六年级下册英语试题-Module5外研版 含听力材料无答案

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1、Module 5(B)快饿乐导航 Class: _Name:_. Look and write。看一看,写一写。play _ telephone r_ t _ to friend r_ f_ o_. Listen to Unit 1and answer questions. 听一听Unit1课文,回答问题。1. What happens when Daming is playing the suona? _ 2. What happens when he is playing his favourite song and everyone is listening and clapping._

2、 3. Whats the dog doing when Daming starts again?_快乐学练练. Listen to Unit 2 and tick. (听Unit2课文,选择正确答案打勾。)(1) The girl is on the train. ( ) She is reading a book. ( ) Shes looking out of the window.(2) Whats the weather like? ( ) Its sunny. ( ) Its raining.(3) What are the pigs doing? ( ) The pigs are

3、 sleeping. ( ) The pigs are eating.(4) What are the people doing? ( ) People are wearing caps. ( ) People are carrying umbrellas.(5) Whats the man doing? ( ) He is wearing a big hat and a raincoat. ( ) He is dancing.(6) What are the children doing? ( ) They are playing football. ( ) Theyre jumping i

4、n the water.(7) Whats the weather like? ( ) Its sunny. ( ) Its raining. Imitate to write. 仿照例句写句子。People are carrying umbrellas. (carry)1. A man _ a big hat and raincoat and boots. (wear)2. Children _in the water. (jump) 3. The sun _. (shine)I am reading, but the telephone rings. (read, telephone ri

5、ngs)1. I _, but _ ( watch TV, fall asleep)2. I _, but _ (run , feel thirsty)3. I _ in the park, but _.( play , rains)4. I _, but _.快乐拓展(have an ice cream wake up) I. Read and answer the questions. 阅读回答问题。Im on a bus. I am looking out of the window. It is sunny and hot today. Some men are under the t

6、rees. They are playing Chinese chess. A woman is carrying an umbrella. She is walking in the street. Two girls are buying ice creams. But the bus is very fast, a moment later, I cant see them.1. Where is the writer? _2. Whats the weather like? _3. What are the men doing? _4. What is the woman carryi

7、ng? _5. What are the girls buying? _附听力材料 : 快乐导航. Listen to Unit 1and answer questions. 听一听Unit1课文,回答问题。Daming is having a birthday party. He is playing the suona, but the telephone rings. He stops and everyone waits.Then he starts again. He is playing his favourite song and everyone is listening an

8、d clapping, but the bell rings.” Stop!” says Simon. Daming stops. More friends arrive. Simons dog comes in, too.Daming starts again. Now the dog is barking and dancing with the suona. Everyone says the dog is very clever. They all laugh.快乐学练. Listen to Unit 2 and tick. (听Unit2课文,选择正确答案打勾。)I am on a

9、train. I am looking out of the window. It is raining. Some pigs are sleeping under the tree. People are carrying umbrellas. A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat. Some children are jumping in the water. The train goes into a tunnel. It is very dark. We come out of the tunnel. The rain stops. The sun is shining. Now the train arrives at the station.


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