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1、单元过关检测 (二)(时间:120分钟,满分:150分)第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When did the alarm clock ring?AAt 6 oclock.BAt 7 oclock.CAt 8 oclock.2What does the woman want to do?AOpen the door.BLet the man in.COpen the wi

2、ndow.3Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?ATaxi driver and passenger.BDriver and conductor.CBoss and secretary.4Where is Jimmy now?AIn a hotel. BAt home. CIn the lab.5What will the woman do for the man?AWash his clothes.BGet him a wallet.CTake him to the store.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2

3、2.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6What does the man usually do at night?AHe studies his lessons.BHe listens to music.CHe watches a film on TV.7What does the man usually do on weekends?AHe goes to pa

4、rks.BHe goes to ball games.CHe goes shopping.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8At what age is a person allowed to drink in America?A18. B20. C21.9What does one need to do in his birthday celebration?AJust enjoy the special day.BTake care of everything.CPay the bill.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Why does the company fire Jim?ATh

5、ere is a crisis and a new machine.BHe is always late for work.CHes not suitable for the job.11Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?AHeadmaster and teacher.BManager and secretary.CDirector and actress.12What can we learn about the man speaker?AHe was once fired.BHe neednt talk to Jim

6、himself.CHe asked Sara to work here.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What is the survey about?AFamily life.BUnusual hobbies.CHoliday activities.14What is the man interested in?ASpecial exhibitions.BBird shooting.CMountain climbing.15What do we know about the mans parents?AThey live with the man.BThey like to stay

7、 at home.CThey are fond of art galleries.16Where does the mans wife like to go?AThe seaside. BCastles. CSki resorts.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Whose pet dog was the one in 1918?AA doctors. BA soldiers. CDorothys.18Where did Dorothy go to learn more about the guide dogs?AAmerica. BGermany. CEngland.19How lo

8、ng does it take to train a little dog to be a guide dog?AOver 2 years. B14 months. C4 months.20What will the listeners do next?ATeach dogs to be guides.BIntroduce their pet dogs.CVisit the center.答案:15.CCACB610.ACCAA1115.BACAB1620.AABAC听力材料(Text 1)M:You are late again, Miss Smith. Dont you have a wa

9、tch or something?W:Yes, I thought that I had set the alarm clock for 7 oclock, but it rang an hour later.(Text 2)W:Would you mind if I opened the window?M:Of course not. Its really hot in the room. Open the window to let in more fresh air.(Text 3)M:Where to, Miss?W:Please drop me off at the Kings De

10、partment Store.M:On the west side?W:No, the east side, near the post office.(Text 4)W:Hello. This is Kate from the Rainbow Hotel. Is Jimmy at home?M:No. He is in the lab, but he will be back home at 4 oclock.(Text 5)W:Im going to the store. What would you like me to buy for you?M:Would you please bu

11、y a wallet for me while you are there?W:With pleasure.(Text 6)W:How do you usually spend your evenings?M:I usually study. But if theres a new film on TV, I watch that instead.W:How about weekends?M:I usually do some washing and cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon I like to go out to do some sh

12、opping or visit some friends.W:Do you often go to parks or to ball games?M:Sometimes, but not often.(Text 7)M:Look! Someone is celebrating his birthday.W:This must be his 21st birthday. No doubt about it.M:Why? Do you know that guy?W:No. Well, in America, 21 is the age when youre allowed to drink. S

13、o, many guys celebrate it in bars.M:Thats interesting. But it would be really expensive, I suppose. Just think about all the drinks.W:No. If its your birthday, then you dont need to pay a cent. Just blow out the candles and open the gifts.That makes the birthday a special day. Your friends will take

14、 care of everything.M:Wow, thats wonderful.(Text 8)W:Jim has been here for years. Do we have to fire him?M:Well, in the face of the crisis, we have to cut jobs. Besides, with the new machine, we dont need him.W:Is there anything else he can do around here?M:Nothing, Ive checked. I have no other choi

15、ces.W:Maybe youre right. OK, Ill tell Jim.M:No, Sara. I need to talk to him myself. It was I who asked him to work here.W:But it might be easier for me to talk to him than for you.M:No, thanks, Sara. You dont know what its like to be fired.W:You, a general manager, know what its like?M:Yes. I was 30 years old at the time,working in a big company. One morning, I found an announcement on m



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