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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating知识点归纳1. diet n. 日常饮食; vi.& vt. 节食 diet用作名词时,既可表示通常吃的食物,又可表示特种饮食及饮食疗法。搭配:go on a diet = be on a diet 节食 a balanced diet 平衡的饮食diet用作不及物动词,表示节食 e.g. She became so fat that she had to diet herself.2.provide Vt. 提供 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.supply sb. with sth .= su

2、pply sth. to sb.offer sb. sth / offer sth. to sb. 3. energy n.精力;活力;能量辨析:energy (u. n.) 活力,朝气;能源,能量 (pl.) 精力;努力e.g. Young people have more energy than the old. devote/ apply ones energy to a task power: 权利;权势(一般用词,意指任何身体上、心理上或道德上的能力)come into power 当权 take power掌权,执政 strength: 力量,力气;优点,优势4. balance

3、n. 天平;平衡 v. 平衡;权衡e.g. weight sth. in the balance 用天平称某物The expenses balance the receipts.支出跟收入相抵。拓展:keep ones balance 保持平衡 lose ones balance失去平衡 be out of balance 不平衡 keep the balance of nature保持自然界的平衡 a good sense of balance很好的平衡感 in the balance (命运)未定;在危急中;不确定5.think of (1)想起;记起 Sorry, I didnt thi

4、nk of your name just now. (2)考虑;关心 We should think of the matter carefully.(3)为着想 Chen Guangbiao is always thinking of the poor people in the poor areas. (4)想;打算 I am thinking of giving up smoking. think about想;考虑 think much of 对评价很高 think highly / well of 高度评价 think out 想出 think badly of认为不好 think

5、over 仔细考虑6.lose weight 减肥 put on/ gain weight 增肥;长胖 by weight 按重量 pull ones weight尽力,奋力e.g. She is trying to lose weight.7. curiosity n. 好奇心(用作不可数名词时,表示“好奇心”,但有时可说a curiosity。也可用作可数名词, 表示“古董,奇物,珍品) adj.: curious 好奇的e.g. What she said aroused my curiosity. He likes collecting curiosities.搭配:show curi

6、osity about sth.对某事好奇;爱打听某事 out of/ from curiosity 出于好奇 satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 be curious about 对感到好奇8. throw down 扔掉;扔下;丢弃e.g. Why do you want to throw down Mary?throw away 扔掉,丢掉;错过,浪费(机会、优势等)、e.g. We should have won. We threw it away.throw oneself into 投身于.9.get away with (做坏事)不受惩罚;被放过 e.

7、g. For that serious accident, he got away with only a fine. get across使了解,解释清楚 get around/round/about到处走动 get down to 着手,开始get down下来;使沮丧 get over恢复 get through完成;通过get away from 摆脱 get on/along with 与相处 get out of 从中出来10. lie n. 说谎,谎言 tell a lie / lies 撒谎,说谎 a white lie善意的谎言 tell a lie / lies with

8、sb. = lie to sb. 对某人撒谎v. 说谎;位于,在于,存在 e.g. He lied to me./ He is lying. e.g. Success lies in hard work./The house lies at the foot of the hill.lie- lay-lain-lying 躺,位于lie -lied-lied- lying 撒谎lay- laid- laid- laying 放置,下蛋11. discount n.折扣(可数、不可数都可) at a discount 打折 give sb. a discount 给某人打折e.g. We giv

9、e 10 percent discount for cash./The goods will be sold at a discount.v. 打折扣,打折出售;认为不重要,不重视 e.g. We cant discount the possibilities of further strikes.12.consult v. 咨询;请教;商量 n. consultationconsult with sb. about sth. 就某事与某人商量 consult with sb.与某人交换意见,商谈consult表示“查阅”时,后可接字典,词典,参考书等consult the dictionar

10、y=refer to the dictionary =look up in the dictionary 13. earn a/ones living 谋生 =make a/ ones livinge.g. He earns his living by teaching at a language school.14.in debt欠债;负债;欠人情e.g. He is heavily in debt. 他负债累累。搭配:get/run/fall into debt 负债 be in debt to sb.=be in ones debt 欠某人的债be out of debt还清债务(表状态

11、) pay off ones debts还清债务(表动作)15. glare vi.怒视;发耀眼的光glare at 怒目而视 e.g. She rose, glaring at the rude waiter.stare at 指“盯着看”,由于好奇、无礼、傲慢所致 e.g. He sat staring into sky, thinking.glance at “粗略地看一下;一瞥” e.g. He glanced at the sleeping child and then left.16. limit n. 界限,限度(常与to搭配,表示“对的限制”复数limits表示“范围;区域;边

12、界线;限度 vt. 限制;限定e.g. There is a limit to what I can do for you. The task is too much for me. I know my limits. We must limit ourselves to one cake each.搭配: within limits适度地;节制地 without limits 无限地limited adj. 有限的;少的;有限制的 be limited in ability 能力有限17.benefit n. 利益;好处 vt. &vi. 有益于;有助于;受益benefit sb./sth.

13、 对有利;有益于 e.g. The fresh air here will benefit you. benefit from/by因得到好处;受益于e.g. I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language.for the benefit of为了的利益 be of benefit to 对有益18. cut down1)削减;减少 You should cut down your smoking./ We must cut down the expenses. 2)砍倒 Only a few trees can be cut down for firewood.cut across走捷径 cut in 插嘴;干预 cut off中止,切断;挡住 cut out 删掉;切除 cut up 切碎;使难过



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