人教版高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the news period 1 测试(教师版)

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1、Module 5 Unit 4 Making the newsPeriod 1 Warming up & Reading一、易混易错辨析1. occupation/job/profession/work(1)Please state your name, age and _below. (2)I have a few _to do in the house this morning.(3)Looking after children all day is hard_.(4)My husband is at the very top of medical_.2. accuse/charge/bl

2、ame(1)He was _of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in prison.(2)The suspect was _with murdering his wife.(3)You should not _others for what is your own fault.3.in order to/so as to/in order that/so that/for the purpose of(1)Anne raised her voice _be heard.(2)_take this job, you must leave the

3、 other job.(3)They flew there _they could be in time to attend the opening ceremony.(4)He spent all day playing computer games, _he failed in passing the exam.(5) He returned to his homeland _serving his own people.二、单句语法填空1. There is no need _you to worry about the matter.2. _all depends whether sh

4、e likes the boss or not.3. The three persons guilty _theft have been sent to prison.4. Did you act in that way_(deliberate)or by chance?5. On New Years Day in 1974, I started keeping a_(journalist).6. Recently, I am busy with my work, so it is not _(usual)for me to come home at two or three in the m

5、orning.7. These machines_(update)constantly by improving the design of the computers.8. He denied_(break)the glass of the classroom on purpose for fear of being dismissed.三、语法填空African-American doctor Charles Richard Drew 1 (call)the father of the blood bank for his outstanding role 2 directing Amer

6、icas first large-scale blood banking program during the early years of World War . He was born in 1904. After graduating from university, Drew went to Montreal General Hospital 3 he worked with Doctor Beattie. Doctor Beattie 4 (research)into blood transfusions then and Drew became very 5 (interest)i

7、n the work. He reali sed that 6 was very important to find a way of storing blood so that it could be used 7 (immediate)when needed. Later, Drew developed 8 technique for the long-term preservation of blood plasma(血浆).Drews 9 (discover)saved countless lives during World War II. And his insistence on

8、 ignoring the racial background of donors(献血者)and transfusion receivers meant that non-white soldiers no longer bled to death while 10 (wait)for a same-race donor to contribute blood. He died in 1950 after a car accident.1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _四、完形填空I was a paperboy well actua

9、lly, the first papergirl in Seattle. When I was 12, I talked my way into a job delivering The Seattle Times. I remember the boss looking this 1 girl over and telling me I had a week to 2 I could do it.So after school, I would 3 over to the hut down the street, pick up my bundles, lift them onto the

10、back of my 4 and ride my route. Sunday morning papers were too 5 for me to carry. I tried, and it took me three hours to 6 them as I had to keep coming back to reload. So, my mother volunteered to get up at 5:30 am and drive me around. She 7 herself to my employment.What I learned as a 8 was to find

11、 out where each of my customers wanted their papers. I didnt just throw them on their 9 . If they wanted them on their porch, or mailbox or inside the gate, that was 10 they got them. When a customer went out of town, he would tell me and I would make sure that the papers didnt 11 up to flag thieves

12、. In return, I got big 12 .Somewhere the paperboys are 13 by modern services. We put our orders, our vacation holds, our moves into online forms that then tell a service that 14 a guy in a truck to throw the paper onto the lawn.The people that run and own newspapers have the 15 to deliver news to us

13、 in a large number of forms, and we should be able to get it any way we want. We should be able to 16 for the form we want it 17 ,including how it is distributed. I would 18 pay to have a papergirl or boy deliver the 19 on the right day in the right way, and I would tip for that privilege.Lets bring

14、 back the paperboy and with it 20 employment for our children.1. A. strong B. nervousC. stubborn D. thin2. A. prove B. confirmC. inform D. admit3. A. watch B. headC. take D. turn4. A. car B. cartC. bike D. truck5. A. heavy B. dirtyC. tidy D. rough6. A. read B. copyC. pack D. deliver7. A. enjoyed B. devotedC. forced D. engaged8. A. student B. daughterC. papergirl D. reader9. A. lawn B. houseC. floor D. roof10. A. why B. howC. when D. where11. A. take B. pileC. give D. break12. A. smiles B. candiesC. tips D. praises13. A. replaced B. controlledC. guided D. defeated14. A. makes B. pulls



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