件站 buried in the ruins we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm and we will take our identity cards with us in case we are killed If that happens people can at least know who we are 中小学课件站

9、 A poster What the poster is about and why The items and why they are chosen What should be avoided and why Writing 中小学课件站 Possible sample Poster Earthquakes are terrible natural disasters Although we cannot avoid it we can survive by making preparations Here are the essential things you should alwa

10、ys take during an earthquake You should take a bottle of water it can keep you alive for a long time if you are trapped under the ruins Take some fruit in case you are hungry 中小学课件站 A torchlight and mobile can help you keep in touch with the outside world and it is easy for rescue workers to find yo

11、u quickly Don t put fresh fruit in the bag as they will go bad quickly and cause problems Don t take money especially don t go back to take money when the house is shaking You may be caught in the ruins 中小学课件站 A woman points at the rifts on the wall of a village school after an earthquake measuring

12、5 1 degrees on the Richter scale jolted Wen an County north China s Hebei Province at 11 56 a m Beijing Time Tuesday July 4 2006 The quake was a shallow focus one with its epicenter being around110 kilometers from Beijing and about 80 kilometers from Tianjin No casualty was reported at press time 中小

13、学课件站 1 Write a poster in class according to the three parts given above 2 Choose and fill in the blanks Practice 中小学课件站 Several days before July 28 1976 many s things happened in Tangshan They were signs for the e But people in the city of Tangshan didn t think m of these At 3 42 am that day the ear

14、th began to s which d the city strange earthquake much destroyed destroy rescue strange much earthquake shake bury fall team trap shake 中小学课件站 Many people including workers and doctors came to r those t under the ruins Later that afternoon another big earthquake struck Tangshan More people were killed or injured and more buildings f down Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers T were organized to dig out the trapped and b the dead rescuetrapped fell Teams bury 中小学课件站 Talk with your classmates and consider what you have learned about quakes Homework 中小学课件站


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