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1、英语英语 九年级下册九年级下册 R RJ J Section B 3a Self check 1 停止乘小汽车 2 回收纸 3 用纸巾 4 好好利用 5 用垃圾建造房子 6 倒置 7 经营小生意 RevisionRevision stop riding in cars recycle paper use paper napkins put to good use build a house out of rubbish turn upside down set up a small business 8 回复 归还 9 旧玻璃瓶 10 拆下 11 一个有创意的大脑 12 开一个小店 13 更受

2、欢迎的作品 14 给他人带来欢乐 bring back old glass bottles pull down a creative mind open a small shop more popular works bring happiness to others Turn off the lights when we leave a room Take our own bags when shopping Ride a bike Recycle paper Don t use paper napkins Warming upWarming up What should we do to

3、save the earth They should close down the factories that put waste into the river Set up a lot of dustbins on the street Stop people from using wooden chopsticks plastic bowls and bags Organize people to clean up the streets and rivers What should governments do to save the earth Think about the env

4、ironment in your town city and complete the chart below Which parts of the town city have a nice environment Why are they nice Which parts need to be improved Why Pair workPair work 3a Pair workPair work Good environment Why Bad environment Why parkriver streetsstreets restaurantair the air is clean

5、 so many trees clean and tidy a lot of rubbish so many cars so many factories Write a letter to the city mayor about the problem and your suggestions What are the problems Where are they What or who is causing these problems WritingWriting In your letter describe the environmental problems in your t

6、own city 3b Then give suggestions or possible ways to solve the problems I think that We should could I suggest 本次写作内容是一封书信 信中首先 要介绍你所在城市存在有哪些环境问题 是谁造成的这些问题 然后提出解决这 些环境问题的方法和措施 可以结合3中 列举的问题和前面学过的解决办法来完 成这封信 写作指写作指导导导导 Dear Sir Madam Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over

7、the world With the development of the society there are too many cars on the streets in your city Cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe Black Sample writingSample writing smoke and poisonous gas are given off by factories Factories also put waste into the river And wherever we go we

8、 can find rubbish Now more and more people have realized these problems I think that governments should close down the factories and develop laws to stop people from driving cars every day I suggest everyone in this town should help to clean up the river and the streets We should call on everyone in

9、 the town to throw rubbish in the dustbins I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better Yours faithfully Jenny Look at these steps of making a basket by using the plastic bottle and then try to make one by yourself Self CheckSelf Check v n n adj pol

10、lute fame act wood protect science inspire health build south create harm 1 Write different forms of the words Then add more to each group pollution action protection inspiration building creation famous wooden scientific healthy southern careful adj n adj adv different slow important wide sudden re

11、al difference importance slowly widely suddenly really 2 Mach each statement with the grammar structure StatementGrammar The river used to be so clean Present progressive We have seen many changes in the environment Modal verbs People should take public transportation more Passive voice The river is

12、 polluted by factories used to The air pollution is getting worse and worse Present perfect 3Write ways to cut down on these kinds of pollution Kinds of pollutionways to cut down water pollution land pollution ask factories not to throw waste into the river remind people not to litter ensure that fa

13、ctories throw away industrial waste in a responsible way try not to use plastic bags when shopping Kinds of pollutionways to cut down noise pollution air pollution build airport away from places where people live encourage people to use public transportation instead of driving reduce the number of f

14、actories that burn coal 互动课堂 探究与合作 探究点1 构词法 根据括号里的汉语汉语 意思写出单词单词 并体会这这 些单词单词 的构成方法 1 Do you have a 报纸报纸 2 The 细细心的 student made a 粗心的 mistake 3 Please 浇浇水 the tree with some 水 newspaper careful careless water water 英语语中的常见见构词词法有 和 合成法 由两个或两个以上的词词合成一个新词词 这这 种构词词法叫作合成法 合成法可以构成名词词 形 容词词 动词动词 数词词 介词词等 如

15、classroom 名词词 名词词 blackboard 形容词词 名词词 worldwide 名词词 形容词词 good looking 形容词词 现现在分词词 overcome 副词词 动词动词 fifty four 数词词 数词词 everything somebody 不定代 词词 名词词 等 合成 转化 派生 2 派生法 在一个单词单词 前面或后面加上一个 词缀词缀 构成新词词 这这种构词词法叫做派生法 加在单词单词 前的词缀词缀 叫 加在单词单词 后的词缀词缀 叫 常见见的前缀 un 不 非 unable unimportant untrue dis 不 非 discover di

16、sorder discolored bi 两个 双边边的 bicycle inter 相互 Internet international interview 前缀 后缀 re 又 再 重新 rewrite retell review tele 远远距离传输传输 电视电视 telephone television 常见见的名词后缀 er or 人 teacher writer foreigner visitor ist 人 artist scientist tourist terrorist ese 民族 语语言 Chinese Japanese tion 动动作 状态态 invitation attraction population 常见见的形容词后缀 ful 充满满 careful colorful useful helpful y 有 的 cloudy sunny windy lucky funny al 有 特点的 traditional international natural able 能够够 comfortable unforgettable less 没有 无 hom


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