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1、2020年小学英语六年级下册期中考试卷 姓名_ 得分_1、 听音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分) ( )1.A. hall B. tall C. fall ( )2.A. look B. left C. short ( )3.A. smaller B. shorter C. longer ( )4.A. mouth B. maths C. both ( )5.A. thinner B. funnier C. dinner ( )6.A. bigger B. longer C. stronger ( )7.A. wash B. watch C. warm ( )8.A. yesterday B.

2、 today C. Weekend ( )9.A. drink B. drank C. Drinking ( )10.A. last B. fast C. post2、 听音,判断句子对错,相符的 “T”,不相符的 “F”。(10分) ( )1.Sarah cooked noodles last Sunday. ( )2.Sarah watched TV last Sunday. ( )3.Sarah did her homework last Sunday. ( )4.Sarah is going to visit her grandparents next Sunday. ( )5.Sar

3、ah played the violin last Sunday.3、 听音选答句。(5分) ( )1.A.Size 16 B.1.65 meter C.65 kilograms ( )2.A.Im 50 kilograms. B.My shoes are size 36. C.Im 12. ( )3.A. Yes, he is. B. John. C. Toms. ( )4.A. Yes, I am. B.No, he doesnt. C. Yes, he is. ( )5.A. Hes watching the sun. B He likes watching the sun. C. He

4、 wants to watch the sun.4、 听音,补全单词。(5分)w W w . Hello, Im Coco. Im eleven _ old. Im 1.62 _ tall. Im _ Lily. Im 50 kilograms. Im _ ,too.五、英汉互译。(5分)更年轻的_ 看书 _ 看电影 _ 昨晚 _ the day before yesterday _ 六、按要求写词语。(5分) big(比较级) wash(过去式) sleep(过去式) have(过去式) live(过去式) 七、选出与所给单词发音相同的单词。(5分) ( )1、yes A、 fly B、ye

5、llow( )2、big A、 his B、five( )3、bed A、 pen B、he( )4、fork A、 horse B、work( )5、slow A、 now B、grow八、单项选择。(15分)( )1. What_your grandpa do yesterday?A. do B. did C. does ( )2. Lily usually out on weekends . A. go B.goes C.went ( ) 3. was your last weekend ? A.How B.What C.Where( ) 4. I had a cold yesterda

6、y. But I feel _now. A.good B.well C. better ( )5. you go to work bus yesterday ?A.do /by B.Did/ by C.Did/at( ) 6. How heavy is an elephant? A、5 kilograms. B、5 tons. C. 5 metres. ( )7. My fatheris than_ . A、tall/ me B、taller/me C. taller/I( )8. There are_dinosaurs over there.A. much B. a lot C. a lot

7、 of ( ) 9. Lets a film this afternoon. A. see B. saw C. watch( )10. My legs are _than yours.A.higher B. longer C. taller( )11. Today is Monday.The day before yesterday was_.A. Sunday B. Saturday C.Friday( ) 12. Amy is 8 years old , Im 12 years old. Im _than Amy.A. younger B.older . C.taller.( )13. I

8、 wanted _my clothes last weekend.A. to clean B. washed C. to wash( ) 14. I dont like _. A. swim B. swiming C.swimming( ) 15. Mike stayed _home_Sunday.A. to / last B. at / yesterday C. at/last 九、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(10分)( )1. How are you ? A. It was fine.( )2. How was your weekend? B. Im fine.( )3. What siz

9、e are your shoes? C. Im 40 kg. .( )4. How heavy are you? D. Yes .I did( )5. Did you have a cold? E. Size 7.十、补全对话(10分)A: ? B: It was Saturday. A: ? B: I went to visit my cousin. A: ? B: I went by bike. A: ? B: I played computer game with my cousin. A: Did you eat good food in your cousins home?B: .

10、It was delicious.A. What did you do yesterday?B. How did you go there? G. Yes, I did.C. What day is today? D. What did you do there?E.What day was yesterday?F.Did you play computer game with your cousin? 十一、阅读理解。根据短文的意思,选择最合适的答案。(10分)Jimmy and Jack are good friends. Jimmy is seven years old. Jack is

11、 eight years old. Jimmy is 130cm tall. He is 5cm shorter than Jack. They usually go to school by bus,but yesterday they didnt. They walked to school.Jack walked faster than Jimmy. They are in the same class. They both work hard. Jimmy is good at English. His English is better than Jacks. Jack likes math. His maths is the best in their class.( ) 1. Jack is _ years older than Jimmy. A. 1 B. 2 ( ) 2. Jack is _ tall. A. 125cm B. 135cm ( ) 3. Jimmy walks _than Jack. A. slower B. faster ( )4. They are in the _class. A. some B.same ( ) 5. Jacks math is _ than Jimmy. A



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