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1、教学课题Module 6 A Famous storyUnit 1 She was sitting by the river授课日期课型Listening and speaking课时安排2第_1_课时教 学 目 标知 识 与 技 能1. Master the following words and expressions: Suddenly, rabbit, party, fall (fell, fallen) , hole, strange2. Master the following everyday English: How is it going? Go on! I see. Let

2、 me guess3. Learn a new tense: The Past Continuous Tense4. Master the following prep: About关于, by在旁边, with带着拿着, past超过, in在里面, on 在上面过程与方法Step 1. GrammarStep 2. VocabularyStep 3. TextStep 4. Exercises态度情感价值观1. Be able to get more familiar with the western countries and their culture through fairy ta

3、les and the introduction of masterpieces2. Be able to share feelings with the charecters in the stories. Bring up the ability of empathize while apreciating the stories.重点难点How to use the past continuous tense.教学方法Top-down Approach教学手段Tape recorder学生预习内容1. Words and expressions of Module 6 Unit 12.

4、Present continuous tense教 学 步 骤 和 过 程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Revise “ the present continuoes tense” and lead-in “the past continuous tense”.Step2 Learn some words and expressions.Step3 Introduce the character in the story. Step4 Act. 2 Let the students understand the diologue with the pictures.1. Practise

5、 using “ the past continuous tense”.2. Activity 4: Match the words with the expressions in Act.4.3. Act.1: Listen and number the charecters.4. Read after the tape.5. Complete the table in Act.3.1. To master the use of the past continuous tense2. To master the new wordsand expressions. 3. Help studen

6、ts understand the diologue while listening4. Practise listening ability教 学 步 骤 和 过 程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step5 Sum-up(the teaching aims and demands)Step6 Do exercises on the sheet about Prep.Step7 HomeworkLet the students sum-up5. To train students ability of sum-up and self study6. Help student get deeper impression of what we have learned板书设计Title1. Grammar 3. charecters in the story 4. everyday English _ _ _2. vocabulary _ _ _ _课后作业P 43-Act. 5课后辅导措施课后反思



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