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1、【高中英语】必修一 Unit 1 Friendship2010-3-29 15:23:52同步学习 一、本单元词汇upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. 使不安;使心烦ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视calm vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系loose adj. 松的;松开的Netherlands n. 荷兰German adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的 n. 德国人;德语series n. 连续;系列outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外dusk

2、n. 黄昏;傍晚thunder vi. 打雷;雷鸣 n. 雷;雷声entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地power n. 能力;力量;权利curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布dusty adj. 积满灰尘的partner n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人settle vi. 安家;定居;停留 vt. 使安居;安排;解决suffer vt.&vi. 遭受;忍受;经历highway n. 公路;大路;美高速公路recover vi.&vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得pack vi.&vt. 捆扎;包装;打行李 n. 小包;包裹suitcase n.

3、 手提箱;衣箱overcoat n. 大衣,外套teenager n. 十几岁的青少年exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地disagree vi. 不同意grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的dislike n.&vt. 不喜欢;厌恶tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt. 倾斜;翻倒swap vt. 交换item n. 项目;条款add up 合计calm down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来have got to 不得不;必须be concerned about 关心;挂念walk the dog 遛狗go through 经受;经历set down 记下;

4、放下;登记a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套on purpose 故意in order to 为了at dusk 在黄昏时刻face to face 面对面地no longer/ notany longer 不再suffer from 遭受;患病get/be tired of 对厌烦pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包get along with 与相处,进展fall in love 相爱;爱上join in 参加;加入 二、重点词汇讲解1. add v(1)“增加;添加”,如:Please add something to what Ive said, John约翰,

5、请对我说的话做点补充吧。What he did has added to our difficulties他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。(2)“相加”,如:Add up these figures for me, please请帮我把这些数字加起来。You must learn to add and subtract in arithmetic.学算术要学会加法和减法。【常用词组】add in“算入;包括”add on“加到上;附加;包括”add to“增加;加到”add up“加起来;总计;和预期产总数相等;口有意义,有道理”add up to“总计共达;(总起来看)等于说;意味着”,如:T

6、he cost added up to 100 million yuan费用总计达一亿元。 2calm (1)v.“使安静;平静;镇静”,如:The mother calmed the baby by giving him some milk.孩子的母亲给他牛奶,使他安静下来。 calm down“(使)安静下来”,如: We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting and crying. 我们试图使他安静下来,可是他仍然不停地叫喊着。(2)adj.“(海洋,天气等)平静的,安静的,无风浪的;(人)沉着的,镇静的”,如:The calm sea

7、 gave no hint of the storm that was coming.平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即将来临。Weather that is preceded by a storm is generally calm.暴风后的天气大都平静。 The pilots calm manner eased the passengers fears.飞行员镇定自若的举止消减了乘客们的恐惧。 3concern(1)n.“所关切的事;有利害关系的事”,如:Your school work, rather than your private life, is my concern. 我所关心

8、的是你的学业,而不是你的私人生活。 Our chief concern at the moment is the weather.眼前我们最关心的事是天气。“担心;挂念;担忧”+for/about,如: I felt no concern about/for his safety. 我不担心他的安全。(2)vt.“与有关;涉及;感兴趣于;从事;参与;干预;使担心;使忧虑”,如: The problem concerns all of us.这个问题涉及到我们所有人。【常用词组】as concerns“关于”as far asbe concerned“关于;至于;就而言”be concerned

9、 about“关心”be concerned over/at sth.“为某事忧虑”be concerned in sth. “和某事有牵连”be concerned with “牵涉到;与有关;参与”,如:He seemed to be concerned with the case.他看起来与此案有关。 4cheat(1)v. “欺骗;作弊”,如:Any student caught cheating will have to leave the classroom任何被发现作弊的学生将被赶出教室。We all judge it wrong to cheat in examination.我们都认定考试作弊是错误的。“骗;骗取”cheat a person“骗人”cheat sb.(out) o



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