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1、 .英语(新标准)(三年级起点)六年级上册Module9 Unit1 Do you want to visit the UN building? 教材分析:本单元是小学新标准英语三年级英语六年级上册第九模块第一单元,以UN building为话题内容,学习目标语句“Do you want to?”并通过Daming和Simon的对话了解UN building,渗透文化意识,学习如何谈论景点。学情分析 :六年级学生已接触过 “Do you?”以及“want to”相关句型,本节课旨在通过旧知引出新知“Do you want to?”来询问想做的事情,同时结合本课话题内容UN building 让

2、学生进一步了解英美国家文化。教学目标:1.语言知识目标:功能:谈论意愿;介绍某景点或城市的特征。语法:全体学生能运用:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?词汇:全体学生能理解:around , all around, member state, inside, should. 全体学生能运用:want 部分学生能运用:around, all around, member state, inside, should.语音:感知一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语音语调特征。2.语言技能目标:听:全体学生能听懂:Do you want to vi

3、sit the UN building in New York?说:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?读:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。写:全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。3学习策略:遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教。4.文化意识:了解主要英语国家的重要标志物。5.情感态度:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。教学重点 理解运用“Do you want to?”询问想去的地方,并会简单介绍景点教学难点 如何抓住景点的特征,并进行简单描述教具准备 PPT,CD-ROM,Word cards教学过程1 热身导入Warm up and lea

4、d in1. GreetingsStand up,please. Hello, boys and girls.2. Say a chant of Module8 Unit2 together.Do you want to say a chant? (PPT)OK,lets say together.3. Free talkT: Daming likes doing lots of things.And I like doing many things too.First,I want to travel.Do you like travel?S:Yes.T:Look,(播放PPT)These

5、are some places that I want to visit.I want to visit Hangzhou best.I want to visit the West Lake.T:Do you want to visit it?S:NoT:And where do you want to visit? What do you want to visit?S4:I want to visit.I want to visit.T:Why?S:Because its.T:Thats a good idea.What about you?S5:I want to visit.I wa

6、nt to visit.T:Well,I know you want to visit these places. Look ,(PPT)Simon. Where does he want to visit? What does he want to visit?4. Watch the CD-ROM about activity 1 with the questions.(PPT展示字幕)Lets watch the video with the questions. T:Where?And what?S6:China,the Great Wall.(展示答案)T:.And who want

7、s to visit too?Ss:bird!(展示小鸟)T:Even the bird(小鸟带红圈) in New York wants to visit Beijing, So China must be a good place to visit.5.Listen and repeat.(点读笔)二、任务呈现 Task presentationShow the task of this lesson with PPT.Today we will learn how to talk about wills.After this , we will talk about your trips

8、 will with want to. First lets know about Damings trip. Now Lets learn Module 9Unit1Do you want to visit the UN building ?(黑板贴)Look,here is a tall building. Ill divide you into two Teams. You are Damings team, You are Simons team.Lets see which team can climb higher .And I will give the winner a pre

9、sent.Are you ready?S:YesT:OK,do your best!三 课文学习Text Learning1.Watch the video with a question and know the whole situation.T: Look,They are.S.T:Yes,youre right.They want to visit a famous place. What do they want to visit? (To show the picture with PPT.)Lets watch and find the answer.Q1: What do Da

10、ming and Simon want to visit? S8:the UN buildingT:Right!(PPT五下)a.Learn to say the UN building.Look,this is the UN building.UN means United Nations. T: Look, how about the UN building?S: Its big, tall, beautiful.T:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?Ss:Yes,we do.T:So how does Simons dad

11、ask?Ss: Do you want to visit the UN building?(Simons dad t头像 贴黑板贴)T:How to answer?Ss: Yes,we do.(Simon Daming 共同头像 贴黑版帖)Practicing reading in pairs. Then show it.T: Can you tell me more information about the UN building?Now lets follow Daming and Simon.Read paragraph1and22. Read the dialogue about p

12、aragraph 1and 2 by themselves a.T:Who can tell me some information about the UN building?S1:What a big building!T:Yes,the UN building is very big!(加一分)T:And where is the UN building?S:Its in New York.T:Who gets another information about it?b.S2:There are flags from all around the world.T: Good job.

13、Who can repeat? S: There are flags from all around the world.T: (PPT) Look! all around the world meansSs: .T: Right.(出示卡片) Read after me. all around (出示单词卡)Ss: all aroundT: (PPT) Read it together.Ss: There are flags from all around the world.T: (PPT) The children from _the world are friends. Who can

14、?S: The children from all around the world are friends. Yes. And this one?S: There are people from all around the world. T: Good job.T: Together.Ss: There are flags from all around the world.(出示flags)T: Is there a Chinese flag in front of the UN building? Ss: Yes.T: (PPT) Look! Heres the flag of Chi

15、na.T:And anyone else, who knows more about the UN buildings information?c.S:There are 193 member states.They make a big family.T:Wonderful!(加分)T:Yes,there are 193 member states.Look!Teach”member states”(出示单词卡)T:What country have you learned?S9:America.the UK.Canada.Japan.PPTT:Yes,they are 193 member states in the UN.They make a big family.(出示193卡片)T:How to say the number? 193And this?157 163T:The UN want to bring peace to the world.T:Do you want to


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