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1、Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 姓名_短语:1in the forest 在森林里 2.large and strong 又大又壮 3. walk by 走过、路过 4. wake. up 吵醒、叫醒5. some day 某一天 6. be angry 生气7. say quietly 小声地说 8.small and weak 弱小的 9. laugh loudly大声地笑 10.the next day 第二天12. a large net 一个大网 13.get out 出来、出去14. bite with 用咬 8.letgo 让走 15. bite th

2、e net with his sharp teeth 用他锋利的牙齿咬破网 16.hit .hard 使劲地打 16. become friends 成为朋友17. laugh happily 开心地笑 18. from then on 从那时起 19.at night 在夜晚20. Aesops Fables 伊索寓言 21. Chinese idiom 成语故事22. It doesnt matter. 没关系。 23.many animal stories 许多动物故事24.play table tennis 打乒乓球 25.be good at. 擅长于.26.cheer for 为.

3、喝彩 27.too excited 太兴奋8. too deep 太深28.hit the ball hard 猛力地怕打球29.pour into 把.倒入30.just then 就在那时 31.make a big hole 钻了一个大洞13.in the hole 在洞里 4.in the net在网子上32.let the mouse go 让老鼠离开 33.Here comes the lion.这里来了只狮子。34.catch the lion with a large net 用一个大网抓住狮子35. bring some water quickly 很快地拿来些水36.pou

4、r the water into the hole 把水倒入洞中37.write an email to her friend 给她的朋友写封邮件句型:1. The lion laughed loudly .狮子大声地笑了。2. The lion asked sadly .狮子难过地问。3. The mouse said happily .老鼠高兴地说。4. How can you help me ?你怎么能帮助我呢?5. How can I get out ?我怎么才能出去呢?1.He was very large and strong. 他又大又强壮。2.One day, a mouse

5、walked by and woke the lion up.一天,一只老鼠走过把狮子吵醒了。3. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse。狮子很生气并想要吃了老鼠。4. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天,两个男人用一个大网抓住了狮子。5. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth. 狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬网。6. Soon,the mouse made a big hole in the net with his t

6、eeth. 很快,老鼠用他的牙齿在网上钻了个洞。7. From then on,the lion and the mouse became friends. 从那时起,狮子和老鼠成为朋友。8. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily.萨姆和波比正开心地在打乒乓球。9.Youre really good at table tennis.你真的很擅长于打乒乓球。10. Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly.比利和威利为他们大声地喝彩。11. He brings some water quickly and

7、pours it into the hole.他快速地拿来一些水并把它倒入洞中。12. Finally,Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 最后,萨姆和波比在地上找到一个洞。语法知识点1.复数: mouse-mice foot-feet tooth-teeth man-men 2.some day 某一天(只用于将来时)3.过去式:wake-woke say -said let-let catch-caught see-saw get-got become-became bite-bit make-made read-read tell-told

8、take-took 4. 形容词变副词:副词是指在句中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。一般加ly : 如excited -excitedly quiet-quietly loudloudly sad-sadly quick-quickly careful-carefully beautiful- beautifully以辅音+y结尾的,要变y为i+ly : 如happyhappily angry-angrily 形副相同:fastfast hardhard early-early highhigh late-late不规则变化:g

9、ood-well5.形容词修饰名词,放在名词前,如: a happy boy a beautiful girl 副词修饰动词, 放在动词后,如: say happily dance beautifully6.be good at +名词 / Ving 善于,擅长。如:Bobby is good at English . Bobby擅长英语。 Bobby is good at drawing. Bobby擅长画画。三、句子1. The mouse woke the lion up.1)划线Who woke the lion up?2)一般疑问句:Did the mouse wake the li

10、on up?肯定回答:Yes, he did. 否定: No, he didnt.3) 否定句: The mouse didnt wake the lion up.2. The men caught the lion with a large net.划线:How did the men catch the lion?3. The lion and the mouse became good friends.划线:What did the lion and the mouse become?4. The lion wanted to eat the mouse.划线:What did the

11、lion want to do?Unit 2 Good habits一 基础知识部分 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词) 词组:1. a good boy 一个好男孩 2. have many good habits有许多好习惯3. some bad habits一些坏习惯 4. get up early 起床早5. go to bed late 睡觉晚 6. never go to bed late 从不晚睡觉7. brush ones teeth刷某人的牙 8. finish ones homework 完成某人家作9. do ones homework late 很晚做某人的家作 10. p

12、utin order把整理得井井有条11. put his things in order 把他的东西整理得井井有条 12. before bedtime睡觉前13. after dinner 晚饭后 14. listen to his teachers 听他的老师们说15. listen to me/ you /him/her/us/听我/你/他/她/我们说 16. feel sleepy in the morning早晨感到困17. keep his room clean and tidy保持他的房间干净而整齐 18. do well 做得好19. know me / you /him/h

13、er well很了解我/你/他/她 20. last night/yesterday evening昨夜21. have breakfast on time按时吃早饭 22. help his parents 帮助他的父母亲23. feel sleepy 感觉困 24. pick one 挑选一张25. run/walk fast 跑/走得快 26. run very slowly跑得很慢27. wash ones face 洗脸 28. come to see her 来看望她29. show around带参观 30. show you around our house带你参观我们的房子31. go into the living room 走进客厅 32. big and clean又大又干净33. small and nice又小又好看 34. see a lot of toys on the floor 看见许多玩具在地板上35. under/behind the bed在床下面/后面 36. whose bedroom 谁的卧室37. sing well/badly 唱得好/差 38. be bad f



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