五年级下册英语试题教与学1-3单元 译林版有答案

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1、课堂检测+单元默写纸Unit 1 CinderellaStory time一、单项选择。( )1. _are you so sad? Because I cant go fishing. A. How B. Why C. What( )2. Let_help you. A. we B. us C. I( )3. Its very cold. _your coat. Mike. A. Put on B. Put down C. Take off( )4. The T-shirt doesnt_Mike_at all. A. fit B. fits C. fit to二、句子翻译。1. 你可以试穿

2、这条短裙。You can_this skirt. 2. 为什么你不能去参加聚会? Why_ _go to the party? 3. 孩子们现在必须回家了。The children_ _go home now. 4. 这件连衣裙很合身。The dress_me_. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Yang Ling_(come) home at five. 2. Those shoes are_(Tom). 3. Do you have_(some) apples? 4. Come and help_(he). Grammar time & Fun time一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式

3、。1. come_2. put_ 3. fit_4. try _ 5. like_6. visit_7. go _8. do_9. have _10. look_二、选词填空。(有一项多余)。Where, whose, who, when, what 1. _are my gloves? Theyre on the bed. 2. _is this? Its a shoe. 3. _does Mike come to school every day? At seven. 4. _clothes are these? Theyre Cinderellas. 三、找出下列各题中的错误, 并在横线

4、上改正。1. The red skirt doesnt fits me. _ 2. The boys dont have any socks and gloves. _3. Where are my shoe? Theyre under the bed. _Sound time & Culture time & Cartoon time一、选出每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。( )1. A. driver B. dressC. draw( )4. A. cake B. back C. and( )2. A. down B. desk C. drink( )5. A. go B. come C.

5、clothes( )3. A. help B. me C. let二、英汉互译。1. be bad for_ 2. hurry up_3. 脱下_ 4. 在森林里_4. 穿上他的夹克衫_ 6. pick a big mushroom_三、根据要求改写句子。1. I want some apple juice. (同义句) I_ _some apple juice. 2. Mike likes reading fairy tales. (一般疑问句)_ _like reading fairy tales?3. Cinderella is sad. Cinderella cant go to th

6、e party. (合为一句)Cinderella is sad_ _cant go to the party. 4. We dont have any nice clothes. (否定句) We_ _nice clothes. Checkout time & Ticking time一、选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。( )1. A. happy B. sad C. today( )4. A. what B. forest C. how( )2. A. jacket B. clothes C. dress( )5. A. prince B. under C. behind( )3. A.

7、party B. pretty C. beautiful二、单项选择。( )1. _cant you go to the party? Because I have a bad cold. A. Why B. Where C. How( )2. Look! Sam_a nice cap. A. is draw B. is drawing C. draws( )3. The sweet food_bad for us. A. isnt B. is C. are( )4. Cinderella doesnt_any new clothes. A. has B. have C. dont has(

8、)5. The boy likes_stories_Nezha. A. reading; for B. reading; about C. reading; to三、给下列问句选择正确的答语。A. Cinderella does. B. Yes, please. C. Sorry, I dont. D. Because I have a new bike. ( )1. Do you remember these colours? ( )2. Would you like some snacks?( )3. Who leaves a shoe behind? ( )4. Why are you

9、so happy? 单元默写纸一、单词。王子_为什么_拾_合身_迟的,_因为_衣服让_明白,_晚的_摘,_仙女_理解_蘑菇_在以前_二、词组。在王子家_表演这个英语剧_过来帮助我_为她的朋友画件连衣裙_我的手套裤子T恤衫_读故事_去参加聚会_有一些零食_有些漂亮衣服和鞋子_在零食店_没有漂亮衣服和鞋子_饥渴交加的波比_穿上新衣服_在森林里_脱下他白色的夹克衫_发现一些蘑菇_脱下它_在树下_穿上它们_摘了一个又大又红的蘑菇_试穿这只鞋_捡起这本书_试穿它们_把它们捡起来_十二点之前回来_把一只鞋子留下了_伤心/开心_不明白为什么_玩得开心_脚疼_在聚会上_对有坏处/好处_不得不做某事_不得不, 必须_不得不回家_穿上(衣服)_拜访每一户_试穿_很适合某人_脱下_在十二点_对有害_喝饮料_留下; 丢下_表示单数时,除了 “你you我I”,剩余的全部属于第三人称单数。Unit 2 How do you come


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