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1、英语期末总复习材料Book8 Unit 1 Topic1 一 语法 一般将来时1 由 be going to v 原 构成 表示打算 计划 愿意要做的事 或有迹象表明即将发 用来表示自然现象 一 常见的时间状语 1 今天下午 晚上 2 下周 月 明年 3 明天 4 后天 5 将来 6 很快 7 当某 人长大 8 两天 三周 之后 tomorrow this afternoon evening next week month year the day after tomorrow in the future soon when sb grow up in two days three weeks

2、 二 用法点拨 肯定句结构 1 主 be going to V 原 2 there is going to be 主语 将有 be v 一般根据主语选用am is are 1 I am going to buy some books tomorrow 译 2 他打算今天下午去拜访她的叔叔 译 3 他们打算下个星期天去游泳 译 4 明天将有一场足球赛 5 我们学校将会有更多学生 我明天要买一些书 He is going to visit his uncle this afternoon They are going to swim next Sunday There is going to be

3、 a soccer tomorrow There is going to be more students in our school 否定句 在 后加 把上面1 2 句改成否定句 1 2 一般疑问句 把 放在主语前 把上面1 3 句改成一般疑问句 1 3 特殊疑问句 1 你明天打算做什么 2 他下个星期天要做什么 I am not going to buy any books this afternoon He isn t going to visit his uncle this afternoon Are you going to buy any books this afternoon

4、 Are they going to swim next Sunday be动词 not be动词 What are you going to do tomorrow What is he going to do next week 练习 1 I visit my aunt this Sunday 2 our school have a sports meet next week 3 Tom take part in the sports meet I am sure he 4 Mary and Tina not go shopping tomorrow morning 5 There be

5、a clothes show next Sunday 6 There be more trees in the future am going to visit Is going to have is going to take will win aren t going to go is going to be are going to be 7 you come and cheer us on the day after tomorgrow up 8 What you do in the future 9 I be a doctor when I grow up are going to

6、come are going to do am going to be 二 重点词句 1 使某振作 高兴 2 在暑假期间 2 长大 成长 3 为 效力 4 去骑车 去登山 5 半小时 6 经常做某事 7 加入 团体 组织 参加 活动 8 擅长某事 做某事 9 跳远 跳高 二 重点词句 1 cheer sb up 2 during the summer holidays 2 grow up 3 play for 4 go cycling go mountain climbing 5 half an hour 6 do sth much 7 join take part in 8 be good

7、at sth doing sth 9 the long jump the high jump 10 到达某地 大地点 到达某地 小地点 11 离开某地 出发去某地 12 国家队 13 使某人放松 14 流行的 受欢迎的 15 全世界 16 帮助某人保持心肺 健康 17 一种保持健康的好 方法 18 对 有益 10 arrive in arrive at 11 leave leave for 12 national team 13 make sb strong relax 14 be popular 15 all over the world 16 help to keep one s hear

8、t and lungs healthy 17 a good way to keep fit 18 be good for 三 语言点讲析 1 see sb sth 看到某人做某事 全过程或 2 经常看到 提示词 often every day see sb sth 看到某人正在做某事 1 I often see you read books 2 Can you see some fish swim in the river 3 I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays 4 We can see s

9、ome girls fly kites in the park 5 We watch the national flag 国旗 go up on Monday morning 6 I saw some young men run in the park one morning do doing read swimming play flying go running 2 介词 反对 对抗 同某人比赛 1 We are going to play soccer Class 3 3 更喜欢 更喜欢 1 我更喜欢英语 I English 更喜欢做某事 1 He prefers cycle 相比较A和

10、B 更喜欢A 1 I prefer apples pears 2 Michael prefers skating to swim against play against sb against prefer prefer sth like sth better I prefer English like better prefer doing sth cycling prefer A to B like A better than B to swimming 4 one of n 复 之一 作主语时谓语动词用 1 He is one of the best play in the world

11、2 One of my good friends often help me with my English 5 1 be sure that 从句 相信 我相信我们会赢的 2 be sure to do sth一定做某事 我们一定会赢的 我一定会来为你加油的 三单 players helps I m sure that we will win We are sure to win I am sure to come and cheer you on 5 花费钱 时间做某事 spend 钱 时间 sth 在某事 物上花费钱 时间 spend 钱 时间 sth 1 我每天花两小时做运动 2 他昨

12、天花了一个小时看电视 3 这本书我花了20美元 doing on I spend two hours doing sports every day He spent one hour watching TV I spent 20 on this book 四 情景对话 1 你长大了想做什么 2 骑自行车和划船 你更喜欢那一项运动 3 那是我的梦想 What are you going to do when you grow up I m going to be a an I m want to be a an Which sport do you prefer cycling or rowin

13、g That s my dream 4 你经常游泳吗 Yes 相当经常 No 很少 5 你最喜欢的运动是什么 6 谁是你最喜欢的运动员 Do you row much quite a lot bit seldom Which is your favorite sport My favorite sport is Who is your favorite player My favorite player is Book8 Unit 1 Topic2 1你介意做某事吗 当然不 请做吧 2 你介意不要做某事吗 对不起 我会 对不起 我不再做了 3 你介意某人做某事吗 当然不介意 请把 Would

14、Do you mind doing sth 1 Not at all 2 Of course not 3 Certainly not Please do Would Do you mind not doing sth Sorry I will I am sorry about that I won t do it again Would Do you mind if sb do sth Certainly not Please do 语法二 Sorry的应答 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 Never mind It doesn t matter It s nothing That s OK Th

15、at s all right Not at all 语法三 主语 间宾 直宾 主语 直宾 to for 间宾 1 把某物传递给某人 2 把某物踢给某人 3 把某物给某人 4 把某物拿去给某人 5 把某物带来给某人 6 把某物扔给某人 7 买某物给某人 8 做某物给某人 pass sb sth pass sth to sb kick sb sth kick sth to sb give sb sth give sth to sb take sb sth take sth to sb bring sb sth bring sth to sb throw sb sth through sth to

16、sb buy sb sth buy sth fou sb make sb sth make sth to sb 二 重点词句 1 帮助某人 2 生病 3 一直 坚持做某事 4 再试一次 5 乱扔某物 6 其它地方 7 马上 8 尽力 9 对某人喊叫 二 重点词句 1 do sb a hand help sb 2 2 be ill fall ill 3 keep doing sth 4 try it again 5 throw sth around 6 somewhere else 7 right away 8 do one s best try one s best 9 shout at sb 10 对某人生气 11 擅长 12 向某人道歉 道谢 问好 13 做得更好 14 一定做某事 15 打架 吵架 16 输了比赛 17 一个多世纪 18 以便于 19 有 年的历史 10 be angry with sb 11 do well in be good at 12 say sorry thanks hello to sb 13 do better 14 be sure to do st



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