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1、 外研版九年级英语下册短语汇总(Modulenbsp;5)Module 51. keep to the path 沿着小路走 keep to = walk along = go along 沿着走2. Is that clear? 明白了吗?= Do you understand ?3. go off on your own 私自离开 go off on ones own 独自离开on ones own = alone =by oneself 单独,独自 4. the best place to do sth 最好的地方做某事5. Im starving. 我快饿死了。 starve to d

2、eath 饿死 starve for news 渴望消息 6. go rock climbing 去攀 7. personal safety 个人安全 keep together 集体行动8. have the right shoes 有合适的鞋 9. OK, I think thats all. 好了, 我说完了。10. climb up to 爬上 11. lead the way 带路,领路14. take a look across 向对面看 = have a look across = look across 15. reach out 伸手去摸 watch out = look o

3、ut 能与for连用 “留神,小心”16. in the middle of the night 在午夜 during the night 在夜间17. make breakfast 做早餐 I stood very still. 我纹丝不动地站着。18. We fell asleep listening to the sound of water. listening to the sound of water 在句中作伴随状语。 She left crying. 她哭着离开了。19. move on 继续前进 make any gesture 摆任何手势 make a gesture 摆手

4、势20. make a lot of noise 发出许多的响声 = make much noise (noise 是不可数)21. above all 首先,最重要的是 in bad weather 在糟糕的天气 weather 是不可数22. the next day 第二天 23. at midday = at noon 在中午 24. stay in the same position 保持同一姿势 25. play with some sticks 玩枝条27. turn my head 转过我的头 turn round 转身 28. run past me into the woo

5、ds 从我身边跑过进了树林 29. every time 每次,每当 my blood went cold. 我的血都冷了。(形容极度害怕)33. throw sth away 把某物扔掉 throw sth into + 地方 把某物扔进某地34. make an effort to do sth 努力做某事 make a huge effort to do sth 非常努力做某事35. get involved in doing sth 参与/卷入做某事 36. with sth in hand 手中拿着某物 wake up to the fact 意识到这个事实38. pass sth to sb = pass sb sth 把某物传给某人 keep on 使. 亮着 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 5



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