江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit3 Looking good feeling good Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading (1)

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江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit3 Looking good feeling good Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading (1)_第1页
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《江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit3 Looking good feeling good Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit3 Looking good feeling good Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading (1)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、M1 U3 Looking good, feeling goodPeriod Learning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading【Learning goals】1. Learning some new words : feel; dying; figure; ashamed; contain; damage; embarrass; prefer 2. Learning some new expressions: used to; work out; look back on; as you are;【Learning focus】1. (Page

2、41) Everyone wants to feel good and look good. (1) feel 此处作_,不用_,后常接_。类似的系动词有_等。http:/ (2) feel (pt. _ p.p. _ )feel + adj. _ feel sth. _ feel + sb./sth./yourself +_sth.感觉到/注意到(在)做某事【练一练】(1)这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑。The metal _(2)他感到有只手在触摸他的肩膀。He _ his shoulder.(3)I could feel the warm sun on my back. _ (4)I feel

3、 _ that it is wrong to kill animals for food.A. good B. bad C. strongly D. excitedly【固定搭配】feel good 感到愉快或有信心feel like doing sth/ sth _feel as if/as though 感觉到好像 feel ones way _I dont feel myself today. 我今天_2. (Page 42) Dying to be thin (=be very _ to do sth.) be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事be dying _ sth.

4、 渴望某物【知识回顾】 dying adj. 垂死的,临死的(只作_) _ v. _ n. _ adj.【练一练】(1) 曾经有一段时间,许多年轻人渴望出国。 There was a time _(2) 生活在这个国家的人们都渴望获得自由。 People who live in the country _3. (Page 42 Lines 3-4) I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont work out any more.(Page 42 Line 10)The pills really work! used to do

5、sth. _ (would _)get/be/become used to (doing) sth. (=get/be /become accustomed to (doing) sth.) _be used to do sth. _【练一练】(1) 我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时。 I _ and take an hours walk before breakfast.(2) Li Ping told me that he overslept this morning.Oh, he rarely used to oversleep, _?A. usednt he B. was he

6、 C. didnt he D. did he(3) She _ in a quiet village, but now she _ in the big city.A. used to live; has grown used to living B. used to living; is used to live C. is used to live; used to living D. used to live; used to livingwork out不同含义:(1) Amy keeps fit/healthy by working out in the gym every day.

7、 _(2) Things have worked out quite well for us._(3) Can you work out the answer for me? _(4) Ive worked out a new way of doing it._(5) She is changeable. I have never been able to work her out._【练一练】(1) You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.A. run out B. break out C. work ou

8、t D. work(2) He has worked _ the problem for quite some time, but hasnt worked it _ yet. A. on; on B. out; out C. on; out D. out; on第二句中的work为vi.,_ 我的计划很有效。我让他把价格降下来了。 _. I got him to bring down the price.4. (Page 42 Line 5) Most young women want a slim figure these days, especially here in Canada.f

9、igure n. 体形,体态她是如何不节食而保持苗条身材的呢?How does she manage _?figure的其他意思:(1) I will check up the figure. _(2) Mao Zedong was a great figure in the history of China. _(3) Through the window I could see the busy figure of Professor Li. _【知识拓展】figure out(1) He never shows his emotions or expresses his opinion,

10、 so we cant figure him out._(2) Have you figured out how much the trip will cost. _5. (Page 42 Line 6) Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body. (Page 43 Line 27) We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look, should we?ashamed adj. 惭愧的、羞愧的 be ashamed of sth. / doing sth. be ashamed tha

11、t be ashamed to do sth. 【练一练】 她对自己在上次考试中的失败感到惭愧。(三种表达方式) _ _ _【注意】ashamed为表语形容词,不能在名词前做定语,只能用作表语或后置定语。shame n. U _ sing _ shameful adj. _【练一练】(1) What a shame! / Its a shame that _ (2) You should be _ of your _ behavior.(3) Students should feel _ of cheating in exams.A. shame B. shameful C. ashamed D. shamed6. (Page 42 Line 19) They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.contain v. 包含,含有(1) 该信封里装有一张圣诞贺卡。 The envelope _


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