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1、2013-2014北京九中初二期中单选:1. She is the _ student in our class.A. tall B. taller C. more tall D. tallest2. You are lucky to have a friend like her _ you.A. helps B. help C. helping D. to help3. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of _century.A. twelve B. the twelfth C. the twelve D. the eleven4. Wh

2、at were you doing at that time? We _ about the vacation plans.A. are talking B. were talking C. talked D. have talked5. She is _ and can play the piano _ well.A. beautiful; pretty B. beautifully; much C. beautiful pretty D. beautiful; much6. I dont feel _ the cleaning.A. enough well to do B. well en

3、ough to do C. well enough doing D. enough well and do7. It isnt right _ the minks(水獭)_ their fur(皮).A. to kill; with B. to kill; for C. killing ; with D. killing; for 8. The idea of going to New York for vacation makes me _.A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. be excited 8. What we need is _ the anim

4、als.A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. to be protected9. We found _ necessary to protect the environment.A. it B. this C. that D. 10. This book is _ .Most of the teachers are _ in it.A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interestingC. interested; interesting D. interested; interested 11.

5、 Usually Xiao Li spends _ time doing homework than Xiao Chen does.little B. less C. few D. fewer12. Could you please stop _ so much noise?to make B. making C. made D. to making13. Did her mother hear her _ English when she passed?speak to B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak14. I think Jack can _ all t

6、he runners in the country.beat B. win C. hit D. hurt九中 1. This book is about a boy _(call) TOM Sawyer. 2. The girl was sitting by the river with a book. _(sudden) a white rabbit ran past her.3. She saw it _(go) down a large rabbit hole in the grounD. 4. Shall I read the text once or _(two)? 5. Alice

7、 _(look) into the room but no one was there.6. My cold is growing _(bad) 7. The street is _(crowd) and noisy. 8. She _(show) grat interest in American dramA. 9. Our room is not cleaner than the _(twins) 10. Tom _(play) volleyball at half past four yesterday afternoon.1. 老舍尤其以他的话剧茶馆而闻名。 Lao She _ his

8、 play Teahouse.2. 你介意和我一起做这件事吗? Do you _ this with me?3. 请把这些椅子拿走。 Please _.4. We _the meeting if we stay any longer.5. 到那里要花12个小时。 It _.6. 你在中国呆的越久,就会越喜欢它。 _ you stay in China, _ you will like it.7. 周围太黑了,她什么也看不见。 Its _ see anyting.8. 我们想要拯救濒危动物。 We want _ animals _.9. 这条街的今天有一家商店。 There is a shop

9、_ the street.10. 去购物对于我们来说很无聊。 Its _.九中The story happened long time ago. Deep in the mountains, near a village, lived an old man who could carve (雕刻) the most _ elephants out of stones. People from all over the world came to that village to buy the old mans elephants. Museums put his works on _ for

10、everyone to see. One winter a young sculptor came to see the old man. “Please,” he said, “Could you show me how to carve elephants?” “My boy,” said the old man, “I cant show you how to carve elephants. I can only show you how to carve stones.” For many _, he worked hard. Finally, one evening, as bri

11、ght autumn leaves danced in the wind, the old man said, “Youve _ well, my boy. You can cut and carve and polish (抛光) as well as I do. There is no more for me to teach you.” “ _ there is more for me to learn,” said the young man, who still could not carve elephants. “Let me _ you for one more season.

12、” The young man looked and looked, but all he saw were blocks of stones. “Where are the elephants?” he asked. “Cant you see them?” asked the old man. “They are in the stones. You see, I do not carve elephants. I only carve stones.” “What do you mean?” asked the young man. “I mean that I _ the elepha

13、nts in the stone. When I can see them well, I carve _ the stone to set the elephants free. Then everyone can see them. Cant you see anything in those three blocks of stones?” The young man looked and looked again. “No,” he said at last, “I see _ in those three. But I see something in that large one

14、you set by the door.” “Are you sure?” asked the old man, _ his head sadly, “There is no elephant in that block of stone.” The young man _ , “I do not see an elephant,” he said. “In that block of stone I see a tiger.” And picking up his _ , the young sculptor went to work to set the tiger free. 1. A.



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