酒店服务指南最新版本 (2).doc

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1、.尊敬的宾客:欢迎阁下光临新紫金酒店!新紫金酒店竭诚为宾客缔造舒适、雅致、便利、亲切的生活空间,我们将以殷勤的服务令您有宾至如归的感受,为阁下提供完善的住宿、餐饮、桑拿、醋疗养生、休闲、娱乐、商务等服务。如阁下有任何需要,请与大堂经理联系,我们将随时为您效劳。 祝阁下有一个愉快的旅程! 新紫金酒店 Dear Guest: Welcome to the Xin Zijin Hotel! Our facilities have been designed for comfort and convenience amidst a cozy,friendly and healthy atmospher

2、e of home away from home .We are very pleased to have you with us and trust that you will take Xin Zijin Hotel as your second home in Shanxi. For further information or assistance , please do not hesitate to contact our Asst . Manager who will be delighted to hear from you . Wishing you a most pleas

3、ant stay with us ! 住宿须知尊敬的宾客: 根据太原市公安局公布的相关法例,所有住客必须遵守以下住宿规定: 1、阁下办理入住登记手续时,必须出示有效合法的身份证明文件:如居民身份证、护照等有效证件。 2、访客必须得到酒店和宾客允许,并经验证登记后方可进入客房。 3、不准私自让访客留宿或转让床位,如临时外出住宿时,应事先通知酒店前台。 4、严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒和放射性等危险物品带入酒店。5、严禁在客房内使用酒精炉、煤油炉、电炉或电气设备进行煮食或其他用途。 6、携带枪支、武器等入住,必须如实登记并交当地公安机关保存。 7、严禁在酒店宿娼卖淫、吸毒贩毒、走私贩私、非法兑换外币、贩

4、运传播淫秽物品、聚众赌博、流氓斗殴等违法犯罪活动。 8、自觉遵守酒店各项卫生规定,不准携带宠物或一切腐烂有碍卫生的物品进入酒店。 9、旅客携带之贵重物品,请自行妥善保管或存放于前台设立的免费保管箱内。如在房间或酒店公共场所遗失任何贵重物品,本酒店概不负责。 消防应急措施 如阁下于下榻酒店时万一遇上火警,本酒店在防火安全方面有严格的要求及完善防御措施。请阁下细阅此页,目的是让您于酒店发生火警时安全撤离。首要事项:1、清楚所在楼层走火通道的位置。2、清楚火警报警铃及灭火器的位置。 3、细阅客房门后的应急出路指示图。当发现火警时: 1、 敲响就近的火警报警铃。 2、 通知话务员火警发生的准确地点。

5、3、 在可能的情况下,把火警附近的门关闭,以防浓烟涌入。 4、 切勿试图扑救大火,灭火器只能扑灭小火。 5、 如火势不能控制,请尽快携带房间钥匙离开火警现场。 6、 请保持镇定,逃离火警现场,到达安全区域。当听见火警铃响时: 1、 观察房间情况,保持镇定。2、 开门逃生时,请先把手放在门外探测门外的温度。 3、 先开一线门缝以测试浓烟程度,如遇上浓烟时尽快把房门关上。 4、 如火势不大或没有浓烟,请靠近墙边走向最近的走火通道。 5、 如走火通道未被浓烟包围,请尽快跑到地面。切勿利用电梯逃生。6、 如四周火势恶劣,请尽快跑回房间,那里就是你最安全的地方。当在紧急情况阁下必须留在房间时,请注意:1

6、、 通知话务员你当时所在位置。 2、 利用湿毛巾或湿床单把所有门隙及通风塞住。 3、 利用缸、废纸箱或冰桶等盛水,把身上衣服弄湿。 4、 在等待外界救援时,请保持镇静。 WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF FIREIt is extremely unlikely that you will be involved in a fire while staying with us . Prosperity Business Inn meets strict fire codex requirements and has taken every precaution to protect y

7、ou from being harmed by such event . This leaflet , which outlines fire proceeding , is one of the precautions . Please take a few moments to read and understand it . FIRST THING FIRST 1、 Locate exitus convenient to your room .2、 Find the fire alarms and extinguishers in your area . 3、 Check the bui

8、lding evacuation plan posted on the back of your front door . WHEN YOU NOTICE A FIRE 1、 Pull the nearest fire alarm . 2、 If possible , shut doors around the area to prevent fire from spreading . 3、 Call the hotel operator to report the fire and its location . 4、 Do not attempt to fight an uncontroll

9、able fire , Use fire extinguishers on small fire only . 5、 If the fire is intense , leave the building and MAKE SURE YOU TAKE YOUR ROOM KEY WITH YOU . 6、 Keep calm ,do not rush , and proceed to the lobby and street level through the fire escape staircase . WHEN YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM1、Evacuate your

10、 room and keep calm. 2、Test the front door handle for outside heat intensity with your hand before opening the door . 3、Slightly open the front door to check the hallway for smoke , If t here is heavy smoke , shut the door quickly and stay inside your room .4、If there is little or no smoke , head fo

11、r the nearest exit , staying close to the wall. 5、Test exit door for outside rest . If stairway is free of smoke , go down to the ground level . DO NOT USE ELEVATORS AS FIRE EXITS . 6、If exits are unsafe , return to your room . It is the safest place for you . WHEN YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR ROOM 1、Call

12、the operator and give your location . 2、Use wet towels , sheets , etc to stuff all door cracks and air vents against hailing smoke . 3、Fill the bath tub with water and utilize the waste baskets or ice bucket etc for the same . 4、Keep calm while waiting for help . 服务指南HOTEL SERICES订房电话:0351-5985555 订

13、餐电话:0351-5955555前台服务 电话分机:8888Cuest Service Manager Ext: 8888如需服务请与当值大堂经理联系。For any assistance,please contact us.行李服务 电话分机:8000Luggage Service Ext: 8000为您提供24小时行李服务以及贵重物品寄存服务,如需服务请联系前厅部。Our24hours bellboys provide you luggage service and valuables storage.For any assistance,please contact us.接待服务/问询

14、服务 电话分机:8008Reception/Information Ext: 8008提供24小时的接待/问询服务。Located in the lobby,our receptionists provide you24hours service.商务中心 电话分机:8011Business Center Ext: 8011位于大堂,提供商务、订票、邮件、打印、传真服务,服务时间:每日8:0021:00,酒店传真:0351-5918888Locates in the lobby,our Business Center service provide you business service,t

15、ickets booking Seruice Time:08:00-21:00,hotel Fax:0351-5918888订房服务 电话分机:6666Reservation Ext:6666酒店提供24小时订房服务,订房电话:0351-5985555We provide you24hours reservation service,tel:0351-5985555.房务中心 电话分机:8015HouseKeeping Ext: 8015您若需要增加房内用品或服务请于房务中心联系。If you need any additional room supplies and services HouseKeeping .饮用水Drinking Water如需饮用开水请用房内开水器。Please make use of the electric thremos if you need some hot water.大堂保险箱Lobby Safe 大堂接待处出为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。酒店对留在客房内物品的任



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