全新版大学进阶英语unit1 语言点

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1、Language Focus一、Text生词slow down: 减速;放慢生活节奏e.g. The doctor has told him to slow down or hell risk a heart attack.医生要他放慢生活节奏,不然会有心脏病突发之虞。property: n. possession(s); land and buildings 财产;房地产e.g. Yes, Ive bought my own house Im now a man/woman of property!对,我买房了如今我也是有房产的人了!self-sufficient: a. able to p

2、rovide everything one needs by oneself, without help from other people 自给自足的e.g. I dont believe/think that that country, due to the climate, could ever be self-sufficient in food.在我看来,由于气候因素,那个国家不可能实现粮食自足。accomplish: vt. complete successfully; achieve 完成;实现e.g. The new coach told the press that he b

3、elieved his team could accomplish great things.新教练向媒体表示,他相信该队会取得优秀成绩。set about: start (doing sth.) esp. in a determined way 开始;着手e.g. It would be much better to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it.如果公开承认问题并着手解决,那就要好多了。agent: n. 代理人;代理商e.g. Unhappy tourists pointed the finger at the un

4、helpful travel agents.深感不满的游客纷纷谴责那些听之任之、毫不作为的旅行社。learn of: become aware of (sth.) through information or observation 获悉;听说e.g. It was really a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.闻知其婚讯,喜出望外。inquire: v. ask for information 询问e.g.I thought it might be rude to inquire about her ex-husband.打听她前夫的

5、事我觉得未免鲁莽。Mrs. Tuck called half an hour ago to inquire whether her order was ready.特克太太半小时前来电询问她的订单是否已完成。available: a. (of things) that can be used or obtained 可使用的;可得到的e.g. Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?这个周末你们还有双人客房吗?whatsoever: ad. used after a negative phrase to add emphasis

6、to the idea that is being expressed 任何(用于否定句中以加强语气)e.g. There is no evidence whatsoever to show that this is in fact the case.没有任何证据表明情况属实。utility: n. (usu. pl.) public service such as the supply of water, electricity, gas or a bus or rail network 公用事业e.g.Does your rent include utilities?你的房租有没有包括水电

7、燃气?Utility prices, including water, electricity and gas, rose by 5.6 per cent.水电燃气等公共事业费用上涨5.6%。haul: v. pull (sth. heavy) slowly and with difficulty 拖;拉e.g. They hauled the boat up onto the beach.他们把小船拖上了海滩。locate: vt. set or establish in a given position; find the place or position of (sth. or sb.

8、) 使坐落于; 找出(某人或某事物的)准确位置或地点e.g.The cottage was located in the middle of a forest.小屋坐落在森林深处。The missing boy was located by police in the woods.警察在林子里找到了失踪的孩子。put in: present (sth.) formally 正式提出e.g. Theyve put in a bid(出价)for the company/a bid to buy the company.他们开价意欲收购公司。go out: come to an end; stop

9、 burning or shining 停止;不再燃烧或发光e.g. There was a power cut and all the lights went out.停电了,灯火都熄了。setback: n. sth. that delays or prevents a process from developing 挫折e.g. Falling share prices may be another setback for the troubled economy.股价下跌会给困境中的经济雪上加霜。be familiar with: have a good knowledge of 熟悉

10、e.g. He is quite familiar with the history of the auto/IT industry.他非常了解汽车行业/信息技术行业的发展历史。system: n. a set of connected things or devices that operate together 系统;组合装置e.g. Hot water circulates through the heating system.热水循环于整个供暖系统。ins and outs (of sth.): the detailed or complicated facts of sth. 细节,

11、详情e.g. Being an outsider, I dont know the ins and outs of the matter.我是局外人,对这事的前因后果不甚了解。generate: vt. produce; cause (sth.) to exist or occur 产生;引起e.g. The wind farm may be able to generate enough electricity/power for 2,000 homes.这个风力发电站足以为2000户居民提供用电。consist of: be made up of or formed from 由组成e.g

12、. The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.该队由四名欧洲人、两名美国人组成。adjustment: n. a change in sth. that makes it better, more accurate, or more effective 调整;调节e.g. She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera.她对相机焦距略作调整。take sth./sb. for granted: expect sb. or sth. to be always

13、available when you need them and never think how important or useful they are; fail to appreciate 认为理所当然;不知感恩e.g.Many people take for granted their seemingly endless supply of safe, clean water for daily needs.很多人都觉得日常所需、源源不断的安全、清洁供水是理所当然的。One of the problems with relationships is that after a while

14、 you begin to take each other for granted.常见的情感问题是,两人相处一段时间后就觉得一切都是理所当然的。laundry: n. clothes and sheets that need to be washed or that have been newly washed 要洗的衣物;洗好的衣物e.g. Why dont you help your mother do the laundry?你为什么不帮着你妈妈洗洗衣物?in use: being used 被使用;在使用中e.g. Is the washing machine in use righ

15、t now?洗衣机有人在用吗?plug in: connect (sth.) to an electricity supply with a plug 将插进插座e.g. The printer will begin to work as soon as you plug it in.只要插上插头,打印机就开始工作。diligent: a. showing care and effort in ones work or duties 勤奋的;认真刻苦的e.g. Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing the case.他们的律师尽心尽力地为案子做准备。in addition (to): also, as well (as) 另外;此外e.g. In addition (to the names on the list) there are six other applicants.(除了名单上的那些人,)另外还有其他六名申请人。trash: n. waste materials or things that are no longer wanted or needed 废物;垃圾e.g. He


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