高中人教英语选修七学案:unit 2 robots Period Three

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1、Period ThreeGrammar & Writing语法感知.用所给动词的正确形式填空1They still have many difficulties toovercome(overcome)2I shallbeinvited(invite) to visit their country before long.3A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday,only to find it hadbeenbroken(break) into.4Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?

2、Yes,I have.I guess it isbeinggraded(grade) now.5Are there any more letters tobeposted(post)?.完成句子1A note waspassed up to the speaker.有人给讲演者递上一张纸条。 2A power station hasbeensetup in their hometown.他们的家乡建立了一座发电站。 3He didnt expect the book tobereceived so well.他没想到这本书会受到如此热烈的欢迎。 4My second boy willbesen

3、t to school next September.明年九月我将送我次子去读书。 5I never thought that the information wouldbebrought to me so early.我没想到他那么早就会把资料带给我了。语法精析语态是动词的一种形式,它表示主语和谓语的关系。语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。如果主语是动作的执行者,或者说动作是由主语完成的,要用主动语态;如果主语是动作的承受者,或者说动作不是由主语而是由其他人完成的,则用被动语态。被动语态的构成是:助动词be动词过去分词。一、各种时态的被动语态1. 各种时态的主、被动语态构成时态主动语态被动语态

4、一般现在时do/doesam/is/aredone一般将来时will/shalldowill/shall bedone现在进行时am/is/aredoingam/is/arebeingdone一般过去时was/were/didwas/weredone现在完成时have/hasdonehave/hasbeendone过去完成时haddonehadbeendone过去进行时was/weredoingwas/werebeingdone情态动词情态动词do情态动词bedone2注意事项(1)“be过去分词”并非都是被动语态,系动词 be,feel,seem,look等词后面的过去分词已转化为形容词,作

5、表语用,构成系表结构,表示某种状态。Im interested in mathematics.我对数学感兴趣。He seems unsatisfied with his work.他似乎对自己的工作不满意。(2)“get过去分词”也表被动。We got separated when we entered the big hall.我们进入大厅时被冲散了。(3)某些情况用主动语态来表示被动含义。read,write,act,iron,burn,cut,draw,drive,sell,wash,clean,wear,open,cook,lock,shut,dry,eat,drink等动词,用来说明

6、主语的性质特征而不强调被执行者的动作时,用主动形式表达被动意义,且常与not,hardly,well,easily,badly,nicely等副词连用。The door doesnt open easily.门不容易打开。Bikes of that kind sell well.那种自行车好卖。(4)不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语: fit,have,wish,cost,agree with,arrive at/in,shake hands with,succeed in,suffer from,happen to,take part in,walk into,belong to等。Th

7、is key just fits the lock.这把钥匙只适合于这把锁。Your story agrees with what has already been heard.你的故事与听说的相符合。题组训练1用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)I have to go to work by taxi because my car isbeingrepaired(repair) at the garage.(2)George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?No,I hadntbeeninvited(invit

8、e)Did they have a big wedding?(3)The window is dirty.I know. It hasntbeencleaned(clean) for weeks. (4)This is one of the oldest temples in China. It dates(date) back to the 9th century.(5)Put these glasses away before they get broken(break)OK. Ill put them in the cupboard.(6)What about the books? Bo

9、oks of this kind sell(sell) well.(7)The flowers were so lovely that they weresold (sell) out in no time.(8)My money isrunning(run) out.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand. 二、不定式的被动形式 动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,还有时态和语态特征。当不定式的逻辑主语是其动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动形式。1不定式被动形式的构成

10、形式结 构意 义一般式to be done和谓语动词同时发生或在谓语动词之后发生完成式to have been done发生在谓语动词之前2.用法(1)作主语Its a pity to be kept in the house in such fine weather.在这样的好天气里被关在家里真是遗憾。(2)作宾语The boy asked to be given an opportunity to try again.那男孩要求再给他一次尝试的机会。(3)作表语Her dream is to be sent to study abroad.她的梦想是被派往国外留学。(4)作宾语补足语或主语

11、补足语The captain ordered the flag to be raised.船长命令升旗。The book is said to have been translated into French.据说这本书已被译成了法语。(5)作定语There were plans to be made at once.要立即制订计划。He was the last one to be asked to speak at the meeting.他是最后一个在会上被邀请发言的人。(6)作状语His mother left the small village,never to be seen ag

12、ain.他母亲离开了那个小山村,再也没人见过她。Id like my bedroom to be cleaned.我想整理一下我的卧室。题组训练2用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)George returned after the war,only tobetold(tell)that his wife had left him.(2)Weve had a good start,but next,more work needs tobedone(do) to achieve the final success.(3)Its important for the figures tobeupdated

13、(update) regularly.(4)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the children,but it remains tobeseen(see) whether they will enjoy it.(5)Are you going to attend the important meeting tobeheld(hold) next Monday?No,unless invited to.3不定式的主动表被动用法(1)动词不定式在名词后面作定语,不定式和名词之间有动宾关系时,又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系,这时要用不定式

14、的主动形式表示被动含义。He has a family to support.(to support与family是动宾关系,与he是主谓关系。)他要维持一个家庭。注意:若句子的主语不是不定式的逻辑主语时,不定式要用被动式。Ill go to the post office.Do you have a letter to be posted? (不定式的被动语态作定语,you不是post动作的执行者。)我要去邮局,你有信要寄吗?(2)在某些“形容词不定式”作表语或宾语补足语的结构中,句子的主语或宾语又是动词不定式的逻辑宾语时,这时常用不定式的主动形式表达被动意义。这些形容词有nice,easy

15、,fit,hard,difficult,important,impossible,pleasant,interesting等。That question is difficult to answer.那个问题不容易回答。(3)在there be.句型中,当动词不定式修饰名词作定语时,不定式用主动式作定语,重点在人;用被动形式作定语,重点在物。There is no time to lose/to be lost.(用 to lose可看成for us to lose;用to be lost,谁 lose time不明确。)没有可以失去的时间了。题组训练3用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)The old man sat in front of the television every evening,happy towatch(watch) anything that happened to be on.(2)The


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