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1、必修四Modules 13综合技能测试 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21In recent years, a series of landmark buildings _ by international architects has been set up in Beijing.Adesigned B.to be designed Cdesigning D.having designed22He is used to _ the matters that I don

2、t know_.Adealing with;what to do with them Bdealing with;how to deal withCdo with;what to do with Ddo with;how to deal with them23All cases _ children are dealt with in a special childrens court.ArespectableBrespected Crespective Drespecting24The old professor has a strange way of making his lessons

3、 _ and interesting.Alive B.living Clively D.alive25She tried hard to keep calm in face of the students,but the sweat on her forehead_ her_.Agave;away B.turned;down C.showed;out D.shut;off26The bus got _ in the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way.Ato be stuck B.stick C.stuck D.sticking27It is

4、 not socially _ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.Aaccessible B.adorable Cadaptable D.acceptable28_the plan has been made,lets get down to _it out.ANow that;carry B.Because;carry CSince;carrying D.Now;putting29It is _that all the celebrities in the entertainment circle pay their t

5、axes to the government.Acommanded B.requested C.advised D.required30Generally speaking,the limits of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth,but whether or not he reaches those limits will _his environment.Adepend on B.live on Cfeed on Dbe depended on31_his food _,the man had to come out of his hi

6、ding place.ASince;runs out BBecause;run out CWith;running out DFor;running out32Lets go to a movie after work,OK?_ANot at all. B.Why not? C.Never mind. D.What of it?33The teacher still keeps the cards of most of his students,_their names and addresses.Amarking with B.which marked Cmarked with D.ther

7、e are on them34What about the coming Fifth China International Air Show in the city of Zhuhai?Oh,air shows are _to be the most exciting part of the programme.Aexpected B.wished C.preferred D.proved35When _,the library will be open to the public next year.Acompleting B.being completed Cto be complete

8、d Dcompleted第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。The Chinese New Year is a great holiday to choose to celebrate Chinese culture with your child. Here are few fun ways to bring a bit of fun and _36_ into your home through the festivities of the Chinese New Year.1

9、Add a lucky red door. Red is a traditional color of _37_ . Its an important part of the Chinese New Year to _38_ on doing what one can to bring about good luck for the New Year. If you dont want to _39_ the door red, how about wrapping it up like a present with red wrapping paper. If changing your f

10、ront doors color is not workable, how about the door to your childs bedroom?2Eat. A huge part of most cultures is that of food and the Chinese New Year is not _40_, its eating jiaozi at midnight on New Years Eve, or longevity noodles on day seven of the festivities to _41_ long life. The Chinese New

11、 Year celebrations mean many fancy meals that your child will _42_.3Create a lantern. Sara Naumann, the Guide to China Travel, shares a bit about the legend of the Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao, which occurs on the _43_ day of the Chinese New Year festivities. Its a _44_ that includes an emperor, a y

12、oung woman who misses her family, and tricking the God of Fire. Your kids should love this story. After _45_ it with them, or while reading the story, enjoy making your own paper lantern to display.4Give lucky money. The Guide to Mandarin Language shares that another very popular _46_ during the Chi

13、nese New Year is that of the gift of red envelopes with _47_ in them. These gifts are given to children and usually follow a bit of superstition(迷信) in that the money needs to be given in even amounts and never contain _48_ numbers, such as four. Therefore, four dollars is not a good gift. The envel

14、opes are also decorated with lucky symbols and New Year _49_.5Give a small gift. The giving of simple gifts is also an appropriate way to _50_ the Chinese New Year. What better gift than that of a childrens book about the Chinese New Year or the Chinese Culture.6Make some noise. Just like in America, the Chinese use _51_ in ringing in their New Year. In the Chinese culture it began as a way to _52_ away any demons(鬼) that threaten to bring a profitable and lucky New Year, but today its also about excitement and _53_. Consider setting off a few firecrackers of your own, if allow


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